Project Details
Re-Os dating of micrometric Os-rich alloys and sulfides in mantle xenoliths from the Slave Craton: implication for craton formation processes and the Early Earth evolution
Professorin Dr. Ambre Luguet
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
from 2009 to 2014
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 142501733
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2012) Understanding the evolution of the cratonic mantle: Re-Os dating on single grain sulfides in Somerset mantle xenoliths. 1st European Mineralogical Conference (Frankfurt, Germany)
Bragagni A., Luguet A., Pearson G. D., Fonseca R. O. C. and Kjarsgaard B. A.
(2013) Insight on formation and evolution of cratonic mantle: Re-Os dating of single sulfides from Somerset mantle xenoliths (Rae Craton, Canada). Mineralogical Magazine, 77(5) 760
Bragagni A., Luguet A., Pearson G. D., Fonseca R. O. C. and Kjarsgaard B. A.
(2014) Highly siderophile elements and Os isotopes in single sulfides in peridotite xenoliths from the Kangerlussuaq area, S.W. Greenland. 6th Lherzolite Conference (Marrakech, Morocco)
van Acken D., Luguet A., Pearson D.G., Nowell G.N., Fonseca R.O.C., T.J. Nagel T.J.
(2015) Mineralogical control of Selenium, Tellurium and some highly siderophile elements in the Earth’s mantle: Evidence from mineral separates of ultra-depleted mantle residues. Chem Geol. 396, 16-24
König S, Lorand JP, Lissner M, Bragagni A & Luguet A
(2015). Highly siderophile elements and 187-Os/188-Os in individual sulfides by isotope dilution. 25th Goldchmidt Conference (Prag, Czech Republic)
Bragagni A, Fonseca R.O.C., van Acken D, Speelmanns I.M, Heuser A and Luguet A
(2015).. Investigating metasomatic effects on the 187Os isotopic signature: A case study on micrometric base metal sulfides in metasomatised peridotite from the Letlhakane kimberlite (Botswana). Lithos 232, 35-48
Wainwright AN, Luguet A, Fonseca ROC & Pearson DG