Single-crystal X-ray high-pressure crystallography in excess of 1000°C using new laser and internal heating devices
Fachliche Zuordnung
Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung von 2009 bis 2014
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 141007372
Aim of this research proposal is to establish a system for single-crystal diffraction onfour-circle diffractometer in a combination with a transferable, portable laser-heatingsystem which is attached to a diamond-anvil cell (DAC), but also the implementation of aDAC with a heatable composite gasket dedicated for single-crystal application. We intendmeasurements at conventional pressures (0-50 GPa) in the temperature regime>1000°C. The feasability study of technical possibilities will be tested on the Huber 5042inhouse-diffractometer at Heidelberg, which is equipped with a suitably large andmechanically stable Eulerian cradle. Tests will involve the limits in diffractometry, inparticular the access in reciprocal space and restrictions in applying state-of-the-art 8-position centering procedures for high-precision lattice measurements. The so developedtechnique is supposed to be transfered to synchrotron beamlines. In the scope of thisproject we intend to apply the technical developments to investigate the structuralfeatures of orthorhombic boron and CaSiO3 perovskite by means of in-situ X-raydiffraction on single crystals, with respect to the high-temperature structural stability ofthe new boron phase, and the structural mechanism of the transition in perovskite