There is a rapidly growing need for small torque realization with reduced uncertainty in science and industry, mainly driven by miniaturization. Key example is the automated mounting of miniaturized joints in many industrial applications, such as computer hardware, endodontic equipment, prosthetics, watches and others. To satisfy this demand there is a fundamental research need to establish a new primary standard as a base for a reliable chain of traceability. The challenging goal is to reach an expanded relative uncertainty Ur, of 1×10-5 (k = 2), for a nominal torque range of 1mNm – 1Nm, thus overcoming the current limitation by one order of magnitude. The National Metrology Institutes of Germany and Finland, PTB and MIKES, played a leading role establishing the present standards of torque measurement, representing the state of the art, ahead of other metrological institutes in the world. Both have declared a strong interest to cooperate in this project. The same is true for the Brazilian Metrological Institute INMETRO that started to investigate in torque realization and metrology. The integration of the competences of all partners in metrology, precision engineering, mechatronics and precision manufacturing offers a unique opportunity to set up new standards in measurement of small torques, thus making an important contribution for the sustainable development of the German-Brazilian production technology. The development of advanced fundamentals in measurement and realization of small torque are intended in the first period. A second period is necessary for a “proof of concept” based on demonstrators to be designed and built.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection