Thermisches Spritzen von PTA-Werkstoffsystemen

Applicant Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernhard Wielage
Subject Area Materials Engineering
Term from 2009 to 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 133283007

Project Description

In many industrial applications, HVOF-sprayed cermet coatings are used for the protection from abrasive or erosive wear stress. In the recycling of steelwork dusts by briquetting, a number of parts work under thermal, abrasive, erosive and mechanical loads which are typically combined. To enable reliable service of thermally sprayed coatings under these conditions, a maximum toler-ance towards mechanical loads must be provided by means of optimised coating adhesion. Fur-thermore, resistance against abrasives or erosives under oxidising atmospheres at elevated tem-peratures has to be ensured. Thus, the main goal is an increase in coating bond strength under the described conditions and therefore an increased damage tolerance to avoid spalling of the coating after local overstress. The application of multilayer coatings by using spray parameters that are op-timised regarding the coating residual stresses is one possible way. Additionally, enhanced adhe-sion at the inner boundaries of the coating system shall be induced by pre-annealing at working temperature under unstressed conditions.
DFG Programme Research Grants