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GRK 1324:  Model-based Development of Technologies for Self-organising Information Systems in Application for Disasters Management

Subject Area Computer Science
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13124548
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Im Graduiertenkolleg METRIK „Modellbasierte Entwicklung von Technologien für selbstoRganisierende Informationssysteme im Katastrophenmanagement" erforschten Informatiker und Geo-Wissenschaftler verschiedener Institute gemeinsam anwendungsorientiert eine besondere Art der drahtlosen Kommunikation und Kooperation von Computern sowie die zielgerichtete Analyse erfasster Daten. Durch Verwirklichung von Prinzipien der Selbst-Organisation und durch Einsatz preiswerter (aber flächendeckender) Sensorik wurden durch das Graduiertenkolleg neue Horizonte bei der Entwicklung geo-spezifischer Monitoring-, Informations- und Alarmierungssysteme eröffnet, die Umweltprozesse in Raum und Zeit analysieren. Die erforschten Netzarchitekturen zeichneten sich dadurch aus, dass sie ohne eine (aufwändige) zentrale Verwaltung auskommen und sich an Veränderungen der Umgebung anpassen können. Sowohl die Erweiterung solcher Netze als auch ein begrenzter Ausfall von Rechnern und Sensoren schränkte die Arbeitsfähigkeit des Gesamtsystems nicht grundsätzlich ein. Dabei hatten die dafür zu entwickelnden IT-Technologien insbesondere im Kontext eines Katastrophenmanagements nicht nur Anforderungen hinsichtlich ihrer funktionalen Korrektheit, sondern auch hinsichtlich ihrer Zuverlässigkeit und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit zu berücksichtigen. Nach einer ersten Phase des Graduiertenkollegs (2006 bis 2010) konnte eine Reihe der bis dahin entwickelten METRIK-Technologien über weitere METRIK-begleitende Projekte mit dem Deutschen GeoForschungszentrum Potsdam, gefördert durch die EU und das BMBF, in prototypische Monitoring-Systeme umgesetzt werden. Eine der überzeugenden Anwendungen der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit stellte die modellbasierte Entwicklung des Prototyps eines neuartigen Erdbebenfrühwarnsystems für die stark von seismischen Aktivitäten bedrohte Region Istanbul dar, welcher in der zweiten Phase vom Geoforschungszentrum in weiteren asiatischen Ländern in Minimalkonfigurationen erfolgreich zum Gebäude- bzw. Brückenmonitoring eingesetzt worden ist. In der zweiten Phase (ab 2010) wurden die METRIK-Technologien konsolidiert und erweitert. Aspekte der Sicherheit, der Mobilität von Sensoren in Gestalt drahtlos kommunizierender Flugroboter, der dynamischen Anpassung des Systems hinsichtlich des momentanen Datenverkehrs durch intelligente Wechsel von Frequenzbändern für die Datenübertragung und eingesetzter Kommunikations- und Abstimmungsregeln beim kooperativen Zusammenwirken der Diensterbringer kamen hinzu. Schließlich wurden Problemlösungen für den Umgang mit großen Mengen erfasster Sensordaten notwendig. Flächendeckend sollten so Daten mittels spezifischer Sensorik zur Erfassung von Temperatur, Luftfeuchte, Verschmutzung, Verkehrsdichte, Energiebedarf, radioaktiver Belastung usw. erfasst und mit anderen geospezifischen Daten abgeglichen werden, die für die Überwachung und Beeinflussung von Umwelt, Gesundheit, Verkehr, Sicherheit und Entwicklung einer städtischen Metropole nicht nur in Extremsituationen von Bedeutung sind. Aus diesem Grund verzahnte sich das Graduiertenkolleg zusätzlich mit der DFG-Forschergruppe Stratosphere, um zu untersuchen, wie das komplexe Informationsdatenmanagement mithilfe dynamisch gebildeter Computer-Cluster (Clouds) noch besser umgesetzt werden kann. Um nun Umweltprozesse insbesondere auch für die Metropole Berlin prototypisch untersuchen zu können, wurde vom Graduiertenkolleg mit Beginn des Jahres 2011 ein Testnetz am Campus Adlershof der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin als drahtloses Maschennetzwerk mit 120 Indoor- und Outdoor-Knotenrechner aufgebaut. So bildete in der zweiten Phase die Untersuchung von Grundproblemen einer dynamischen Erfassung und Aggregation von Raum-Zeit-Messungen sowie einer automatischen Ereignisanalyse von Datenströmen einen neuen Schwerpunkt.


  • A Semantic Meta-Modelling Framework with Simulation and Test Integration. ECMDA Workshop on Integration of Model Driven Development and Model Driven Testing, Frauenhofer, Bilbao 2006
    Hajo Eichler, Michael Soden, Markus Scheidgen
  • Analysis Techniques for Service Models. In Second International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation, 2006 (ISoLA 2006), 15-19 November 2006, Paphos, Cyprus, pages 11-17, November 2006
    Wolfgang Reisig, Dirk Fahland, Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Christian Stahl, Daniela Weinberg, Karsten Wolf, Kathrin Kaschner
  • Aspect-Orientation for Prolog. LOPSTR 2006 (Preproceedings), Venedig, Italien, 2006
    Wolfgang Lohmann, Günter Riedewald, Guido Wachsmuth
  • Challenges for Model-Driven Development of Self-Organising Disaster Management Information Systems. International Research Training Groups Workshop 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2006
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Falko Theisselmann, Guido Wachsmuth
  • CMOF-Model Semantics and Language Mapping for MOF 2.0 Implementations. 4th MBD and 3rd MOMPES Workshop, IEEE, Potsdam 2006
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Comparison of redundancy schemes for distributed storage systems, IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2006
    Peter Sobe, Kathrin Peter
  • Construction of efficient OR-based deletion-tolerant coding schemes, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2006
    Peter Sobe, Kathrin Peter
  • DARQ – Federated Queries with SPARQL. Poster, Berliner XML Tage, Berlin, 2006
    Bastian Quilitz, Andy Seaborne
  • Flexible definition of data and redundancy layout for storage systems, Sixth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-6), Coimbra, Portugal, 2006
    Kathrin Peter, Peter Sobe
  • Implementing the eODL graphical representation. 5th Workshop on System Analysis and Modelling, Kaiserslautern, Springer, 2006
    Joachim Fischer, Andreas Prinz, Markus Scheidgen, Merete S. Tveit
  • Medical Image Processing in MediGRID, German eScience Conf. (GES), Baden-Baden, Germany, 2006
    Samatha Kottha, Dagmar Krefting, Dietmar Sommerfeld, Thilo Ernst, Andreas Hoheisel, Ulrich Sax, Yassene Mohammed, Fred Viezens, Anette Weisbecker, Jürgen Falkner, Julian Bart, Thomas Steinke, Kathrin Peter, Michal Vossberg
  • Model Pattern for Model Transformations in Model Driven Development. 4th MBD and 3rd MOMPES Workshop, IEEE, Potsdam 2006
    Markus Scheidgen
  • NaDiNe-Deich: Ein Geoinformationsservice für das Katastrophenmanagement. Ch. Clemen (ed.): Entwicklerforum Geoinformationstechnik 2006: Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 27-36, 2006
    Falko Theisselmann, Sören Haubrock, Sergiy Vorogushyn, Doris Dransch
  • Pattern Based Composition of Languages. poster, MODELS, Genoa 2006
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Self-Organizing Information Systems for Disaster Management; In 3. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Ortsbezogene Anwendungen und Dienste, Technical Report, Free University of Berlin, September 2006
    Artin Avanes, Timo Mika Gläßer, Markus Scheidgen
  • Service Composition and Deployment for a Smart Items Infrastructure. The 14th Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CooPIS), pages 10-11, November 2006
    Holger Ziekow, Artin Avanes, Christof Bornhövd
  • A Fault-Taxonomy for Service-Oriented Architecture. 10th IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE'07), Dallas, Texas, USA, 2007
    Stefan Brüning, Stephan Weißleder, Miroslaw Malek
  • A Fault-Taxonomy for Service-Oriented Architecture. Informatikbericht #215 (Technical Report), HU Berlin, 09/2007
    Stefan Brüning, Stephan Weißleder, Miroslaw Malek
  • A Formal Approach to Adaptive Processes using Scenario-based Concepts. In Kees van Hee, Wolfgang Reisig, Karsten Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Formal Approaches to Business Processes and Web Services (FABPWS'07), Siedlce, Poland, pages 71-85, University of Podlasie, June 2007
    Dirk Fahland
  • A Modelbased Standard for SDL, In 12th SDL Forum, Paris, Springer, 2007
    Andreas Prinz, Markus Scheidgen, Merete Skelton Tveit
  • Adaptation Browser for MOF. WRT 2007, Berlin, Deutschland, 2007
    Guido Wachsmuth
  • Automatic Test Generation from Coupled UML Models using Input Partitions. MoDeVVa'07, Associated with MoDELS'07, Nashville, TN, USA, 10/2007
    Stephan Weißleder, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
  • C- Sharp 3.0 makes OCL Redundant. In Modelling Systems with OCL, part of 10th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS/UML), 2007
    David H. Akehurst, W. Gareth Howells, Markus Scheidgen, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier
  • Combining compression, encryption and fault-tolerant coding for distributed storage, 21th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2007), Long Beach, California, USA, 2007
    Peter Sobe, Kathrin Peter
  • Cooperative Positioning with MagicMap. Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2007 (WPNC'07), Hannover, March 22, 2007
    Stefan Brüning, Johannes Zapotoczky, Peter Ibach, Vladimir Stantchev
  • Deriving Input Partitions from UML Models for Automatic Test Generation. IEEE-Proceedings of MoDELS'07, ISBN 978-3-540-69069-6, 2007
    Stephan Weißleder, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
  • Distributed Service Deployment in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. The 4th IEEE Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous), pages 1-8, August 2007
    Artin Avanes, Johann-Christoph Freytag, Christof Bornhoevd
  • Energy-aware compilation for Wireless Sensor Networks (6 Seiten), MidSens 07: International Workshop on Middleware for Sensor Networks, 2007
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Enhanced Information Retrieval from Narrative German-language Clinical Text Documents using Automated Document Classification. Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics - Building Sustainable Health Systems (MEDINFO- 07), Brisbane, Australia, August 2007
    Stephan Spat, Bruno Cadonna, Ivo Rakovac, Christian Gütl, Hubert Leitner, Günther Stark, Peter Beck
  • Erasure-tolerant codes for rule-based grid storage systems, 1st Baltic Conference on Advanced Topics of Telecommunications, Riga, Latvia, August, 2007
    Kathrin Peter
  • Human Comprehesible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics. European Conference on Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications, Haifa, Springer, 2007
    Markus Scheidgen, Joachim Fischer
  • HUODINI - Flexible Information Integration for Disaster Management. 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Delft, NL, 05/2007 (revised version submitted to Special Issue of IEEE DSonline), 2007
    Dirk Fahland, Timo M. Gläßer, Bastian Quilitz, Stephan Weißleder, Ulf Leser:
  • Index Support for SPARQL (Poster Paper). European Semantic Web Conference, Innsbruck, AU, 2007
    Ralf Heese, Ulf Leser, Bastian Quilitz, Christian Rothe
  • Metamodel Adaptation and Model Co-adaptation. ECOOP 2007, Berlin, Deutschland, 2007
    Guido Wachsmuth
  • Methoden und Werkzeuge zur Verfügbarkeitsermittlung. Informatik-Bericht Nr. #219, Institut für Informatik, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2007
    Miroslaw Malek, Günther A. Hoffmann, Nikola Milanovic, Stefan Brüning, Reinhard Meyer, Bratislav Milic
  • Model Coupling and Test. In Dagstuhl "zehn plus eins", Aachen, Verlagshaus Mainz, 2007
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Modeling and Verifying Declarative Workflows. In Dagstuhl ''zehn plus eins'', Aachen, pages 135, Verlagshaus Mainz, 2007
    Dirk Fahland
  • Modelling the Operational Semantics of Domain-Specific Modelling Languages. GTTSE 2007, Braga, Portugal, 2007
    Guido Wachsmuth
  • Prototyping and Simulating Domain-Specific Languages for Wireless Sensor Networks (23 Seiten), Informatikbericht #217 (Technical Report), HU Berlin, 2007
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Prototyping Domain-Specific Languages for Wireless Sensor Networks (15 Seiten), ATEM'07: 4th International Workshop on Software Language Engineering, 2007
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Service-Oriented Architectures for Natural Disaster Management. CIG/ISPRS: Proceedings of the Joint CIG/ISPRS Conference on Geomatics Solutions for Disaster Management, CIG/ISPRS Joint Conference (Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2007), 2007
    Sören Haubrock, Falko Theisselmann, Doris Dransch
  • Services as a Paradigm of Computation. In Cliff B. Jones, Zhiming Liu, Jim Woodcock, editors, Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems, Essays in Honor of Dines Bjorner and Chaochen Zhou on the Occasion of Their 70th Birthdays, Papers presented at a Symposium held in Macao, China, September 24-25, 2007, volume 4700 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 521-538, Springer-Verlag, September 2007
    Wolfgang Reisig, Jan Bretschneider, Dirk Fahland, Niels Lohmann, Peter Massuthe, Christian Stahl
  • Synthesizing Petri nets from LTL specifications - An engineering approach. In Stephan Philippi, Alexander Pinl, editors, Proceedings 14. Workshop Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze (AWPN), Arbeitsbericht aus dem Fach Informatik, Nr. 25/2007, Universität Koblenz-Landau, D, pages 69-74, September 2007
    Dirk Fahland
  • Towards Analyzing Declarative Workflows. In Jana Koehler, Marco Pistore, Amit P. Sheth, Paolo Traverso, Martin Wirsing, editors, Autonomous and Adaptive Web Services, number 07061 of Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007
    Dirk Fahland
  • Using metaprogramming and metamodeling for prototyping middleware abstractions in wireless sensor networks (1 Seite), In Dagstuhl "zehn plus eins", Aachen, Verlagshaus, Mainz, 2007
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Workflow Scheduler for Self-Organizing Information Systems. In Dagstuhl "zehn plus eins", Aachen, Verlagshaus, Mainz, 2007
    Artin Avanes
  • Adaptive und Selbststabilisierende Workflows. In Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Graduiertenkollegs 2008, Trustworthy Software Systems, Berlin, pages 55-56, Gito-Verlag, 2008
    Dirk Fahland
  • Adaptive Workflow Scheduling Under Resource Allocation Constraints and Network Dynamics. The 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), pages 1631-1637, August 2008
    Artin Avanes, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Adopting Meta-modelling for ITU-T Languages: Language Tool Prototypes as a by-Product of Language Specications. SDL Forum Society Event, ITU, Geneva 2008
    Markus Scheidgen
  • An Adaptive Process and Data Infrastructure for Disaster Management. The 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 2008
    Artin Avanes
  • Aspect-oriented Prolog in a Language Processing Context. Software IET 2(3), 2008
    Wolfgang Lohmann, Günter Riedewald und Guido Wachsmuth
  • Automatic component selection with semantic technologies. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE) at ISWC, 2008
    Olaf Hartig, Martin Kost, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Automatic Test Case Generation from UML Models and OCL Expressions. Testing of Software, Associated with Software Engineering 2008, Munich, Germany, 02/2008
    Stephan Weißleder, Dehla Sokenou
  • Cause-Effect Graphs for Test Models Based on UML and OCL. 27. Treffen der GI-Fachgruppen Test and Verification (TAV) und Requirements Engineering (RE), Bad Honnef, Germany, 06/2008
    Stephan Weißleder, Dehla Sokenou
  • Combining Graphical and Textual Editing. European Conference on Model Driven Architecture: Foundations and Applications, Springer, Berlin 2008
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Composition of Model-based Test Coverage Criteria. MBEES'08: Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 04/2008
    Mario Friske, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff, Stephan Weißleder
  • Data Distribution algorithms for reliable, parallel storage on flash memories, In Proceedings of MEMICS 2008, Znojmo, Czech Republic, 2008
    Kathrin Peter
  • Deliverable D4.21 Develop Software for Network Connectivity. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Section 2.1, GFZ Potsdam, 2008
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Jens Nachtigall, Björn Lichtblau, Sebastian Heglmeier, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Deliverable D4.25 Network Optimisation simulator development and testing. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2008
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Jens Nachtigall, Björn Lichtblau, Sebastian Heglmeier, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Designing Survivable Services from Independent Components with Basic Functionality. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dependable Network Computing and Mobile Systems (DNCMS 08), Naples, Italy, pp. 33-38, October 2008
    Andreas Dittrich, Jon Kowal, Miroslaw Malek
  • Domain-Specific Languages for Wireless Sensor Networks (1 Seite). Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Graduiertenkollegs 2008, Trustworthy Software Systems, Berlin, Gito-Verlag, 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Domain-Specific Languages for Wireless Sensor Networks (5 Seiten), Doktorandensymposium der Konferenz Modellierung 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Flexible parameterization of XOR based codes for distributed storage, IEEE International Symposium on Networking Computing and Applications (NCA), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2008
    Peter Sobe, Kathrin Peter
  • Frameworks to Create Language Definitions and Tools on Top of the Eclipse Modelling Project (Poster), EclipseCon 2008, Santa Clara, CA, USA, 03/2008
    Hajo Eichler, Daniel A. Sadilek, Markus Scheidgen, Michael Soden, Guido Wachsmuth, Stephan Weißleder
  • Improving the reusability of spatiotemporal simulation models: using MDE to implement cellular automata. A. Ruas, C. Gold (eds.): Headway in Spatial Data Handling : 13th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 177 – 195, 2008
    Falko Theisselmann, Doris Dransch
  • Integrating Content Assist into Textual Modelling Editors. Modellierung 2008 Berlin; LNI Bonn, 2008
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Model Coupling and Test. In Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Graduiertenkollegs 2008, Trustworthy Software Systems, Berlin, Gito-Verlag, 2008
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Model-based Development of Selforganizing Earthquake Early Warning Systems, In: Joint ITU-T and SDL Forum Society workshop on ITU System Design Languages, ITU-T, Geneva, Switzerland, 2008
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Klaus Ahrens
  • Multi-label Text Classification of German Language Medical Documents. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (MIE-08), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2008
    Stephan Spat, Bruno Cadonna, Ivo Rakovac, Christian Gütl, Hubert Leitner, Günther Stark, Peter Beck
  • Oclets - a formal approach to adaptive systems using scenario-based concepts. Informatik-Berichte #223, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2008
    Dirk Fahland
  • Partition-Oriented Test Generation. workshop MoTes (Model-based Testing), Munich, Germany, in conjunction with the annual congress of the Gesellschaft für Informatik, ISBN 978-3-88579-227-7, 09/2008
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Proceedings of the Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling Languages, Im Rahmen der Konferenz Modellierung 2008, Volume 324 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2008.1
    Dirk Fahland, Daniel A. Sadilek, Markus Scheidgen, Stephan Weißleder (editors)
  • Prototyping Domain-Specific Language Semantics (2 Seiten), OOPSLA 2008 Doctoral Symposium, 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Prototyping Visual Interpreters and Debuggers for Domain-Specific Modelling Languages (16 Seiten), ECMDA'08: Fourth European Conference on Model Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications, 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Guido Wachsmuth
  • Quality of Automatically Generated Test Cases based on OCL Expressions. ICST 2008, Lillehammer, Norway, 04/2008
    Stephan Weißleder, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
  • Querying Distributed RDF Data Sources with SPARQL. 5th European Semantic Web Conference Tenerife, Spain, 2008
    Bastian Quilitz, Ulf Leser
  • Refinement Transformation Support for QVT Relational Transformations. MDSE 2008, Berlin, Deutschland, 2008
    Thomas Goldschmidt, Guido Wachsmuth
  • Representation of Temporal Logic Formulae in Zing. CS&P 2008: Concurrency, Specification and Programming, September 2008
    Jan Calta
  • Reusable Simulation Models: An MDE-approach to Spatiotemporal Modeling with Cellular Automata. 11th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2008, L. Bernard, A. Friis-Christensen, H. Pundt, I. Compte, (eds.), 2008
    Falko Theisselmann, Doris Dransch
  • Reusing State Machines for Automatic Test Generation in Product Lines. Model-based Testing in Practice (MoTiP), 2008, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8167-7624-6, 06/2008
    Stephan Weißleder, Dehla Sokenou, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
  • Reverse-Engineering a Cryptographic RFID Tag. USENIX Security Symposium 2008: 185-194, 2008
    Karsten Nohl, David Evans, Starbug, Henryk Plötz
  • Self-Organizing Seismic Early Warning Information Network (SOSEWIN): Model-based Prototyping. Conference poster, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 15th to 20th April, 2008, Vienna, Austria, 2008
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz
  • Signalanalyse von Polysomnographien unter Verwendung einer Gridinfrastruktur, GMDS, Stuttgart, Germany, 2008
    Dagmar Krefting, Sebastian Canisius, Kathrin Peter, Thomas Tolxdorff, Thomas Penzel
  • Testing Metamodels (16 Seiten),ECMDA'08: Fourth European Conference on Model Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications, 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Stephan Weißleder
  • The Impact of Adjacent Channel Interference in Multi-Radio Systems using IEEE 802.11. In: IWCMC '08: Proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference. 6th to 8th August 2008, Crete Island, Greece, 2008
    Jens Nachtigall, Anatolij Zubow, Jens-Peter Redlich
  • The Self-Organizing Seismic Early Warning Information Network. Conference poster, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly, 15th to 20th April 2008, Vienna, Austria, 2008
    Sebastian Heglmeier, Björn Lichtblau, Jens Nachtigall
  • Towards Agile Language Engineering (29 Seiten), Informatikbericht #227 (Technical Report), HU Berlin, 2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Markus Scheidgen, Guido Wachsmuth, Stephan Weißleder
  • Towards Automated Testing of Abstract Syntax Specifications of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages. Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (DSML'08), Associated with Modellierung 2008, Berlin, Germany, 03/2008
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Stephan Weißleder
  • Towards Process Models for Disaster Response. In Business Process Management Workshops, International Workshop on Process Management for Highly Dynamic and Pervasive Scenarios (PM4HDPS), co-located with 6th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM'08), volume 17 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Milan, Italy, pages 254-265, Springer, September 2008
    Dirk Fahland, Heiko Woith
  • Transactional Workflows in Self-Organizing Information Systems. In Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Graduiertenkollegs 2008, Trustworthy Software Systems, Berlin, Gito-Verlag, 2008
    Artin Avanes
  • Translating UML2 Activity Diagrams Petri Nets for analyzing IBM WebSphere Business Modeler process models. Informatik-Berichte #226, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2008
    Dirk Fahland
  • Undoing Operational Steps of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages (6 Seiten), DSM'08: The 8th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, 2008
    Tim Hartmann, Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Using Reference Objects to Improve Vision-Based Bearing Measurements, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS 2008, IEEE, Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France, pp. 3939-3945, 2008
    Heinrich Mellmann, Matthias Jüngel and Michael Spranger
  • A finite representation of all substitutable services and its applications. In Kopp, O., Lohmann, N., eds.: Proceedings of the 1st Central- European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2–3, 2009. Volume 438 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 29–34, 2009
    Jarungjit Parnjai, Christian Stahl, Karsten Wolf
  • A Formal Way from Text to Code Templates. FASE 2009, York, Vereinigtes Königreich, 2009
    Guido Wachsmuth
  • A scenario is a behavioral view - Orchestrating services by scenario integration. In Oliver Kopp, Niels Lohmann, editors, Services and their Composition, 1st Central-European Workshop on, ZEUS 2009, Stuttgart, Germany, March 2-3, 2009, volume 438 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 8-14,, March 2009
    Dirk Fahland
  • A Taxonomy of Adaptive Systems, 7th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2009), Ayia Napa, Zypern, Dezember 2009
    Jan Calta
  • An Extensible Language for Service Dependency Management (4 Seiten). SEAA 2009: 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2009
    Siamak Haschemi, Arif Wider
  • Analysis & Construction of Chorematic Diagrams. In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Andreas Reimer
  • Applying Model-Driven Technologies in the Development of Optical Nanostructures (2 Seiten). In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Arif Wider
  • Availability of Data in Locality-Aware Unreliable Networks. In Proceedings of Second International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks MESH2009, Athens, Greece, June 2009
    Joanna Geibig
  • Combining Sequences and State Machines to Build Complex Test Cases. MoTiP: Workshop on Model-Based Testing in Practice, co-located with the 5th ECMDA, Enschede, The Netherlands, 06/2009
    Dehla Sokenou, Stephan Weißleder
  • Component Development and Deployment in Self-Organizing Wireless Networks (1 Seite), In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Siamak Haschemi
  • Constraint Based World Modeling in Mobile Robotics, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), pp. 2538-2543, 2009
    Daniel Göhring, Heinrich Mellmann, Hans-Dieter Burkhard
  • Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs. Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Artin Avanes, Dirk Fahland, Joanna Geibig, Siamak Haschemi, Sebastian Heglmeier, Daniel A. Sadilek, Falko Theisselmann, Guido Wachsmuth, Stephan Weißleder, (Hrsg.)
  • Declarative versus Imperative Process Modeling Languages: The Issue of Maintainability. 1st International Workshop on Empirical Research in Business Process Management (ER-BPM '09) in conjunction with BPM 2009, Ulm, Germany, September 8-10, 2009
    Dirk Fahland, Jan Mendling, Hajo A. Reijers, Barbara Weber, Matthias Weidlich, Stefan Zugal
  • Declarative versus Imperative Process Modeling Languages: The Issue of Understandability. In John Krogstie, Terry Halpin, Erik Proper, editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD'09), volume 31 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer-Verlag, June 2009
    Dirk Fahland, Daniel Lübke, Jan Mendling, Hajo Reijers, Barbara Weber, Matthias Weidlich, Stefan Zugal
  • Deliverable D4.20 Network Optimisation simulation for combined standard and low cost seismic network integration. Proposal for network optimization. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Section 2.1, GFZ Potsdam, 2009
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Jens Nachtigall, Björn Lichtblau, Sebastian Heglmeier, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Deliverable D4.22 Middleware for Geographical Applications. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin and Section 2.1, GFZ Potsdam, 2009
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Jens Nachtigall, Björn Lichtblau, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Deliverable D4.23 Installation and Operation Guidelines. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin and Section 2.1, GFZ Potsdam, 2009
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Björn Lichtblau, Jens Nachtigall, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Deliverable D4.26 Network Optimisation simulation for combined standard and low cost seismic network integration. Proposal for network optimisation. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Section 2.1, GFZ Potsdam, 2009
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Klaus Ahrens, Björn Lichtblau, Jens Nachtigall, Claus Milkereit, Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi
  • Description of languages based on object-oriented meta-modelling; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2009
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Diffusions-Tensor-Imaging als Gridanwendung - Perfomanzsteigerung und standortunabhängiger Zugang zu leistungsfähigen Ressourcen, GI Jahrestagung, 2009
    Frank Hertel, Dagmar Krefting, Ralf Lützkendorf, Fred Viezens, Andreas Thiel, Kathrin Peter, Johannes Bernarding
  • Distributed erasure tolerant storage with solid state technology, TCPP Ph.D. Forum, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Los Alamitos, California, USA, 2009
    Kathrin Peter
  • Domain-specific Experiment Management (1 Seite), In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, GITO-Verlag, 2009
    Frank Kühnlenz
  • Flexible Failure Handling for Cooperative Processes in Distributed Systems. The 5th IEEE Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing, (CollaborateCom), November 2009
    Artin Avanes, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Formal Analysis of Fault Recovery in Self-Organizing Systems. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2009), Chengdu, China, December 2009
    Jan Calta, Miroslaw Malek
  • Formal Analysis of Fault Tolerance in Self-Organizing Systems. In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Jan Calta
  • Generalizing the data management of three community grids, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 25, 2009
    Stefan Plantikow, Kathrin Peter, Mikael Högqvist, Christian Grimme, Alexander Papaspyrou
  • Influencing Factors in Model-Based Testing with UML State Machines: Report on an Industrial Cooperation. Models (12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering – Languages and Systems), Denver, Colorado, 10/2009
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Information Aggregation: Automatized Construction of Chorematic Diagrams. workshop (GeoViz & The Digital City) 2009, March, Hamburg, Germany, 2009
    Andreas Reimer, Doris Dransch
  • Instantaneous Soundness Checking of Industrial Business Process Models. In Umeshwar Dayal, Johann Eder, Jana Koehler, Hajo Reijers, editors, Business Process Management, 7th International Conference, BPM 2009, Ulm, Germany, September 8-10, 2009, Proceedings, volume 5701 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, September 2009
    Dirk Fahland, Cédric Favre, Barbara Jobstmann, Jana Koehler, Niels Lohmann, Hagen Völzer, Karsten Wolf
  • Language Evolution in Practice: The History of GMF. SLE 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA 2009
    Markus Herrmannsdörfer, Daniel Ratiu und Guido Wachsmuth
  • MediGRID: Towards a user friendlysecured grid infrastructure, Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 25, 2009
    Dagmar Krefting, Julian Bart, Kamen Beronov, Olga Dzhimova, Jürgen Falkner, Michael Hartung, Andreas Hoheisel, Tobias A. Knoch, Thomas Lingner, Yassene Mohammed, Kathrin Peter, Erhard Rahm, Ulrich Sax, Dietmar Sommerfeld, Thomas Steinke, Thomas Tolxdorff, Michal Vossberg, Fred Viezens, Annette Weisbecker
  • Model Transformations to Satisfy All-Configurations-Transitions on Statecharts (10 Seiten), Model-Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVA 2009), Denver, Colorado, USA, 10/2009
    Siamak Haschemi
  • Model-based Development of Self-organizing Earthquake Early Warning Systems. In: I. Troch, F. Breitenecker, eds., Proceedings MathMod Vienna 2009, Vienna University of Technology, pp. CD. 2009
    Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Klaus Ahrens, Ingmar Eveslage
  • Model-driven Development of Environmental Modeling Languages: Language and Model Coupling. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, Berlin, 2009
    Falko Theisselmann, Doris Dransch, Joachim Fischer
  • Model-driven Engineering for Transparent Environmental Modeling and Simulation. Proceedings MATHMOD 09 Vienna, I. Troch, F. Breitenecker (eds.), 2009
    Frank Kühnlenz, Falko Theisselmann, Joachim Fischer
  • Modelling a Debugger for an Imperative Voice Control Language (16 Seiten), SDL '09: 14th System Design Languages Forum, 2009
    Andreas Blunk, Joachim Fischer, Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Modelling Dynamic Component Dependencies (4 Seiten + Poster). 3rd International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN), Kish Island, Iran, 04/2009
    Siamak Haschemi, Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Oclets - scenario-based modeling with Petri nets. In Giuliana Franceschinis, Karsten Wolf, editors, Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Petri Nets and Other Models Of Concurrency, 22-26 May 2009, volume 5606 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Paris, France, pages 223-242, Springer-Verlag, June 2009
    Dirk Fahland
  • ParTeG - A Model-Based Testing Tool, Gesellschaft für Informatik - Group Test And Verification (TAV), 29. Treffen: Testmanagement Meets MBT, Stralsund, Germany, 11/2009
    Stephan Weißleder, Dehla Sokenou
  • Performanzsteigerung von Diffusion Tensor Image Analyse durch Nutzung gridbasierter Workflows, GMDS, 2009
    Ralf Lützkendorf, Fred Viezens, Frank Hertel, Dagmar Krefting, Kathrin Peter, Johannes Bernarding
  • Quantifying Criticality of Dependability- Related IT Organization Processes in CobiT. In Proceedings of the IEEE 15th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 09), Shang-Hai, China, November 2009
    Tobias Goldschmidt, Andreas Dittrich, Miroslav Malek
  • Scalable and Robust Process Execution in Self-Organizing Information Systems. In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik- Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Artin Avanes
  • Semantic-Preserving Test Model Transformations for Interchangeable Coverage Criteria. MBEES'09: Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 04/2009
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Service-oriented Architecture for Environmental Modelling - The Case of a Distributed Dike Breach Information System. IMACS-MODSIM 18th World Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, July 13-17, 2009
    Falko Theisselmann, Doris Dransch, Sören Haubrock
  • Test Models and Coverage Criteria for Automatic Model-Based Test Generation from UML State Machines. In: Dagstuhl 2009 - Proceedings des gemeinsamen Workshops der Informatik-Graduiertenkollegs und Forschungskollegs, Gito-Verlag, 2009
    Stephan Weißleder
  • The challenges of using SDL for the development of wireless sensor networks, In: 14th System Design Languages Forum, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Bochum, Germany, 2009
    Klaus Ahrens, Ingmar Eveslage, Joachim Fischer, Frank Kühnlenz, Dorian Weber
  • The Challenges of using Wireless Mesh Networks for Earthquake Early Warning Systems. In: MESH '09: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Mesh Networks. 18-23 June 2009, Athens, Greece, 2009
    Jens Nachtigall, Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki, Matteo Picozzi
  • The Self-Organising Seismic Early Warning Information System (SOSEWIN). Seismological Research Letters, Volume 80, 750 – 766, September/ Oktober 2009
    Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi, Claus Milkereit, Frank Kühnlenz, Björn Lichtblau, Joachim Fischer, Can Zulfikar, Oguz Ozel
  • The Self-Organizing Seismic Early Warning System. Seismological Research Letters, 80(5):755-771, September 2009
    Kevin Fleming, Matteo Picozzi, Claus Milkereit, Frank Kühnlenz, Björn Lichtblau, Joachim Fischer, Can Zulfikar, Oguz Ozel
  • Using Grammarware Languages To Define Operational Semantics of Modelled Languages (9 Seiten), TOOLS '09: 47th International Conference Objects, Models, Components, Patterns, 2009
    Daniel A. Sadilek, Guido Wachsmuth
  • Web-based management of simulation models - concepts, technologies and the users' needs. IMACS- MODSIM 18th World Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns, July 13-17, 2009
    Sören Haubrock, Falko Theisselmann, Henry Rotzoll, Doris Dransch
  • "Self-Organized Aggregation in Irregular Wireless Networks", in Proc. of the 3rd IFIP Wireless Days Conference WirelessDays2010, Venice, Italy, pp.1-7, 10.2010
    Joanna Geibig, Dirk Bradler
  • A Generic Approach to Run Mutation Analysis (10 pages). TAIC PART 2010 - Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference Practice and Research Techniques, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK, September 2010
    Siamak Haschemi, Stephan Weißleder
  • A Model-based Approach for Transparent Experimentation Workflows, In: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, AlgoSyn 2010, Verlagshaus Mainz, Aachen, 2010
    Frank Kühnlenz
  • Adaptive Motion Control with Visual Feedback for a Humanoid Robot, in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), 2010
    Heinrich Mellmann, Yuan Xu
  • Adaptive Motion Control: Dynamic Kick for a Humanoid Robot, in Rüdiger Dillmann, Jürgen Beyerer, Uwe Hanebeck & Tanja Schultz, ed., Proceedings of the 33rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2010), Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, , pp. 392—399, 2010
    Yuan Xu, Heinrich Mellmann
  • Constructing Replaceable Services using Operating Guidelines and Maximal Controllers. Web Services and Formal Methods (7th International Workshop, WS-FM 2010, Hoboken NJ, USA, September 16-17, 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springerverlag, Berlin, 2010
    Arjan J. Mooij, Jarungjit Parnjai, Christian Stahl, Marc Voorhoeve
  • Efficiency considerations of Cauchy Reed-Solomon implementations on accelerator and multi-core platforms, Symposium on Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing (SAAHPC), Knoxville, USA, 2010
    Thomas Steinke, Kathrin Peter, Sebastian Borchert
  • Ein Erdbebenfrühwarnsystem für Istanbul. VDE Kongress Leipzig, 2010
    Joachim Fischer, Jens-Peter Redlich, Jochen Zschau, Claus Milkereit, Matteo Picozzi, Kevin Fleming, Björn Lichtblau, Frank Kühnlenz, Ingmar Eveslage, Mihal Brumbulli
  • Experimental Dependability Evaluation of Decentralized Service Discovery in Unreliable Networks, 15th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS2010), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 04/2010
    Andreas Dittrich, Felix Salfner
  • Experimental Responsiveness Evaluation of Decentralized Service Discovery. In Proceedings of IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) – Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems (DPDNS) – Atlanta, USA, April 2010
    Andreas Dittrich, Felix Salfner
  • Finding Uniform Strategies for Multi-agent Systems. In: 11th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems. 6245. Lisbon, Portugal, Springer, S. 135-152, 2010
    Jan Calta, Dmitry Shkatov, Bernd-Holger Schlingloff
  • From scenarios to components, Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, veröffentlicht 2010, Eindhoven University of Technology Library, ISBN 978-90-386-2319-1
    Dirk Fahland
  • How to reuse and modify an existing land use change model? Exploring the benefits of languagecentered tool support, In: EnviroInfo 2010 : Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, ed. by Greve, Klaus and Cremers, Armin B., pp. 678 – 688, Universität Bonn, Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8322-9458-8
    Falko Theisselmann, Frank Kühnlenz, Carsten Krüger, Joachim Fischer, Tobia Lakes
  • Lenses for View Synchronization in Metamodel-Based Multi-View Modeling. In: 1st Doctoral Symposium of the International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE- DS-2010), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October 11, 2010, Proceedings,, ISSN 1613-0073
    Arif Wider
  • Modifying a well-established cellular automata modeling approach to simulate urban land use dynamics: exploring benefits of an experiment management. In: Greve, K., Cremers, A., B. (Eds.) EnviroInfo: Integration of Environmental Information in Europe, 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection. Bonn, 2010
    Falko Theisselmann, Frank Kühnlenz, Carsten Krüger, Joachim Fischer, Tobia Lakes
  • NaoTH Software Architecture for an Autonomous Agent, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Standards and Common Platforms for Robotics (SCPR 2010), pp. 316–327, 2010
    Heinrich Mellmann, Yuan Xu, Thomas Krause, Florian Holzhauer
  • ParTeG - Integrating Model-Based Testing and Model Transformations, Software Engineering 2010, Paderborn, Germany, 02/2010
    Dehla Sokenou, Stephan Weißleder
  • Partner datenverarbeitender Services. In: Proceedings of the 17th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets, AWPN 2010, Cottbus, Germany, volume 643 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 154-159, October 2010
    Christoph Wagner
  • Performance Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in an Academic Production Grid, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), Melbourne, Australia, 2010
    Dagmar Krefting, Ralf Lützkendorf, Kathrin Peter, Johannes Bernarding
  • Scheduling Processes In Distributed and Resource-Constrained Systems, Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2010, Zweibgibliothek Naturwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Artin Avanes
  • Simulated Satisfaction of Coverage Criteria on UML State Machines, Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Paris, France, 04/2010
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Static and Dynamic Boundary Value Analysis. MBEES'10: Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, 02/2010
    Stephan Weißleder
  • SWRL-based Access Policies for Linked Data. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web (SPOT2010), 576, 2010
    Hannes Mühleisen, Martin Kost, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Test Models and Coverage Criteria for Automatic Model-Based Test Generation with UML State Machines, Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2010, Zweigbibliothek Naturwissenschaften der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Stephan Weißleder
  • Towards constraint formulation for chorematic schematisation tasks. Geographic Information on Demand: 13th Workshop of the ICA commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, Zurich, 2010
    Andreas Reimer, Joachim Fohringer
  • (2011). Wireless Alarming and Routing Proto-col for Earthquake Early Warning Systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS '11): Workshop on Wire-less Sensor Networks: theory and practice (WSN '11). 7-10 February 2011, Paris, France, 2011
    Jens Nachtigall and Jens-Peter Redlich
  • A Data-Centric Approach to Deadlock Elimination in Business Pro-cesses. In: 3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, volume 705 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 104-111, February 2011
    Christoph Wagner
  • A Language-centered Approach for Transparent Experimentation Workflows. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (CSSim’11). IEEE, Brno, Czech Republic, 09 2011, ISBN 978-80-214-4320-4, 2011
    Frank Kühnlenz
  • A Model-Driven Workbench for Simulation-Based Development of Optical Nanostructures (8 Seiten). Internation Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation. 2011
    Arif Wider, Martin Schmidt, Frank Kühnlenz, Joachim Fischer
  • A Model-Driven Workbench for Simulation-Based Development of Optical Nanostructures, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation, Brno, Czech Republic, 09 2011. – ISBN 978- 80-214-4320-4, 2011
    Arif Wider, Martin Schmidt, Frank Kühnlenz, Joachim Fischer
  • A process chain for the automatised construction of chorematic diagrams. International Cartographic Conference ICC 2011, Paris, 2011
    Andreas Reimer and Doris Dransch
  • An Experimental Facility for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks in Future Internet scenarios, in the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2011), Dalian, China, October 2011
    Oliver Hahm, Mesut Günes, Felix Juraschek, Bastian Blywis, and Nicolai Schmittberger
  • Constructing Re-placeable Services Using Operating Guidelines and Maximal Controllers. In Web Services and Formal Methods, volume 6551 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011
    Arjan J. Mooij, Jarungjit Parnjai, Christian Stahl, Marc Voorhoeve
  • DES-Chan: A Framework for Distributed Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of the Australasian Telecommunication Networks And Applications Conference (ATNAC 2011), Melbourne, November 2011
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Matthias Philipp, Bastian Blywis, Oliver Hahm
  • Dynamic Motion Control: Adaptive Bimanual Grasping for a Humanoid Robot, Fundamenta Informaticae 112(1), 89-101, 2011
    Heinrich Mellmann, Giuseppe Cotugno
  • Equator: Faster Decision Making for Geoscientists, GI-Jahrestagung 2011, Workshop on IT support for rescue teams, Berlin, Germany, 2011
    Lars Döhling, Heiko Woith, Dirk Fahland, Ulf Leser
  • EquatorNLP: Pattern-based Information Extraction for Disaster Response, Terra Cognita 2011 Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 2011
    Lars Döhling, Ulf Leser
  • Erdbebenfrühwarnsystem für Istanbul: Drahtlos kommunizierende Ad-hoc Netze mit Echtzeit-Sensorinformation. Bulletin SEV/VSE 4, p.35-39, 2011
    Joachim Fischer, Jens-Peter Redlich, Jochen Zschau, Claus Milkereit, Matteo Picozzi, Björn Lichtblau, Ingmar Eveslage
  • Experiences from the MANIAC Challenge, in Proceedings of the Australasian Telecommunication Networks And Applications Conference (ATNAC 2011), Melbourne, November 2011
    Heiko Will, Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Jochen Schiller
  • Experimentation Workflow Management. In: Proceedings of the Joint Work-shop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. GITO mbH Verlag, Dagstuhl 2011, 06 2011, S. 243. – ISBN 978-3-942183-36-9
    Frank Kühnlenz
  • External Interference-Aware Distributed Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks, in the Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM), Lissabon, 2011
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Bastian Blywis
  • Filtering Undesirable Service Substitution Behaviors using Filtering Guidelines. In Proceedings of the 3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition, ZEUS 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, February 21-22, 2011, volume 705 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, 2011
    Jarungjit Parnjai
  • Insights from Experimental Research on Distributed Channel Assignment in Wireless Testbeds, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 32-49, 2011
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Matthias Philipp, Bastian Blywis
  • Kohlenstoffspeicher urbaner Wald - eine LiDAR-gestützte Erfassung des städtischen Baumbestands und dessen C-Speicherung in Berlin (Paper). Jahrestagung International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE-D). Berlin, Germany, October 2011
    Johannes Schreyer, Jan Tigges, Tobia Lakes
  • Local Goal Model for a Humanoid Soccer Robot, in Andrzej Skowron Magdalena Kacprzak Marcin Szczuka, Ludwik Czaja, ed., Proceedings of the Workshop on Concurrency, Specification, and Programming CS&P 2011, Białystok University of Technology, Pułtusk, Poland, pp. 353-360, 2011
    Heinrich Mellmann, Marcus Scheunemann
  • Mobiler Leser für den neuen Personalausweis. „Sicher in die digitale Welt von morgen“: Tagungsband zum 12. Deutschen IT- Sicherheitskongress, ISBN: 978-3-3922746-96-6, Herausgeber: SecuMedia, S.227-240, 2011
    Frank Morgner, Dominik Oepen, Wolf Müller, Jens-Peter Redlich
  • Mobiles Szenario für den neuen Personalausweis. In 21. Smartcard-Workshop, 2.-3. Februar 2011, Darmstadt, Deutschland, 179-188. Herausg. Ullrich Waldmann, ISBN 978-3-8396-0215-7, 2011
    Wolf Müller, Frank Morgner, Dominik Oepen
  • On the Feasibility of Distributed Link-Based Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWac), Miami Beach, November 2011
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Matthias Philipp, Bastian Blywis
  • Parallelity in Chorematic Territorial Out-lines. 14th ICA Workshop on Generalisation and Multiple Representation 2011
    Andreas Reimer and Wouter Meulemans
  • PRECIOSA PeRA: Practical enforcement of privacy policies in intelligent transportation systems. In Proc. of the Demo. Session at the Fourth ACM Conf. on Wireless Network Security, 2011
    Martin Kost, Björn Wiedersheim, Stefan Dietzel, Florian Schaub, and Tobias Bachmor
  • Privacy Verification using Ontologies. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Privacy by Design, Vienna, Austria, 2011
    Martin Kost, Johann-Christoph Freytag, Frank Kargl, and Antonio Kung
  • Reliability study of coding schemes for wide-area distributed storage systems, The 19th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processsing (PDP), Ayia Napa, Cyprus, February 2011
    Kathrin Peter
  • Schema-tized Small Multiples for the Visual Comparison of Geospatial Data. Poster for InfoVis at VisWeek 2011, Providence, Rhode Island, Digital Proceedings, 2011
    Andreas Reimer, Andrea Unger, Wouter Meulemans, Doris Dransch
  • Self-Adaptive Wireless Sensor Networks, Doctoral Colloqium at the 9th Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems (SenSys 2011), November 2011
    Michael Frey
  • Sequenced Event Set Pattern Matching. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT-11), Uppsala, Sweden, March 2011
    Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen
  • State-of-the-Art of Distributed Channel Assignment, Freie Universität Berlin, FB Mathematik und Informatik, Tech. Rep. TR-B-11-01, Jan 2011
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Mmatthias Philipp, Bastian Blywis
  • Synthesizing Strategies for Homogenous Multi-Agent Sys-tems with Incomplete Information. In: 12th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi- Agent Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 6814. Barcelona, Spanien: Springer, S. 122-138, 2011
    Jan Calta, Dmitry Shkatov
  • Test-Driven Language Modeling, Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, erschienen 2011, Sierke Verlag, ISBN 3868443282
    Daniel A. Sadilek
  • Towards Combinators for Bidirectional Model Transformations in Scala. In: Post- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE'11), Braga, Portugal, July 3-4, 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 6949, Springer (2011)
    Arif Wider
  • Towards Lenses for View Synchronization in Metamodel-Based Domain-Specific Workbenches. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop “Methodische Entwicklung von Modellierungswerkzeugen” at conference INFORMATIK 2011, Berlin, Germany, October 6, 2011, GI-Edition of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Bonner Köllen Verlag, 2011)
    Arif Wider
  • A Benchmark for Channel Assignment Algorithms in Wireless Testbeds, in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WiNMee), Paderborn, May 2012
    Felix Juraschek, Simon Seif, Mesut Günes, Bastian Blywis
  • A Framework for External Interference-Aware Distributed Channel Assignment, International Journal of Wireless Networks and Broadband Technologies (IJWNBT), vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 40-54, 2012
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Bastian Blywis
  • A Low-cost MIMO Mesh Testbed based on 802.11n, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), France, 2012
    Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki
  • A wireless mesh sensing network for early warning. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(2):538-547, March 2012
    Joachim Fischer, Jens-Peter Redlich, Jochen Zschau, Claus Milkereit, Matteo Picozzi, Kevin Fleming, Mihal Brumbulli, Björn Lichtblau, Ingmar Eveslage
  • Adjacent Channel Interference in IEEE 802.11n, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, France, 2012
    Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki
  • An Architecture for Semantically Enriched Data Stream Mining, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Analytics, September 2012
    Andreas Textor, Fabian Meyer, Michael Frey, Marcus Thoss, Jan Schaefer, Reinhold Kroeger
  • An autonomous flying robot for network robotics, in Robotics, Proceedings of ROBOTIK 2012, 7th German Conference on, pp. 1–5, VDE, 2012
    Christian Blum, Verena V. Hafner
  • Application of regenerating codes for fault tolerance in distributed storage systems, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2012
    Kathrin Peter, Peter Sobe
  • Approaching uncertainties in land use change modeling in the Amazon rainforest with Bayesian Belief Networks. In: 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs). Leipzig, Germany, 2012
    Carsten Krüger, Dennis Funke, Tobia Lakes
  • Automated and Transparent Model Fragmentation for Persisting Large Models, ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages & Systems (MODELS), LNCS Springer, Innsbruck, 2012
    Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow, Joachim Fischer, Thomas H. Kolbe
  • Autonomous Aggregation in Location Aware Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal, 01.2012
    Joanna Geibig, Dirk Bradler
  • CANE: A Controlled Application Environment for Privacy Protection in ITS. In 12th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications (ITST 2012). IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan November 2012
    Stefan Dietzel, Martin Kost, Florian Schaub, Frank Kargl
  • ClickWatch – An Experimentation Framework for Communication Network Test-beds, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, France, 2012
    Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki
  • Consistency and fault tolerance for erasure-coded distributed storage systems, Fifth International Workshop on Data Intensive Distributed Computing (DIDC), Delft, Netherlands, 2012
    Kathrin Peter, Alexander Reinefeld
  • Efficient Event Pattern Matching with Match Windows. Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-12), Beijing, China, August 2012
    Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen
  • EMF Modeling in Traffic Surveillance Experiments, International Workshop on Modeling of the Real World (at MODELS 2012), ACM Digital Library 2012
    Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow
  • From Earthquake Detection to Traffic Surveillance - About Information and Communication Infrastructures for Smart Cities, Keynote Paper in System Analysis and Modeling: Theory and Practice – 7th International Workshop, SAM 2012, Innsbruck, Austria, October 1-2, 2012. Revised Selected Papers; LNCS Springer; 2013
    Joachim Fischer, Jens-Peter Redlich, Björn Scheuermann, Jochen H. Schiller, Mesut Günes, Kai Nagel, Peter Wagner, Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow, Ingmar Eveslage, Robert Sombrutzki, and Felix Juraschek
  • From Earthquake Detection to Traffic Surveillance - About Information and Communication Infrastructures for Smart Cities, System Analysis and Modeling: Theory and Practice - 7th International Workshop, Austria, 2012
    Joachim Fischer, Jens-Peter Redlich, Björn Scheuermann, Jochen H. Schiller, Mesut Günes, Kai Nagel, Peter Wagner, Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow, Ingmar Eveslage, Robert Sombrutzki and Felix Juraschek
  • HWL – A High Performance Wireless Sensor Research Network, IEEE International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), IEEE, Antwerp, 2012
    Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki
  • MAC Diversity in IEEE 802.11n MIMO Networks, Proceedings of the IFIP Wireless Days Conference 2012, Ireland, IEEE, November 21-23, 2012
    Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki, Markus Scheidgen
  • Map/Reduce on EMF-Models, International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and Cloud computing (at MODELS 2012), ACM Digital Library 2012
    Markus Scheidgen, Anatolij Zubow
  • Measurement-Based Interference Modeling Using Channel Occupancy in Wireless Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), San Francisco, June 2012
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Bastian Blywis
  • Mobile smart card reader using NFC-enabled phones. Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems – 4th International Conference, MobiSec 2012, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 25- 26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 107 Springer 2012
    Frank Morgner, Dominik Oepen, Wolf Müller, and Jens-Peter Redlich
  • Modeling Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Deforestation in Brazil with a Bayesian Belief Network Approach. In: Geographic Information Zeitgeist (GIZ). Münster, Germany, 2012
    Carsten Krüger, Dennis Funke, Tobia Lakes:
  • Multi-path OLSR Performance Analysis in a Large Testbed Environment, in 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, Hong Kong, January 2012
    Andrzej Szwabe, Pawel Misiorek, Maciej Urbanski, Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes
  • Network-Wide Broadcasts for Wireless Mesh Networks with Regard to Reliability. Proceedings of 19th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux, November 2012
    Björn Lichtblau, Jens-Peter Redlich
  • Opening the Black Boxes in Data Flow Optimization. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, PVLDB 5(11):1256-1267, Istanbul, Turkey, Juli 2012
    Fabian Hueske, Mathias Peters, Matthias J. Sax, Astrid Rheinländer, Rico Bergmann, Aljoscha Krettek, Kostas Tzoumas
  • Optimization driven Multi-Hop Network Design and Experimentation: The Approach of the FP7 Project OPNEX, IEEE Communications Magazine, Radio Communication Series, vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 122_130, June 2012
    Kostas Choumasa, Stratos Keranidis, Thanasis Korakis, Iordanis Koutsopoulos, Leandros Tassiulas, Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes, Emmanuel Baccelli, Pawel Misiorek, Andrzej Szwabe, Theodoros Salonidis, and Henrik Lundgren
  • Privacy analysis using ontologies. In Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, CODASPY ’12, pages 205– 216, New York, NY, USA, 2012. ACM
    Martin Kost, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Privacy protocol for linking distributed medical data. In W. Jonker and M. Petkovic, editors, Secure Data Management, volume 7482 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 45–57. Springer, 2012
    Daniel Janusz, Martin Kost, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Rear View Camera System for Car Driving Assistance, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Microelectronics (MIEL 2012), Nis, Serbia, May 2012
    Zoran Stamenkovic, Klaus Tittelbach-Helmrich, Jörg Domke, Christian Lörchner-Gerdaus, J. Anders, Vladica Sark, M. Eric, N. Sira
  • sGSA: An SDMA-OFDMA Scheduling Solution, 18th European Wireless Conference, Poland, 2012
    Anatolij Zubow, Johannes Marotzke, Daniel Camps Mur and Xavier Pérez Costa
  • Simulation Configuration Modeling of Distributed Communication Systems. in 7th System Analysis and Modeling Workshop, SAM ’12, 2012
    Mihal Brumbulli and Joachim Fischer
  • Simulation Visualization of Distributed Communication Systems. in Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (C. Laroque, J. Himmelspach, R. Pasupathy, O. Rose, and A. M. Uhrmacher, eds.), WSC ’12, (Piscataway, New Jersey), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2012
    Mihal Brumbulli and Joachim Fischer
  • Solutions for biomedical grid computing – Case studies from the D-Grid project Services@MediGRID, Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 3, 2012
    Frank Dickmann, Jürgen Falkner, Wilfried Gunia, Jochen Hampe, Michael Hausmann, Alexander Herrmann, Nick Kepper, Tobias A. Knoch, Svenja Lauterbach, Jörg Lippert, Kathrin Peter, Eberhard Schmitt, Ulrich Schwardmann, Juri Solodenko, Dietmar Sommerfeld, Thomas Steinke, Annette Weisbecker, Ulrich Sax
  • Towards MAC/Anycast Diversity in IEEE 802.11n MIMO Networks, CoRR abs/1203.2041, 2012
    Anatolij Zubow, Robert Sombrutzki, Markus Scheidgen
  • Towards Smart Berlin - an Experimental Facility for Heterogeneous Smart City Infrastructures, in Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Global Trends in Smart Cities 2012 (goSMART), Clearwater, FL, October 2012
    Felix Juraschek, Anatolij Zubow, Oliver Hahm, Markus Scheidgen, Bastian Blywis, Robert Sombrutzki, Mesut Günes, Joachim Fischer
  • Type-Safe Model Transformation Languages as Internal DSLs in Scala, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT’12), Prague, 2012, LNCS Vol. 7307, LNCS Springer 2012
    Lars George, Arif Wider, Markus Scheidgen
  • Visual Analytics Approach for the Assessment of Simulation Model Output. Poster at the 3rd International Conference on Data Analysis and Modeling in Earth Sciences (DAMES), Potsdam, Germany, Oktober 2012
    Christian Fiebrig, Patrick Koethur, Matthias J. Sax, Mike Sips
  • A Methodology to Evaluate the Optimization Potential of Co-ordinated Vehicular Route Choices. Inter-Vehicle Communication (FG-IVC 2013: 11) 2013
    Daniel Cagara, Björn Scheuermann, Ana LC Bazzan
  • Adaptive Grasping for a Small Humanoid Robot Utilizing Force- and Electric Current Sensors, in Marcin S. Szczuka, Ludwik Czaja & Magdalena Kacprzak, ed., Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P),, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 283-293, 2013
    Heinrich Mellmann, Marcus Scheunemann and Oliver Stadie
  • Aeolus: An Optimizer for Distributed Intra-Node-Parallel Streaming Systems. IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
    Matthias J. Sax, Malu Castellanos, Qiming Chen, Meichun Hsu
  • Approximating the Geographical Area of a Wireless Ad-Hoc Network, in Proc. Of Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Selected Topics in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMob2013, pp. 61-68, Lyon, France; 10, 2013
    Joanna Geibig, Bratislav Milic
  • Autonomous Aggregation in Location Aware Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, in Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing Journal, Wiley-Backwell, February 2013
    Joanna Geibig, Dirk Bradler
  • Behavioral service substitution – analysis and synthesis; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2013
    Jarungjit Parnjai
  • Combining Control Loops and Ant Algorithms to Optimize Network Lifetime, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) , April 2013
    Michael Frey, Mesut Günes
  • Consistency and Fault Tolerance of Distributed Storage Systems, Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, veröffentlicht 2013, epubli GmbH Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8442-5889-9
    Kathrin Sobe
  • Distributed Channel Assignment in Large-Scale Wireless Mesh Networks: A Performance Analysis, in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013
    Felix Juraschek, Simon Seif, Mesut Günes
  • External interference-aware channel assignment, in The 9th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). Cagliari, Italy: IEEE, July 2013
    Felix Juraschek, Mesut Günes
  • Generating Preliminary Edit Lenses from Automatic Pattern Discovery in Business Process Modeling. In: Proceedings of the CAiSE’13 Forum at the 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE), Valencia, Spain, June 20th, 2013, (2013), Vol. 998, 8 pages
    Moisés Castelo Branco, Arif Wider
  • Increased Spatial Dwell-Time for a Hovering Platform Using Optical Flow, Technical Report, 2013
    Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • Interference-Aware Wireless Mesh Networks, in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM) (PhD Forum), Madrid, 2013
    Felix Juraschek
  • libARA: A framework for simulation and testbed based studies on ant routing algorithms in wireless multi-hop networks, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Dezember 2013
    Michael Frey, Friedrich Grosse, Mesut Günes
  • Link Quality Based Forwarder Selection Strategies For Reliable Network-Wide Broadcasts. (in press) 5th IEEE International Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking, June 2013
    Björn Lichtblau, Jens-Peter Redlich
  • Modified Equivalent Time Sampling for Improving Precision of Time-of-Flight Based Localization, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), London, UK, September 2013
    Vladica Sark, Eckhard Grass
  • Neural sensorimotor primitives for vision-controlled flying robots, IEEE/RSJ IROS’13 International Workshop on Vision- based Closed-Loop Control and Navigation of Micro-Helicopters in GPS-denied Environments, November 7, 2013, Tokyo, Japan
    Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • PeRA: Individual privacy control in intelligent transportation systems. In Proceedings of the Demonstration Session at the 15. GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 2013
    Martin Kost, Raffael Dzikowski, Johann-Christoph Freytag
  • Performance Optimization for Distributed Intra-Node-Parallel Streaming Systems. IEEE 29th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW), Brisbane, Australia, April 2013
    Matthias J. Sax, Malu Castellanos, Qiming Chen, Meichun Hsu
  • Refactorings in Language Development with Asymmetric Bidirectional Model Transformations (17 Seiten). SDL Forum: Model-Driven Dependability Engineering. 2013
    Martin Schmidt, Arif Wider, Markus Scheidgen, Joachim Fischer, Sebastian von Klinski
  • Refactorings in Language Development with Asymmetric Bidirectional Model Transformations, 16th International System Design Languages Forum Model-driven dependability engineering, Springer LNCS, Montreal, Canada, June 26-28 2013
    Martin Schmidt, Arif Wider, Markus Scheidgen, Sebastian von Klinski, Joachim Fischer
  • Reference Representation Techniques for Large Models, Workshop paper at BigMDE 2013 (at STAF 2013), Budapest, Hungary, June 17th, 2013, ACM Digital Library, 2013
    Markus Scheidgen
  • Robust exploration strategies for a robot exploring a wireless network, Electronic Communications of the EASST, vol. 56, 2013
    Christian Blum, Verena V. Hafner
  • Routing Directions: Keeping it Fast and Simple, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geo-graphic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL GIS), Orlando FL, USA, November 5-8, 2013
    Dimitris Sacharidis, Panagiotis Bouros
  • Tactile sensors for learning of soft landing on a flying robot, in Workshop: Sensitive Robotics, Robotics: Science and Systems 2013
    Jan Gossmann, Christian Blum, Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • Uncertainty in spatiotemporal modeling of future land- use scenarios. In: Spatial Statistics Conference 2013. Columbus (Ohio), USA, 2013
    Carsten Krüger
  • Unsupervised learning of camera exposure control using randomly connected neural networks, 2nd RED-UAS 2013 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial Systems, November 20-22, 2013, Compiegne, France, 2013
    Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • Voronoi Based Strategic Positioning for Robot Soccer, in Marcin S. Szczuka, Ludwik Czaja & Magdalena Kacprzak, ed., 'Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P)',, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 271-282, 2013
    Steffen Kaden, Heinrich Mellmann, Marcus Scheunemann and Hans-Dieter Burkhard
  • (2014): A Comprehensive Multi-Criteria Model for High Cartographic Quality Point-Feature Label Placement. Cartographica. The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 03/2014; 49(1):52-68
    Maxim Rylov and Andreas Reimer
  • A 60 GHz System for Simultanious Time of Flight Ranging and High-Speed Wireless Data Communication, Proceedings of the Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition - IPSN 2014, Berlin, Germany, April 2014
    Marcus Ehrig, Vladica Sark, Jesus Gutierrez Teran, Markus Petri, Eckhard Grass:
  • A Language-centered Approach to support environmental modeling with Cellular Automata; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2014
    Falko Theisselmann
  • A Resource-Optimized Approach to Efficient Early Detection of Mobile Malware, in 3rd International Workshop on Security of Mobile Applications (IWSMA), pp. 333–340, 2014
    Jelena Milosevic, Andreas Dittrich, Miroslaw Malek, and Alberto Ferrante
  • A Robust Skip-Till-Next-Match Selection Strategy for Event Pattern Matching. Proceedings of the 18th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS-14), Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, September 2014
    Bruno Cadonna, Johann Gamper, Michael H. Böhlen
  • A Software Defined Radio for Time of Flight Based Ranging and Localization, Proceedings of the Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition - IPSN 2014, Berlin, Germany, April 2014
    Vladica Sark, Eckhard Grass
  • A Study in Domain-Independent Information Extraction for Disaster Management, Workshop on Disaster Management and Principled Large-scale information Extraction for and post emergency Logistics (DIMPLE), Reijkjavik, Island, 2014
    Lars Döhling, Jirka Lewandowski, Ulf Leser
  • An Effective Encoding Scheme for Spatial RDF Data, In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), Vol. 7, No 12, 2014
    John Liagouris, Nikos Mamoulis, Panagiotis Bouros, Manolis Terrovitis
  • An evolutionary approach to traffic assignment. Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems (CIVTS), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2014
    Ana LC Bazzan, Daniel Cagara, Björn Scheuermann
  • Assessment of Software Product Line Tests. Software Product Line Analysis Tools (SPLat), 8 pages, Florence, Italy, 09/2014
    Hartmut Lackner, Martin Schmidt
  • Attack of the Ants: Studying Ant Routing Algorithms in Simulation and Wireless Testbeds, Proceedings of the First OMNeT++ Community Summit 2014, September 2014
    Michael Frey, Mesut Günes
  • Bayesian belief networks as a versatile method for assessing uncertainty in land-change modeling. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 29 (1), 111–131, 2014
    Carsten Krüger, Tobia Lakes
  • Building a Transparent Batching Layer for Storm. Technischer Bericht, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, HPL-2013-69, Palo Alto (CA), USA, Juli 2014
    Matthias J. Sax, Malu Castellanos
  • Combined high-resolution ranging and high data rate wireless communication system in the 60 GHz band, Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2014 (WPNC’14), Dresden, Germany, 12-13 March 2014
    Marcus Ehrig, Markus Petri, Vladica Sark, Jesus Gutierrez Teran, Eckhard Grass
  • Design und Management von Experimentier-Workflows; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2014
    Frank Kühnlenz
  • Distributed channel assignment for interference-aware wireless mesh networks; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2014
    Felix Shzu-Juraschek
  • Energy-Aware Ant Routing in Wireless Multi- Hop Networks, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Juni 2014
    Michael Frey, Friedrich Grosse, Mesut Günes
  • ExCovery - A Framework for Distributed System Experiments and a Case Study of Service Discovery, in 28th International Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshops and PhD Forum (IPDPSW), pp. 1314–1323, 2014
    Andreas Dittrich, S. Wanja and Miroslaw Malek
  • Extracting and Aggregating Temporal Events from Text, 4th Temporal Web Analytics Workshop (TempWeb), Seoul, Korea, 2014
    Lars Döhling, Ulf Leser
  • Fast computation of recurrences in long time series, (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-14824, 2014), General Assembly European Geosciences Union, Vienna 2014
    Tobias Rawald, Mike Sips, Norbert Marwan, Doris Dransch
  • Fast Computation of Recurrences in Long Time Series. - In: Marwan, N., Riley, M., Guiliani, A., Webber, C. (Eds.), Translational Recurrences. From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications, (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics ; 103), p. 17-29, 2014
    Tobias Rawald, Mike Sips, Norbert Marwan, Doris Dransch
  • Fast Recurrence Quantification Analysis on GPUs. - In: NOLTA 2014 - International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, p. 325-329, 2014
    Tobias Rawald, Mike Sips, Marwan, Norbert Marwan, Doris Dransch
  • Getting you faster to work: a genetic algorithm approach to the traffic assignment problem. Proceedings of the 2014 conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation companion. ACM, 2014
    Daniel Cagara, Ana LC Bazzan, Björn Scheuermann
  • Gradient-based taxis algorithms for network robotics
    Christian Blum, Verena V. Hafner
  • Intuitive control of small flying robots, in Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Humanrobot interaction, pp. 128–129, ACM, 2014
    Christian Blum, Oswald Berthold, Philipp Rhan, Verena V. Hafner
  • Intuitive control of small flying robots. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-robot interaction (HRI ’14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, 128-129
    Christian Blum, Oswald Berthold, Philipp Rhan, Verena V. Hafner
  • Model-Based Test Design of Product Lines: Raising Test Design to the Product Line Level. IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 10 pages, Cleveland, U.S.A., 4/2014
    Hartmut Lackner, Martin Thomas, Florian Wartenberg, Stephan Weißleder
  • Modeling Responsiveness of Decentralized Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks, 17th International GI/ITG Conference on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems” and “Dependability and Fault-Tolerance”, Bamberg, Germany, March 17-19, 2014
    Andreas Dittrich, Björn Lichtblau, Rafael Ribeiro Rezende, Miroslav Malek
  • Multi-Hypothesis Goal Modeling for a Humanoid Soccer Robot, in 'Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Humanoid Soccer Robots, 14th IEEE- RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2014
    Marcus Scheunemann, Heinrich Mellmann
  • New remote-sensing based approaches for modeling 3D vegetation information for ESS analyses in urban areas (Proceeding). Proc. IEEE-CPS International conference on computional science and its applications, Guimareas, Portugal, July 2014
    Johannes Schreyer, Tobia Lakes
  • Probabilistic Breadth-First Search – A Method for Evaluation of Network-Wide Broadcast Protocols, 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2014, Dubai, UAE, March 30 – April 2, 2014
    Björn Lichtblau, Andreas Dittrich
  • Regionally Influential Users in Location-Aware Social Networks, Poster in Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL GIS'14), Dallas, Texas, USA, November 4-7, 2014
    Panagiotis Bouros, Dimitris Sacharidis, Nikos Bikakis
  • Remote-sensing based approaches for modeling 3D vegetation information in urban areas (Poster). 3rd workshop of the working group evaluation of remote sensing data by the DGPF, Berlin, Germany, October 2014
    Johannes Schreyer
  • Responsiveness of Service Discovery in Wireless Mesh Networks, in 20th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), 2014
    Andreas Dittrich, Daniel Solis Herrera, Pablo Coto, Miroslaw Malek
  • The Stratosphere Platform for Big Data Analytics. The VLDB Journal, Mai 2014
    Alexander Alexandrov, Rico Bergmann, Stephan Ewen, Johann-Christoph Freytag, Fabiean Hueske, Arvid Heise, Ode Kao, Markus Leich, Ulf Leser, Voker Markl, Felix Naumann, Mathias Peters, Astrid Rheinländer, Matthias J. Sax, Sebastian Schelter, Mareike Höger, Kostas Tzoumas, Daniel Warneke
  • Towards an ethical robot: Internal models, consequences and ethical action selection, in Advances in Autonomous Robotics Systems, pp. 85–96, Springer, 2014
    Alan F. T. Winfield, Christian Blum, Wenguo Liu
  • Towards Energy-Aware Ant Routing in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks, Technischer Bericht, Universität Münster, Dezember 2014
    Michael Frey, Mesut Günes, Friedrich Grosse
  • Unsupervised learning of sensory primitives from optical flow fields. In A. P. del Pobil et al., editors, From Animals to Animats 13, volume 8575 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 188-197. Springer International Publishing, 2014
    Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • Using Airborne LiDAR and QuickBird Data for Modelling Urban Tree Carbon Storage and Its Distribution - A Case Study of Berlin. Remote Sensing, 6, 10636-10655, 2014
    Johannes Schreyer, Jan Tigges, Tobia Lakes, Galina Churkina
  • Cartographic Modelling for Automated Map Generation, Dissertation, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2015, Eindhoven University of Technology Library, ISBN 978-90-386-3856-0.
    Andreas Reimer
  • Closed-loop acquisition of behaviour on the Sphero robot, Accepted for Publication in the Proceedings of the European Conference on Artifical Life (ECAL) 2015 Conference, York, UK. MIT Press 2015
    Oswald Berthold, Verena V. Hafner
  • Configurable Software Defined Radio System for two Way Time of Flight Ranging, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics (ISSSE 2015), Gran Canaria, Spain, May 2015
    Vladica Sark, Eckhard Grass
  • Efficient Point-based Trajectory Search, in Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD), Hong Kong SAR, China, August 26-28, 2015
    Shuyao Qi, Panagiotis Bouros, Dimitris Sacharidis and Niko Mamoulis
  • Efficient Top-k Join Processing on Complex Data Types, HKU CS Tech Report TR-2015-03, Dec 2015 (PDF: 41 S.)
    Shuyao Qi, Panagiotis Bouros, Nikos Mamoulis
  • Follow the Pheromone Trail – On Studying Ant Routing Algorithms in Simulation and Wireless Testbeds, Proceedings of the 18th Communications & Networking Symposium, part of the 2015 Spring Simulation Multiconference, SpringSim '15, Alexandria, VA, USA, April 2015
    Michael Frey, Mesut Günes
  • Massively Parallel Analysis of Similarity Matrices on Heterogeneous Hardware. - In: Fischer, P. M., Alonso, G., Arenas, M., Geerts, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2015 Joint Conference (EDBT/ICDT), (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 1330), p. 56-62, 2015
    Tobias Rawald, Mike Sips, Norbert Marwan, Ulf Leser
  • Model-based testing of dynamic component systems; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2015
    Siamak Haschemi
  • Model-driven development and simulation of distributed communication systems; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II, 2015
    Mihal Brumbulli
  • Modes of Inter-network Interaction in Beacon-Enabled IEEE 802.15.4 Networks, Proceedings of the 14th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2015), Juni 2015
    Laura M. Feeney, Michael Frey, Viktoria Fodor, Mesut Günes
  • Partner datenverarbeitender Services; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015
    Christoph Wagner
  • Potential Errors and Test Assessment in Software Product Line Engineering (15 Seiten). ETAPS: 10th Model-Based Testing Workshop. 2015
    Hartmut Lackner, Martin Schmidt
  • Potential Errors and Test Assessment in Software Product Line Engineering. MBT 2015: p. 57-72, 2015
    Hartmut Lackner, Martin Schmidt
  • Service availability and discovery responsiveness – a user-perceived view on service dependability; Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015
    Andreas Dittrich
  • TanDEM-X & UAV data for modeling 3D vegetation information in urban areas (Proceeding & Poster). Published in Proc. IEEE-CPS Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE), Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2015
    Johannes Schreyer, Tobia Lakes
  • Revealing Uncertainties in Land Change Modeling using probabilities. In: Transactions in GIS, Vol 20 Issue 4, August 2016, Pages 526-546
    Carsten Krüger, Tobia Lakes
  • TanDEM-X for large-area modeling of urban vegetation height – Evidence from Berlin, Germany. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE J-STARS), Volume: 9, Issue: 5, May 2016, pp. 1876-1887
    Johannes Schreyer, Christian Geiß, Tobia Lakes

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