Project Details
SPP 1473: Materials with New Design for Improved Lithium Ion Batteries - WeNDeLIB
Subject Area
Materials Science and Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2010 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 130259827
Lithium ion batteries are successfully used as powerful energy systems in laptops, cell phones and devices of consumer electronics. However to accomplish the technical requirements for modern hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles, bigger and more powerful rechargeable lithium ion batteries are necessary. The introduction of this technology as an affordable mass product for mobile applications requires further improvements of energy and power density, voltage capacities, cyclability and lifetime as well as save system operation. Particularly the used battery materials and their structure deeply influence the performance of a battery. Above all, the energetic and reactivity of the materials have to be raised to a higher level for best technical performance.
This requires a completely new structural materials design for all battery components and moreover investigation of the interaction of all these components in the integrated battery system. In the Priority Programme, during the next six years, the relationships of the structures of new battery materials, their thermodynamics and electrochemistry will be investigated. More than thirty research groups at universities and non-university institutions in Germany and Austria are collaborating in a coordinated and interdisciplinary way. The scientific aims of this Priority Programme are: (1) scientific research and providing new active materials for lithium ion batteries of next generation with improved energy and power densities, capacities, cyclability, life time and safety; (2) thermodynamic-kinetic modelling and experimental investigation of heterogenous reactions and phase transformation of active materials relevant for battery performance; (3) correlation of materials characteristics with electrochemical, thermodynamic and kinetic properties; (4) analysis and simulation of reactions of active materials with the electrolyte; (5) aimed improvement of the energetic and thermodynamic stability of the system lithium ion battery by chemical and materials design.
This requires a completely new structural materials design for all battery components and moreover investigation of the interaction of all these components in the integrated battery system. In the Priority Programme, during the next six years, the relationships of the structures of new battery materials, their thermodynamics and electrochemistry will be investigated. More than thirty research groups at universities and non-university institutions in Germany and Austria are collaborating in a coordinated and interdisciplinary way. The scientific aims of this Priority Programme are: (1) scientific research and providing new active materials for lithium ion batteries of next generation with improved energy and power densities, capacities, cyclability, life time and safety; (2) thermodynamic-kinetic modelling and experimental investigation of heterogenous reactions and phase transformation of active materials relevant for battery performance; (3) correlation of materials characteristics with electrochemical, thermodynamic and kinetic properties; (4) analysis and simulation of reactions of active materials with the electrolyte; (5) aimed improvement of the energetic and thermodynamic stability of the system lithium ion battery by chemical and materials design.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
Austria, China
- Coordination Funds (Applicant Seifert, Hans Jürgen )
- Crystal growth and electrochemistry of Lithium-based materials: Investigation of model systems for Li-ion batteries (Applicant Klingeler, Rüdiger )
- Design of an all solid state thin film lithium ion batteryand their electrochemical-thermodynamic modeling and evaluation (Applicants Schneider, Ph.D., Jochen M. ; Seifert, Hans Jürgen )
- Experimental Thermodynamics and Phase Relations of New Electrode Materials for Li-Ion-Batteries Studies in the systems Li-Sb-Sn, Cu-Li-Sb, Li-Si, and Li-Si-O (Applicants Cupid, Damian M. ; Flandorfer, Hans ; Markus, Torsten )
- Kinetics of Li intercalation at amorphous silicon electrodes (Applicants Borchardt, Günter ; Schmidt, Harald )
- Lattice structure, Li-dynamics and ordering phenomena in single crystalline model systems for Li-ion batteries: NMR, x-ray diffraction, and theoretical studies (Applicant Grafe, Hans-Joachim )
- Linking of Model and Commercial Active Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries by In-situ Determination of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Data (Applicant Fritze, Holger )
- Lithium-Schwefel-Hochenergie Akkumulatoren mit reversiblen Matrix-interkalierten Schwefelkathoden (Applicants Beckhoff, Burkhard ; Jacob, Timo ; Stamm, Manfred )
- Nanocomposites as anode materials for lithium ion batteries: Synthesis, thermodynamic characterization and modeling of nanoparticular silicon dispersed in SiCN(O) and SiCO-based matrices (Applicants Albe, Karsten ; Graczyk-Zajac, Magdalena ; Seifert, Hans Jürgen )
- Phase stability of alloy-type lithium storage anode materials (Applicants Rettenmayr, Markus ; Schmid-Fetzer, Rainer ; Song, Xiaoyan )
- Rational tuning and thermodynamic characterization of Lithium silicides and lithium iron phosphate as electrode materials for lithium ion batteries - Calorimetric, kinetic and theoretical investigations of the relations between reactivity, morphology and size effects (Applicants Kortus, Jens ; Mertens, Florian )
- Spatially resolved modeling and characterization of (de-)intercalation in Li-Ion battery materials (Applicants Drautz, Ralf ; Ludwig, Alfred ; Schuhmann, Wolfgang ; Steinbach, Ingo )
- Thermodynamics and kinetics for stabilization of conversion-type electrodes for LIB based on nano 3d transition metal oxide composites (Applicants Ehrenberg, Helmut ; Rafaja, David ; Seifert, Hans Jürgen ; Winter, Martin )
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of lithiation and delithiation of high capacity anode materials at elevated temperatures (Applicants Eckert, Hellmut ; Schmitz, Guido ; Winter, Martin )
Professor Dr. Hans Jürgen Seifert