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SFB 668:  Magnetism from the Single Atom to the Nanostructure

Subject Area Physics
Term from 2006 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13002249
Final Report Year 2018

Final Report Abstract

In the framework of our Collaborative Research Center 668 „Magnetism from Single Atoms to Nanostructures“ we concentrated on fundamental studies of the static spin structure as well as the dynamic magnetic behavior of atoms, molecules, clusters, nanoparticles, nanowires, and lateral nanostructures in contact with surfaces. Though the focus of our research was on fundamental aspects of magnetism down to the atomic scale, the results will be of considerable importance with respect to future applications, for instance, for magnetic sensors, magnetic storage systems and logic elements. In order to be able to reveal magnetic properties down to the atomic scale we developed several new experimental methods, such as single-atom magnetometry for measuring the magnetization of individual atoms and molecules on surfaces, or magnetic exchange force microscopy for imaging atomic-scale spin structures on surfaces of electrically insulating materials. Furthermore, we developed several experimental methods for the investigation of the dynamic behaviour of individual magnetic atoms and nanostructures, for instance, time-resolved spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy, time-resolved scanning electron microscopy with polarization analysis, or time-resolved X-ray microscopy techniques. In parallel to the development of new experimental methods for the investigation of magnetism on the atomic- and nano-scale, we pushed forward the theoretical tools for treating atomic-scale magnetic systems interacting with surfaces. For more complex magnetic systems we applied appropriate simulation tools for describing their behavior on the relevant length and time scales. Based on the world-wide leading position of our Collaborative Research Center with respect to investigations of atomic and nano-scale magnetic systems we could make several fundamental discoveries, such as chiral spin spirals, magnetic skyrmion lattices and individual nano-scale magnetic skyrmions in ultrathin magnetic films stabilized by interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. Thereby, we have established the novel field of skyrmion-based spintronics which aims at the use of individual skyrmions for magnetic storage and logic applications. Furthermore, by making use of the novel technique of single-atom magnetometry, we could quanti- tatively determine magnetic moments and magnetic anisotropies of single atoms on surfaces, as well as the distance- and direction-dependence of the indirect magnetic exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions down to the atomic scale. Based on this knowledge, we could design and ultimately experimentally realize tailored nanomagnets as well as all-spin atomic-scale logic devices, built up atom-by-atom, thereby demonstrating the ultimate limits of miniaturization of magnetic devices. Simultaneously, we could observe the dynamics of atomic- scale magnetic systems on their intrinsic time scales. Another highlight of our research in the framework of this Collaborative Research Center was the first atomic-scale observation of the spin structure of individual molecular orbitals and the dependence on the molecule-surface interaction. Finally, we achieved the first real-space imaging of the atomic-scale spin structure of surfaces of insulators based on the novel method of magnetic exchange force microscopy. In conclusion, our Collaborative Research Center has contributed significantly to the internationally lively field of nanomagnetism and spintronics and has even initiated new research directions.



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