GRK 1322:
Energy Harvesting für Mikrosysteme
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 13001660
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Wir leben heute in einer hochgradig vernetzten Informationsgesellschaft. Das Internet mutiert zum weltweiten drahtlosen Informationssystem und soll in Zukunft die Kommunikationsplattform für ein „Internet of Things" werden. Ebenso rasant wächst die Zahl der verteilten eingebetteten Informationssysteme in Produktionstechnik, man denke an das Schlagwort „Industrie 4.0“, Gebäudetechnik, Medizintechnik, Sicherheitstechnik oder Verkehrstechnik, ohne die unser heutiges Leben nicht mehr denkbar wäre. In all diesen Szenarien werden zunehmend Funktechniken für die Datenübertragung eingesetzt, da sie wie im „world wide web“, flexible Erweiterbarkeit und Mobilität versprechen. Die Stromversorgung der eingebetteten Sensoren erfolgt jedoch nach wie vor per Kabel oder Batterie. In Fabrikanlagen, Gebäuden und Fahrzeugen sind die Energie- und Datenkabel der verteilten Systeme mittlerweile ein signifikanter Kostenfaktor. Diese Kabelnetze sind störanfällig, schwer und teuer, sie müssen manuell verlegt, erweitert und gewartet werden. Batterien sind nur selten eine brauchbare Alternative. Aus technischer Sicht setzen Temperatur, Vibration oder Korrosion, aus ökonomischer Sicht ihre Wartung und Entsorgung enge Grenzen. Es stellt sich somit die drängende Frage, wie das Energieproblem verteilter eingebetteter Systeme angesichts ihrer wachsenden Komplexität und Verbreitung zu lösen ist.
„Micro Energy Harvesting" ist das Schlagwort für ein völlig neuartiges Konzept, um verteilte Systeme - bevorzugt kleine, robuste und leistungsarme Mikrosysteme - ohne Kabel oder Batterie zuverlässig mit Energie zu versorgen.
Dieses Konzept folgt im Grundsatz den Prinzipien biologischer Energiesysteme. Die benötigte elektrische Energie wird aus der unmittelbaren Umgebung des Systemknotens „geerntet“. Mechanische Energie aus Vibration, Schall oder Strömung kann beispielsweise mit piezoe-lektrischen, elektromagnetischen oder kapazitiven Generatoren gewonnen werden, Wärmeenergie mit thermoelektrischen Wandlern, Energie aus Licht mit Solarzellen und chemische Bindungsenergie mit Bio-Brennstoffzellen. Die gewonnene elektrische Energie wird in einem Speicher gesammelt und über ein intelligentes Energiemanagement so rationiert, dass der Systemknoten seine Aufgabe zuverlässig erfüllt.
Das Graduiertenkolleg GRK „Micro Energy Harvesting“ hatte im Förderzeitraum 2006 - 2017 als Thema die grundlegende Erforschung, Entwicklung und Anwendung von Konzepten und Methoden zur Wandlung, Speicherung und Verteilung von Energie in autonomen Mikro systemen. Das Forschungsprogramm bestand über die gesamte Laufzeit aus 20 parallel ausgeschriebenen Projekten, die in enger Zusammenarbeit die Themengebiete Energiewandlung, Energiespeicherung und Energiemanagement bearbeiteten. Als neues Themengebiet trat ab 2011, in der Fortsetzungsphase, der Systemaspekt energieautarker, eingebetteter Systeme hinzu. Das Studienprogramm wurde konzipiert, um den Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten eine fokussierte Ausbildung auf den o.g. Gebieten zu bieten. Die Stiperidiatinnen und Stipendiaten wurden auf verschiedenen Ebenen, durch Integration in Arbeitsgruppen, durch Nachwuchswissenschaftler und Professoren und Professorinnen, umfassend betreut.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Elektromechanischer Energiewandler basierend auf SOI-Technologie, Proc. VDE/VDI 4. GMM-Workshop Energieautarke Sensorik, Sept. 14-15, 2006, Karlsruhe, Germany. 99-102
U. Bartsch, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Innovative „Energy Harvesting“ Prinzipien zur Wandlung von kinetischer Energie, Energieautarke Sensorik - 4. GMM-Workshop 2006, Karlsruhe, Sept. 14-15, 2006, CD
D. Spreemann, B. Folkmer, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
Tunable Transducer for low frequency vibrational energy harvesting. Proc. Eurosensors 2006, Göteborg, Sept. 17-20, 2006, CD
D. Spreemann, B. Folkmer, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
Advanced numerical modelling of an electromagnetic vibration transducer Proc. PowerMEMS 2007, Freiburg, Nov. 28-29, 2007, 97-100
D. Spreemann, D. Hoffmann, B. Folkmer, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
An Autonomous Wireless Sensor Platform based on Micro Generators. PowerMEMS 2007, Freiburg. Nov. 28-29, 2007, 351-354
D. Maurath, T. Hehn, D. Spreemann, Y. Manoli
Angewandtes .Micro Energy Harvesting-Systemkonzept für energieautarke Mikrosysteme, Proc. Mikro SystemTechnik Kongress 2007, October 15-17, 2007, Dresden, Germany, 797-800
U. Bartsch, C. Bretthauer, T. Hehn, B. Mack, T. Ungan, Y. Manoli, O. Paul, L. Reindl, H. Reinecke, U. Wallrabe, P. Woias
Concept for Harvesting Low Ambient RF-Sources for Microsystems. Proc. PowerMEMS 2007, November 28-29, 2007, Freiburg, Germany, 293-295
T. Ungan, L.M. Reindl
Design and Fabrication of a MEMS Thermoelectric Generator for Energy Harvesting, Proc. PowerMEMS 2007, November 28-29, 2007, Freiburg, Germany. 149-152
T. Huesgen, N. Kockmann, P. Woias
Electrostatic Micro Energy Harvesting Devices based on SOI-Technology, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2007, October 15-17, 2007, Dresden, Germany, 785-788
U. Bartsch, J. Caspar, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Electrostatic Transducers for Micro Energy Harvesting based on SOI-Technology, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2007 & Eurosensors XXI, June 10-14, Lyon, France, 2007. 141-144
U. Bartsch, A. Trautmann, P. Ruther, O. Paul
Elektromechanischer Energiewandler basierend auf SOI-Technologie. Technisches Messen 74 (12), 2007, 636-641
U. Bartsch, P. Ruther. O. Paul
Micro Energy Harvesting durch Mikro-Brennstoffeellen, Proc. Mikro System Technik-Kongress 2007, October 15-17, 2007, Dresden, Germany, 349-352
B. Fleischhauer, A. Kloke, S. Rubenwolf, K. Schuh, C. Schlipf, M. Krüger, L. Hussein, C. Müller, O. Prucker, H. Reinecke, J. Rühe, F. von Stetten, R. Zengerle, P. Woias
Microstructured In-Plane Thermoelectric Generators with Optimized Heat Path, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2007, June 10-14, 2007, Lyon, France, 133-136
N. Kockmann, T. Huesgen, P. Woias
Thermoelektrische Strukturen für wäremoptimierte Dünnschicht-Thermogeneratoren und zur Temperaturmessung, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2007, October 15-17, 2007, Dresden, Germany, 801-804
N. Kockmann, C. Albers, T. Huesgen, P. Woias
A 0.5V Rail-to-Rail 1.5 µW CMOS Amplifier for Micro-Energy Harvesting Applications, Proc. IEEE MWSCAS, Knoxville, USA, Aug. 23-25, 2008. 189-192
D. Maurath, F. Michel, M. Ortmanns, Y. Manoli
A CMOS Integrated Interface for Piezoelectric Generators, Proc. PowerMEMS 2008, Sendai, Japan, 2008, 457-460
T. Hehn, C. Peters, F. Hagedorn, M. Ortmanns, Y. Manoli
A frequency tunable piezoelectric energy converter based on a cantilever beam, Proc. PowerMEMS 2006. November 09-12, 2008, Sendai, Japan. 309-312
C. Eichhorn, F. Goldschmidtböing, P. Woias
A Permeable Foil-Based Thin Layer Oxygen Cathode for Biofuel Cell and Sensor Applications. Proc. 10th World Congress on Biosensors, May 14-16. 2008, Shanghai, China, P2.24
A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, U. Kräling, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
A Single Layer Biofuel Cell as Potential Coating for Implantable Low Power Devices, Proc. Eurosensors XXII, September 7-10, 2008, Dresden, Germany. W1B-4
A. Kloke, B. Biller, S. Kerzenmacher, U. Kräling, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Bausatz für einen modularen Miniatur-Bioreaktor und seine Anwendung als elektrochemische Testzelle für Bio-Brennstoffzellen, Tagungsband des 14. Heiligenstädter Kolloquiums, September 22-24, 2008, Heiligenstadt. Germany, 303-310
A. Kloke, S. Rubenwolf, C. Bücking, J. Gescher, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Bausatz für Reaktoren und Reaktor, Deutsche Patentanmeldung DE 10 2008 047 920. 2008
A. Kloke, S. Rubenwolf, S. Kerzenmacher, F. von Stetten
Capacitive Energy Harvesters, 5. VDI GMM Workshop Energieautarke Sensorik, Düsseldorf, Germany. November 12-13. 2008, CD
H. Kloub, D. Hoffmann, B. Folkmer, Y. Manoli
Capacitive Energy Harvesters, Tagungsband zum 5. VDI-GMM Workshop Energieautarke Sensorik, November 12-13, 2008. Düsseldorf, Germany
H. Kloub, D. Hoffmann, B. Folkmer, Y. Manoli
Characterization of the Charging and Long-term Performance of Cytop Electret Layers for MEMS Applications. Proc. MRS Fall Meeting 2008, December 1-5, Boston, USA. pp. 1134-BB08-17
U. Bartsch, J. Caspar, O. Paul
Comparison of different relative movement directions of magnet and coil in an electromagnetic energy harvester, Proc. PowerMEMS 2008, November 9-12, 2008, Sendai, Japan, 313-316
B. Mack, M. Stürmer. U. Wallrabe
Design and Fabrication of a MEMS Based Metal Hydride / Air Accumulator for Energy Harvesting. International Symposium on Electrochemical Micro & Nanosystems Technologies (EMNT) 2008, Israel
C. Bretthauer, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Design and fabrication of MEMS thermoelectric generators with high temperature efficiency. Sensors and Actuators A 145-146C, 2008, 423-429
T. Huesgen, P. Woias, N. Kockmann
Direct Electron Transfer from Adsorption-Bound Laccase to Different Carbon Based Electrodes, Proc. Tenth World Congress on Biosensors, May 14-16, 2008, Shanghai, China, P2.23
S. Rubenwolf, A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Energieversorgung autarker Mikrosysteme durch Nutzung von HF-Strahlungsquellen, Proc. Ambient Assisted Living, 1. Deutscher Kongress, Technologien - Anwendungen - Management, Jan. 30 - Feb. 01,2008, Berlin, Germany, 433-435
T. Ungan, L.M. Reindl
Energy Capture with Optimized Photovoltaic Cells under Low Lighting Conditions. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), Nov. 20-23, 2012, Besancon, France, 628-630
K. Rühle, L. Reindl, M. Kasemann
Energy Harvesting im Ambient Assisted Living Sector, Proc. Ambient Assisted Living. 1. Deutscher Kongress, Technologien - Anwendungen - Management, Jan. 30 - Feb. 01.2008, Berlin. Germany, 209-313
M. Müller, M. Freunek, L. M. Reindl
Fabrication of a Liquid-Vapor Phase-Change Actuator by Wafer-Level Adhesive Bonding. Proc. Actuator 08, June 9-11, 2008, Bremen, Germany, 770-773
T. Huesgen, B. Albrecht, P. Woias
Generic Scheme for Designing an Adaptive Load Input Matching Charge Pump, Proc. PowerMEMS 2008+ microEMS2008, Dec. 01-03, 2008, Sendai, Japan, 149-152
D. Maurath. M. Ortmanns, Y. Manoli
Harvesting Low Ambient RF-Sources for Autonomous Measurement Systems, Proc. IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference I3MTC, May 12-15, 2008, Victoria, Canada, 145-148
T. Ungan, L.M. Reindl
High Efficiency Low-Voltage and Self-Adjusting Charge Pump with Enhanced Impedance Matching, Proc. IEEE MWSCAS, Knoxville. USA, Aug. 23-25. 2008, 374-377
D. Maurath, M. Ortmanns, Y. Manoli
Highly efficient integrated rectifier and voltage boosting circuits for energy harvesting applications, Proc. Advances in Radio Science, Miltenberg, Germany, 2008. No. 6, 219-225
D. Maurath, C. Peters, T. Hehn, M. Ortmanns, Y. Manoli
Influence of Carbon Fiber Morphology on Direct Electron Transfer, Proc. 213th ECS Meeting, May 18-22, 2008, Phoenix, USA. 205
S. Rubenwolf, O. Strohmeier, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Konzept zur Energieversorgung autarker Mikrosysteme durch Nutzung von HF-Strahlungsquellen, Proc. Sensor und Messsysteme 2008, 14. Fachtagung, March 11-12, 2008, Ludwigsburg, 899-904
T. Ungan, L.M. Reindl
Low thermal conductivity in nanoscale layered materials synthesized by the method of modulated elemental reactants. Journal of Applied Physics 104 (3), 2008, 033533
C. Chiritescu, D.G. Cahill, C. Heideman, Q. Lin, C. Mortensen, N.T. Nguyen, D. Johnson, R. Rostek, H. Böttner
Low-Frequency 2D-Resonators for Vibrational Micro Energy Harvesting Applications, Proc. PowerMEMS 2008, November 9-12, Sendai, Japan, 57-60
U. Bartsch, M. Blattmann, J. Caspar, O. Paul
Low-Power Electronics in Autonomous Systems, Proc. 5. VDI GMM Workshop Energieautarke Systeme, Düsseldorf. Germany. 2008, CD
D. Maurath, C. Peters, T. Hehn, N. Lotze, M. Sherif, D. Mintenbeck, P. Becker, Y. Manoli
Low-Temperature Adhesive Flip-Chip Bonding Using Cytop Combined with Electrical Stud Bump Interconnects, Proc. 19th MicroMechanics Europe Workshop 2008, September 28-30, Aachen, Germany, 411-414
U. Bartsch, T. Huesgen, J. Caspar, P. Woias, O. Paul
Modified model for thermoelectric generators, Proc. European Conference on Thermoelectrics, Paris, France, 2008. P1.29.1-P1.29.4
M. Freunek, L.M. Reindl, W.D. Walker
Novel Ultra-Small Nanoparticies on Nanotube Buckypaper as Eiectrocatalyst for Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells, Faraday Discussion 140: Electrocatalysts - Theory and Experiment at the Interface, 07 - 09 July 2008, Southampton, UK, P028
L. Hussein, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Photo-Crosslinked Redox Polymer Networks for Bioelectrode Applications, 214th Meeting of ECS at the Pacific Rim - Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science (PRiME) 2008. Honolulu, USA, abstract no 2843
C. Schlipf, J. Rühe
Piezoelektrischer Energiewandler mit dynamisch einstellbarer Resonanzfrequenz, Deutsche Patentanmeldung DE102008056127.4-56 (Oktober 2008) und PCT-Anmeldung PCT/EP2009/007959 (November 2009)
Ch. Eichhorn, F. Goldschmidtböing, P. Woias
Reductase activity of outer membrane ctype cytochromes in Shewanella oneidensis, Tagungsband zur Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie und der Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, March 9.-11. 2008, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 91
C. Bücking. S. Rubenwolf, F. von Stetten, J. Gescher
Surface Attached Polymer Networks through Thermally Induced Cross-Linking of Sulfonyl Azide Group Containing Polymers. Macromolecutes 41, 2008, 9284-9289
K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Surface Attached Polymer Networks through Thermally Induced Crosslinking, Proc. 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 6.-10. April, 2008
K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Surface Attached Polymer Networks through Thermally Induced Crosslinking. DECHEMA Tagung: Chemical Nanotechnology Talks IX Bio meets Nano, Frankfurt, 3.-4. November, 2008
K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Surface-attached polymer networks. PMSE Preprints 98, 2008, 676-677
K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
System design of a time-controlled broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting interface circuit, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2015, May 24.-27. 2015. Lisbon. Portugal, 237-240
Y. Cai, Y. Manoli
Ultra-Small Nanoparticles Supported on MWNTs as Catalyst for Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells. Proc. 1st International Conference from Nanoparticies and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosysfems, 16 -18 June 2008, Halkidiki Greece, 136
L. Hussein, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Wafer-Level Dry-Film Photoresist Adhesive Bonding For 3D-MEMS Integration and Packaging, Proc. Micromechanics Europe Workshop 2008, September 28-30, 2008, Aachen, Germany. 255-258
T. Huesgen, U. Bartsch, B. Albrecht, P. Vulto, J. Caspar, P. Woias
A 0.5 V 15µW 1.3MHz Temperature-Compensated PWM-Controller for Switch-Mode Converters, Proc. ASM/IEEE International Symposium on Low-Power Electronic Devices (ISLPED), San Francisco. USA. Aug. 19-21, 2009, 323-326
D. Maurath. C. Andreou, Y. Manoli
A full wafer fabrication process for glass microfluidic chips with integrated electroplated electrodes by direct bonding of dry film resist. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19, 2009, 077001 (5 pp)
P. Vulto, T. Huesgen, B. Albrecht, G. Urban
A Micro Capacitive Vibration Energy Harvester For Low Power Electronics, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC. USA, Dec. 1-4, 2009.165-168
H. Kloub, D. Hoffmann, B. Folkmer, Y. Manoli
A Novel Assembly Method for Silicon-Based Neural Devices, IFMBE Proc. 25/IX World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Munich, Germany, 2009, 107-110
S. Kisban, J. Kenntner, P. Janssen, R. v. Metzen, S. Herwik, U. Bartsch, T. Stieglitz, O. Paul, and P. Ruther
A piezoelectric harvester with an integrated frequency tuning mechanism, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Dec. 01-04, 2009. Washington, USA, 45-48
C. Eichhorn, F. Goldschmidtböing, Y. Porro, P. Woias
A Self-Adaptive Switched-Cap Voltage Converter with Load Control for Energy Harvesting. Proc. IEEE ESSCIRC. Athens, Greece, Sep. 14-18, 2009, 284-287
D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
An efficient low cost electromagnetic vibration harvester Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, December 01-04. 2009, Washington D.C., USA, 320-323
E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
An energy-autonomous wireless temperature monitoring system powered by piezoelectric energy harvesting, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, December 01-04, 2009, Washington. USA, 209-212
P. Woias, M. Wischke, C. Eichhorn, B. Fuchs
An integrated alkaline fuel cell accumulator, Proc. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Conference 2009, Vancouver, Canada, 2009, CD
C. Bretthauer, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Bidirectional frequency tuning of a piezoelectric energy converter based on a cantilever beam, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19 (9), 2009, 094006
C.Eichhorn, F. Goldschmidtböing, P. Woias
Bistabiles Schalten mit einem thermoelektrisch getriebenen thermopneumatischen Aktuator, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009, Berlin, Germany, 801-804
T. Huesgen, J. Ruhhammer, P. Woias
Bistable Switching with a Thermoelectrically Driven Thermopneumatic Actuator, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2009, June 21-24, 2009, Denver, USA. 33-36
J. Ruhhammer, T. Huesgen. P. Woias
Closed loop wide range tunable mechanical resonator for energy harvesting systems, Journal of Micromechanics Microengineering 19. 2009, 094004 (9 pp)
C. Peters, D. Maurath, W. Schock, F. Mezger, Y. Manoli
CMOS-Integrated Adaptive Load Matching Interface with an Integrated Load Matching Detector, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC. USA, December 01-04, 2009, 217-220
D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
CMOS-integrierte Wandlerschaltung zur optimierten Leistungsentnahme aus Piezogeneratoren, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009, Berlin. Germany. 393-396
T. Hehn, Y. Manoli
Decorated Nanotube Buckypaper as Electrocatalyst for Glucose Fuel Cells, Tagungsband zum Deutschen BioSensor-Sympos/um 2009, 29 March - 1 April, 2009, Freiburg, Germany, P-61
L. Hussein, G. A. Urban, M. Krüger
Decorated Nanotube Buckypaper as Electrocatalyst for Glucose Fuel Cells. Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2009, June 21-24, 2009, Denver, USA, 2254-2257
L. Hussein, Y. Feng, A. Habrioux, K. Servat, B. Kokoh, N. Alonso-Vante, G. Urban, M. Krüger
Design and Analysis of a Novel MEMS-Heat Engine for Power Generation. Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, December 01-04, 2009, Washington DC. USA. 96-99
T. Huesgen, P. Woias
Design and Fabrication of a MEMS Based Metal Hydride / Air Accumulator for Energy Harvesting, Electrochimica Acta 54 (25), 2009, 6094-6098
C. Bretthauer, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Development of a 2D Electret-based Resonant Micro Energy Harvester, Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS '09, 2009, Sorrento, Italy, 1043-1046
U. Bartsch, J. Caspar, O. Paul
Dry-film Photoresist Bonding for Fabrication of a Multi-Wafer Microvalve, Proc. WaferBond'09, December 06-08, 2009. Grenoble, France. 101-102
T. Huesgen, N. Steinert, G. Lenk, P. Woias
Electrodeposited Thin-Layer Electrodes for the Use in Potentially Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells. Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2009, June 21-24, 2009, Denver. USA. 537-540
A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Electromagnetic micro generator array consisting of 3D micro coils opposing a magnetic PDMS membrane. Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2009, June 22-25, 2009, Denver, USA, 1397-1400
B. Mack, K. Kratt, M. Stürmer, R. Lausecker. U. Wallrabe
Elektromagnetisches Wandlerarray aus 3D Mikrospulen und einer magnetischen PDMS Membran, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009. Berlin, Germany, 598-601
B. Mack, K. Kratt, M. Stürmer, R. Lausecker, U. Wallrabe
Energie-Adaptive Autonome Sensor-Clients, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, Oct. 13-14, 2009, Berlin, Germany, 242-245
D. Maurath, M. Raimann, Y. Manoli
Energiesparende Elektronik für selbstversorgende autarke Systeme, Technisches Messen 76 (12), 2009, 560-567
D. Maurath, C. Peters, T. Hehn, N. Lotze, S. A. Mohamed, Y. Manoli
Energiesparende Elektronik für selbstversorgende autarke Systeme, Technisches Messen 76 (12), 2009, 560-567
D. Maurath, C. Peters. T. Hehn, N. Lotze, S. A. Mohamed, Y. Manoli
Enhancing the lifetime of laccase-based biofuel cell cathodes by sequential renewal of enzyme. Proc. 60th ISE Meeting, Beijing, China, 2009
S. Rubenwolf, J. Kestel, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Facile Fabrication of Ultra Porous Platinum Electrodes and Their Application for Energy Harvesting Glucose Fuel Cells. Proc, 215th Meeting of the ECS. May 24-29, 2009, San Francisco. USA, 572
A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Frequenzstimmbare Generatoren zur Energiegewinnung von Umgebungsvibrationen mit variablen Vibrationsfrequenzen, Proc. Mikro System Technik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009, Berlin, Germany, paper no. 59
C. Eichhorn, F. Goldschmidtböing, P. Woias
Highly Efficient CMOS Integrated Interface Circuit for High Voltage Piezoelectric Generators, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Dec. 01-04, 2009, Washington D.C., USA, 431-434
T. Hehn, Y. Manoli
Highly Efficient Energy Extraction from Piezoelectric Generators, Procedia Chemistry, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (Proc. Eurosensors XXIII), Lausanne, Switzerland. 2009, 1451- 1454
T. Hehn, F. Hagedorn, Y. Manoli
Influence of Parasitic Capacitances on the Power Output of Electret-based Energy Harvesting Generators, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington, USA, 2009, 332-335
U. Bartsch, J. Caspar, and O. Paul
Influence of vapor annealing on the thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited Bi2Te3. Journal of Materials Research 26 (15), 2009, 1785-1790
R. Rostek, V. Sklyarenko, P. Woias
Integrierter Hydrid-Luft Akkumulator, Deutsche Patentanmeldung DE 10 2008 028 649.A1. 24.12.2009
C. Bretthauer, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Kapazitive Energiewandler zum Aufbau Kinetischer Vibrationsgeneratoren, Technisches Messen 76 (12), 2009, 546-551
H. Kloub, D. Hoffmann, B. Folkmer, Y. Manoli
Micro Energy Harvesting: Stand der Technik in Industrie und Wissenschaft, Proc. Ambient Assisted Living, 2. Deutscher Kongress, Technologien - Anwendungen - Management, Jan. 27-28. 2009, Berlin, Germany, CD
M. Müller, M. Freunek, T. Ungan, L. M. Reindl
New Physical Model For Thermoelectric Generators, Journal of Electronic Materials 38 (7), 2009,1214-1220
M. Freunek, M. Müller, T. Ungan, W. Walker, L.M. Reindl
Novel Nanotube Buckypaper as Electrode Material for Fuel Cell Applications, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, December 01-04, 2009, Washington DC, USA, 112-115
L. Hussein, K. Jensen, S. Alia, C. Contreras, Y. Van, G. Urban, and M. Krüger
Photo-Crosslinked Redox Polymer Networks for Bioelectrode Applications, Proc. 214th Meeting of ECS 2009, October 4-9, 2009. Vienna. Austria, abstract no 2932
C. Bunte, J. Rühe
Photochemical Generation of Ferrocene-Based Redoxpolymer Networks. Macromol. Rapid Commun. 30, 2009. 1817-1822
C. Bunte, J. Rühe
Redoxpolymer-basierte Enzymelektroden für Biobrennstoffzellen und Biosensoren, Proc. Mikro System Technik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009, Berlin, Germany, 546-549
C. Bunte, J. Rühe
RF energy harvesting design using high Q resonator, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop on Wireless Sensing, Local Positioning, and RFID (IMWS 2009), Cavtat. Croatia, 2009, 1-4
T. Ungan, X. Le Polozec, W. Walker, L. Reindl
Solare Wasserstoffgewinnung für Mikrobrennstoffzellen, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2009, October 12-14, 2009, Berlin, Germany, CD
C. Bretthauer, J. Domke, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Synthesis, stabilization, functionalization and DFT calculations of gold nanoparticles in fluorous phases (PTFE and ILs), Chem. Eur. Journal 15 (39), 2009 10047-10059
E. Redel, M. Walter, R. Thomann, C. Vollmer, L. Hussein, H. Scherer, M. Krüger, C. Janiak
Towards Microstructured Arrays of Enzyme-Containing Redox Polymer Films, Proc. 216th Meeting of ECS 2009, October 4-9, 2009. Vienna, Austria, abstract no 2931
C. Bunte, J. Rühe
Two Reaction-Specific Electrodes Fabricated with the Same Process for the Use in Tissue Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells, Bunsen-Kolloquium: From Surface Science to Fuel Cell Catalysis, Günzburg, December 3-5, 2009, T27, 60-61
C. Köhler, A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Ultra-low input voltage DC-DC converter for micro energy harvesting, Proc. PowerMEMS 2009, Washington DC, USA, December 1-4, 2009, 265-268
D. Grgić, T. Ungan, M. Kostić, L.M. Reindl
Wandler für energieautarke Mikrosysteme, Technisches Messen 76 (12), 2009, 532-539
M. Müller, M. Freunek, T. Ungan, L.M. Reindl
Wireless energy transmission using electrically small antennas, Proc. IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium, January 16-23, 2009, San Diego. USA. 526-529
T. Ungan, M. Freunek, M. Müller, W.D. Walker, L.M. Reindl
Wireless energy transmission using electrically small antennas, Proc. IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2009, 526-529
T. Ungan, M. Freunek, M. Müller, W.D. Walker, L.M. Reindl
3D ultra-fast manufactured microcoils on polymer or metal cores, South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) Research Journal 101 (1). March 2010. 42-44
U. Wallrabe, J. G. Korvink, K. Kratt, V. Badilita, B. Mack
A compact piezoelectric energy harvester with a large resonance frequency tuning range. Proc. PowerMEMS 2010, Nov. 30 - Dec. 3. 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 207-210
C. Eichhorn, R. Tchagsim, N. Wilhelm, F. Goldschmidtboeing, P. Woias
A low cost electromagnetic generator for vibration energy harvesting, IEEE sensors journal, 2010
E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
A Novel Self-Starting MEMS-Heat Engine for Thermal Energy Harvesting, Proc. IEEE MEMS Conference 2010, Hong Kong. 2010, 1179-1182
T. Huesgen, P. Woias
A Versatile Miniature Bioreactor and Its Application to Bioelectrochemistry Studies, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 25, 2010, 2559-2565
A. Kloke, S. Rubenwolf, C. Bücking. J. Gescher, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Applications of Energy Harvesting, Proc. VDE-Kongress 2010, Nov. 08-09. 2010, Leipzig, Germany
Y. Manoli, T. Hehn, D. Hoffmann, M. Kuhl, N. Lotze, D. Maurath, C. Moranz, D. Rossbach, D. Spreemann, A. Taschwer
Attachment of Polymer Films to Solid Surfaces via Thermal Activation of Self-assembled Monolayers Containing Sulphonyl Azide Group, Langmuir 26, 2010, 769-774
G.K. Raghurama, K. Schuh, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Autonomous piezoelectric energy harvesting system for improved energy extraction using a CMOS integrated interface circuit, Proc. PowerMEMS 2010, Nov. 30 - Dec. 3, 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 139-142
T. Hehn, C. Eichhorn, P. Woias, Y. Manoli
Bistable Silicon Microvalve with Thermoelectrically Driven Thermopneumatic Actuator for Liquid Flow control, Proc. IEEE MEMS Conference 2010, January 24-28, 2010, Hong Kong, 1159-1162
T. Huesgen, G. Lenk, T. Lemke, P. Woias
Carbon Electrodes for Direct Electron Transfer Type Laccase Cathodes Investigated by Current Density-Cathode Potential Behavior, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2010)
S. Rubenwolf, O. Strohmeier, A. Kloke, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Zengerle, F. von Stetten
Design synthesis of electromagnetic vibration energy generators using variational formulation. JMEMS, 2010
E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
Enzyme-Containing Redox Polymer Networks for Biosensors and Biofuel Celts; A Photochemical Approach. Langmuir
C. Bunte, O. Prucker, T. König, J. Rühe
Low-Frequency Two-Dimensional Resonators for Vibration Micro Energy Harvesting, J. Micromech. Microeng. 20. 035016. 2010. 1-12
U. Bartsch, J. Caspar, O. Paul
Micro Energy Harvesting: Research after the first decade, Proc. VDE-Kongress 2010, November 8-9, 2010, Leipzig, Germany, paper number [FZT 3.3.1]
P. Woias, C. Eichhorn, M. Wischke, F. Goldschmidtböing
Printed circuit board-based electromagnetic vibration harvesters in inverse configuration Sensor Devices 2010, 1st International Conference Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, Venice, Italy, 18.-25.07.2010
E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
Printed circuit board-based mechanical resonators for vibration energy harvesting Symposium on Energy Harvesting, 4th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Montreal, Canada, 15.-18.08.2010
E. Bouendeu, A. Greiner, P. J. Smith, J. G. Korvink
Reaction-specific Platinum Electrodes for Implantable Glucose Fuel Cells: Versatile Fabrication by Cyclic Electrodeposition, Proc. PowerMEMS 2010. November 30 - December 03, 2010, Leuven, Belgium, 73-76
A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher, F. von Stetten
Stepwise and “ligand-free" nucleation, nanocrystal growth and formation of Au-NPs in ionic liquids (ILs), Chem. Common. 46, 2010, 1159-1161
E. Redel, M. Walter, R. Thomann, L. Hussein, M. Krüger, C. Janiak
Synthesis and Electronic Properties of the Misfit Layer Compound [(PbSe)1.00]1[MoSe2]1, Journal of Electronic Materials 39 (9), 2010, 1476-1481
C. L. Heideman, R. Rostek, M.D. Anderson, A.A. Herzing, I.M. Anderson, D.C. Johnson
Vapor Annealing as a Post-Processing Technique to Control Carrier Concentrations of Bi2Te3 Thin Films, Journal of Electronic Materials 39 (9). 2010,1981-1986
A. C. Taylor, A.. C. Mortensen, R. Rostek, N. Nguyen, D.C. Johnson
A Digitally Adjusted Power Supply for Systems-on-Chip Based on CMOS Integrated Fuel Cells, Proc. PowerMEMS 2011, Nov. 15-18, 2011, Seoul, Korea. 86-89
C. Moranz, M. Kuhl, Y. Manoli
A Fully Autonomous Pulsed Synchronous Charge Extractor for High-Voltage Piezoelectric Harvesters, Proc. of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) 2011, Helsinki, Finland, Sept.12-16, 2011, 371-374
T. Hehn, D. Maurath, F. Hagedorn, D. Marinkovic, I. Kuehne, A. Frey, Y. Manoli
A self-sustaining micro thermomechanicpyroelectric generator. Appl. Phys. Lett. 99. 2011, 104102
S. K. T. Ravindran, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
A self-sustaining pyroelectric energy harvester utilizing spatial thermal gradients. Digest of Technical Papers. IEEE Transducers 2011, June 05-09, 2011. Beijing, China. 657-660
S. K. T. Ravindran, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
A smart and self-sufficient frequency tunable vibration energy harvester, J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 (10), 2011,104003 (11 pages)
C. Eichhorn, R. Tchagsim, N. Wilhelm, P. Woias
An energy-autonomous selftunable piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting system, Proc. 24th IEEE MEMS Conference, January 23-27, 2011, Cancun, Mexico. 1293-1296
C. Eichhorn, R. Tchagsim, N. Wilhelm, G. Biancuzzi, P. Woias
Brennstoffzellen-Akkumulator mit integrierter fotoaktiver Schicht zur solaren Beladung, Prec. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany
D. Hertkom, C. Bretthauer, F. Büker, B. Herr, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Correlation between the photoluminescence of CdSe nanocrystals and their performance in hybrid solar cells, Nanotechnology 2011, July 9 -16, 2011. Thessaloniki, Greece
M. Eck, Y. Zhou, Y. Yuan, F.-S. Riehle, S. Einwächter, M. Krüger
Electric power generator for a micro heat engine, Proc. Mikro System Technik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Darmstadt. 317-320
S. K. T. Ravindran, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Electrically small planner antenna for compact electromagnetic (EM) wireless energy harvester, Proc. PowerMEMS 2011, Nov. 15-18, 2011, Seoul, Korea, 310-313
A. Nimo, D. Grgic, L. M. Reindl
Energieautarke Mikrosysteme fuer Automobile Anwendungen, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Darmstadt. Germany. 297-300
A. Frey, I. Kuehne, X. Li, T. Hehn, M. Thewes, D. Wagner, J. Seidel, M. Schreiter, M. Schienle, Y. Manoli, G. Scholl
Energieautarker EDW-Sensor im Fahrzeug, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10- 12, 2011, Darmstadt. Germany, 1008-1010
X. Li, D. Spreemann, T. Hehn, I. Kuehne, M. Thewes, A. Frey, G. Scholl, D. Wagner, Y. Manoli
Entwicklung eines Brennstoffzellenakkumulators zur Energieversorgung von autonomen Mikrosystemen, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, 383 - 386
D. Zimmermann, J. Becker, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Fabrication and characterization of buckypaper-based nanostructured electrodes as a novel material for biofuel cell applications, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13. 2011,5831-5839
L. Hussein, G. Urban, M. Krüger
Full Custom Prototypes - Chip Integrated Fuel Cells in the Analog Design Flow, Proc. CDN Live! EMEA 2011, May 3-5, 2011, Munich, Germany
M. Kühl, C. Moranz, Y. Manoli
Galvanische Abscheidung von hochporösen Platin-Elektroden mit einstellbarer spezifischer Oberfläche für die implantierbare Glukose-Brennstoffzelle, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2011, Oct. 10-12, 2011, Darmstadt, Germany
A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
In-plane DEAP stack actuators for optical MEMS applications, Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD) 2011, March 7-10, 2011, San Diego. California. USA, in: Proc. SPIE 7976, 2011, 79761U
J. Brunne, S. Kazan, U. Wallrabe
Influence of the swelling behavior on the electrochemistry of redox hydrogels, Proc. European Polymer Congress 2011, Granada, Spain, June 26 - July 1, 2011, 999
G. Osterwlnter, C. Bunte, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Micro Energy Harvesting: Research after the first decade, Proc. Sensor + Test Conference 2011, June 7-9, 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, 399-404
M. Kröner, P. Woias, C. Eichhorn, M. Wischke, F. Goldschmidtböing
Multifunctional ZnO-Nanowire-Based Sensor, Advanced Functional Materials 21 (22), 2011,4342-4348
A. Menzel. K. Subannajui, F. Güder, D. Moser, O. Paul, M. Zacharias
Performance improvement of a micro thermomechanical generator by incorporating Galinstan® micro droplet arrays, Proc. PowerMEMS 2011, Nov. 15-18, 2011, Seoul. Korea. 177-181
S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Roulet, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Photovottaically Rechargeable Fuel Cell Accumulator for Energy Self-Sufficient Microsystems, Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2011, June 05-09, 2011, Beijing, China. 1645-1648
D. Hertkorn, C. Bretthauer, F. Büker, B. Herr, M. Müller, F. Paul, C. Müller, J. Haußelt, H. Reinecke
Towards implantable autonomous systems: A low-power transducer platform powered by a glucose fuel cell. Proc. PowerMEMS 2011, November 15-18, 2011. Seoul, Korea, 19-22
C. Köhler, C. Bentler, A. Kloke, J. Oudenhoven, V. Pop, B. Ophet Veld, S. Kerzenmacher
Using microorganisms to harvest electricity - Towards a self-regenerating enzymatic cathode, Proc. 3rd MicrobialFuelCell Conference, Leeuwaarden, Netherlands. June 5-8, 2011, 81
S. Sané, S. Rubenwolf, R. Zengerle, C. Jolivalt, S. Kerzenmacher
A bimetallic micro heat engine for pyroelectric energy conversion, Eurosensors 2012, Sep 9-12, 2012, Kraköw, Poland, in: Procedia Engineering 47. 2012, 33-36
S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Kroener, P. Woias
A Fully Autonomous Integrated Interface Circuit for Piezoelectric Harvesters, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 47(9), 2012,2185-2198
T. Hehn, F. Hagedorn, D. Maurath, D. Marinkovic, I. Kuehne, A. Frey, Y. Manoli
A standalone pyroelectric harvester for thermal energy harvesting, Proc. PowerMEMS 2012, December 2-5, 2012, Atlanta. Georgia, USA. 80-83
S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Ambient electromagnetic wireless energy harvesting using multiband planar antenna, Proc. 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), March 20-23, 2012, Chemnitz, Germany
A. Nimo, D. Grgic, L. M. Reindl
Autonomous and Self-Starting Efficient Micro Energy Harvesting Interface with Adaptive MPPT, Buffer Monitoring, and Voltage Stabilization, Proc. of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC) 2012, Bordeaux, France. Sept. 17-21. 2012, 101-104
J. Leicht, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
Chip Micro Fuel Cells as Power Supply for Smart Microsystems, Proc. Int. Conference and Exhibition on integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems, March 21-22, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland
D. Zimmermann, J. Becker, M. Kuhl, C. Moranz, I. Freund, C. Müller, H. Reinecke, Y. Manoli
CMOS-Based Force Sensor with Overload Protection and Improved Assembly Tolerance, Tech. Digest IEEE MEMS Conference 2012, Paris. France. Jan. 29-Feb 2. 2012, 543-546
M. Baumann, A. Peter, D. Moser, P. Ruther and O. Paul
Correlation between the photoluminescence of CdSe nanocrystals and their performance in hybrid solar cells, 2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, April 9-13, 2012, San Francisco, California, USA, Session G11.7
M. Eck, S. Einwächter, Y. Yuan, F. S. Riehle, M. Krüger
Cyclic electrodeposition of PtCu alloy; facile fabrication of highly porous platinum electrodes, Advanced Materials 24, 2012, 2916-2921
A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Gerwig, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Designing Photovoltaic Cells for Indoor Energy Harvesting Systems, Proc. 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), March 20-23, 2012, Chemnitz, Germany
K. Rühle, M. Freunek, L. Reindl, M. Kasemann
Determination of the Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Doped Polysilicon Thin Films by Micromachined Test Structures, Proc. IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31,2012, 989-992
D. Moser, D. llkaya, D. Kopp and O. Paul
Development and Fabrication of Active Microstructures for Wave Control on Airfoils, in C. Tropea, H. Bleckhom (eds.): Nature-Inspired Fluid Mechanics - Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-28301-7. pp. 193-205
D. Haller, S. Neiss, M. Kroner, P. Woias
Energy Harvesting and Chip Autonomy, in; B. Hoefflinger (ed.), CHIPS 2020 - A Guide to the Future of Nanoelectronics, Springer, ISBN 978-3-642-22399-0, 2012, pp. 393-421
Y. Manoli, T. Hehn, D. Hoffmann, M. Kuril, N. Lotze, D. Maurath, C. Moranz, D. Rossbach, D. Spreemann
Energy Harvesting towards autonomous MRI detection. Euromar 2012, July 1-5, 2012, Dublin, Ireland, in: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 21, 2013, 0728
J. Höfflin, E. Fischer, J. Hennig and J. G. Korvink
Fabrication of Microfluidic Neural Probes with In-Channel Electrodes. Proc. IEEE Sensors 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 28-31, 2012, 664-667
D. Moser, K. Seidl, O. Paul and P. Ruther
Far-field passive temperature sensing up to 700°C using a dielectric resonator, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE) 2014, October 30-31, 2014, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
J.-M. Boccard, T. Aftab, J. Hoppe, A. Yousaf, R. Hutter, L. M. Reindl
Impedance optimization of wireless electromagnetic energy harvester for maximum output efficiency at µW input power. Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, March 11, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, in: Proc. SPIE 8341, 2012, 83410W-1-83410W-14
A. NImo, D. Grgic, L. M. Reindl
Intracortical Probe Arrays with Silicon Backbone and Microelectrodes on Thin Polyimide Wings. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Soc. for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, Oct. 13-17, 2012
Y.-T. Lee, D. Moser, T. Holzhammer, U. P. Froriep, A. Kilias, U. Egert, O. Paul and P. Ruther
Membrane-Based Test Structure for the Determination of the Thermal Conductivity of Doped Polysilicon Thin Films, Proc. 31st Int. Conf. on Thermoelectrics, Aalborg, Denmark, Jul. 9-12, 2012
D. Moser, D. Ilkaya and O. Paul
Micro harvester using isotropic charging of electrets deposited on vertical sidewalls for conversion of 3D vibrational energy, Microsystem Technologies 18 (7-8), 2012, 931-943
U. Mescheder, A. Nimo, B. Müller, A. S. A. Elkeir
Microstructure for the Determination of the Seebeck Coefficients of Doped Poly-Si Thin-Films, 9th Europ. Conf on Thermoelectrics, Thessaloniki. Greece, Sept. 28- 30. 2011, in: AIP Proc. 1449. 2012, 413-416
D. Moser, A. Steffen and O. Paul
Optimization of Passive Low Power Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters, Sensors 12 (10), 2012, 13636-13663
A. Nimo, D. Grgic, L. M. Reindl
Parylene-C as an electret material for micro energy harvesting, Proc. PowerMEMS 2012, December 2-5, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia. USA. 129-132
S. Genter, O. Paul
Passivation Layers for Indoor Solar Cells at Low Irradiation Intensities, 2nd International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics (Silicon PV 2012), April 3-5, 2012, Leuven, Belgium, in: Energy Procedia 27, 2012, 406-411
K. Rühle, M. Rauer, M. Rüdiger, J. Giesecke, T. Niewelt, C. Schmiga, S. Glunz, M. Kasemann
Performance improvement of a micro thermomechanical generator by incorporating Galinstan® micro droplet arrays. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 22, 2012, 094002
S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Roulet, T. Huesgen, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Polymer/Silicon Hard Magnetic Micromirrors, J. Microelectromech. Syst. 21 (5), 2012,1098-1106
N. Weber, D. Hertkorn, H. Zappe, A. Seifert
Porous platinum fabricated by cyclic electro deposition of PtCu alloy: application to implantable glucose fuel cells. Journal of Physical Chemisfry. 116, 2012. 19689-19698
A. Kloke, C. Köhler, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Prolongation of Electrode Lifetime in Biofuel Cells by Periodic Enzyme Renewal, Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 96, 2012, 841-849
S. Rubenwolf, S. Sané, L. Hussein, J. Kestel, F. von Stetten, G. Urban, M. Krueger, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Reluctance Springs for Nonlinear Energy Harvesting Generators, Proc. PowerMEMS 2013, Dec. 02-05, 2012, Atlanta, GA. USA, 153-156
S. Neiss, J. Kleber, P. Woias, M. Kroener
Self-Starting and Self-Sufficient Micro Energy Harvesting Interface Circuit for Autonomous Sensor Systems. 14. Workshop Analogschaltungen 2012, Berlin. March 22-23, 2012
J. Leicht, D. Maurath, Y. Manoli
Semi-automatic Matlab-Cadence Co-Design for Analog Circuits based on the gm/ID Design Methodology, Proc. CDNlive! EMEA, May 14-16, 2012, Munich, Germany
C. Moranz, M. Keller, Y. Manoli
Semiconducting nanocrystal/conjugated polymer composites for applications in hybrid polymer solar cells, chapter 13 in X. Yang (ed.). Semiconductor Polymer Composites. Principles, Morphologies, Properties and Applications, Wiley VCH Weinheim, Germany. ISBN 978-352-733-030-0. 1st ed. 2012, pp. 361-397
M. Krüger, M. Eck, Y. Zhou, F.-S. Riehle
Silicon-Based Intracortical Probes for Chronic Applications, 40th Neural Interfaces Conf., Salt Lake City. UT, Jun. 18-20, 2012
P. Rüther, T. Holzhammer, D. Moser, O. Paul
Surface attached polymer networks, Proc. ACS Spring Meeting 2012, San Diego CA, USA, March 25-29, 2012,14982
G. Osterwinter, R. Navarro-Crespo, O. Prucker, J. Rühe
Towards New Design Rules for Indoor Photovoltaic Cells, Proc. 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), June 3-8, 2012, Austin TX, USA. 2588-2591
K. Rühle, S. Glunz, M. Kasemann
Using fungi to produce electricity - Towards a self-regenerating enzymatic biofuel cell, Program of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Prague, Czech Republic, August 19-24, 2012, 40
S. Sané, S. Rubenwolf, C. Jolivalt and S. Kerzenmacher
Using Microorganisms to extend the lifetime of an enzymatic biofuel cell cathode, Proc. EU-ISMET meeting, Ghent, Belgium, September 27-28, 2012, in: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Science 77 (2), 2012, 20
S. Sané, S. Rubenwolf, C. Jolivalt and S. Kerzenmacher
Using Microorganisms to extend the lifetime of an enzymatic biofuel cell cathode, Proc. EU-ISMET meeting, Ghent, Belgium, September 27-28, 2012, in: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Science 77 (2). 2012, 20
S. Sané, S. Rubenwolf, C. Jolivalt and S. Kerzenmacher
Using yeast and fungi to produce electricity - Towards a self-regenerating enzymatic biofuel cell cathode, Biospektrum: Tagungsband zur VAAM Jahrestagung, Tübingen, Deutschland. March 18-21, 2012, 135
S. Sané, S. Rubenwolf, C. Jolivalt and S. Kerzenmacher
"A new family of passive wireless RF harvesters based on R-C-Quartz oscillators," Proc. 43rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Oct. 6-11, 2013, Nuremberg, Germany, 511-514
A. Nimo, D. Grgic, T. Ungan, and L. M. Reindl
A simple mediator-less enzymatic biofuel cell based on unpurified fungus culture supernatant, Proc. 12th ISE topical meeting and 22nd International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Bochum, Germany, March 17-21, 2013, 190
S. Sané, C. Kräß, S. Rubenwolf, S. Kerzenmacher
Application-oriented investigation of amino acid poisoning at highly porous platinum electrodes for glucose oxidation, Proc. 223rd ECS meeting 2013, Toronto, Canada, May 12-17, 2013, 727
C. Köhler, L. Bleck, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Approaching High Efficiency Wide Range Silicon Solar Cells, Proc. 39th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), June 16-21, 2013. Tampa, FL, USA, 2651-2654
K. Rühle, M. Kasemann
CMOS-integrated voltage supply based on micro-fuelcells. Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2013, Oct. 14-16, 2013, Aachen. Germany, 276-278
C. Moranz, M. Kuhl, D. Zimmermann, J. Becker, C. Müller, H. Reinecke, Y. Manoli
Controlling the nanocrystal quality for creating efficient hybrid nanocrystai/polymer solar cells. International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV13), May 5-8, 2013, Seville, Spain, in: A. J. Janssen (ed.). Nanoenergy Symposia Vo/. 12: Hybrid and Organics Photovoltaics Conference in Seville, Spain, 2013, ISBN 978-84- 940189-8-5, 2013, 159
M. Eck, S. Einwächter, M. Krüger
Designed synthesis, structure, and properties of a family of ferecrystalline compounds [(PbSe)(1.00)](m)(MoSe2)(n), Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (30), 2013, 11055-11062
C. L. Heideman, C.L., S. Tepfer, Q. Lin, R. Rostek, P. Zschack, M.D. Anderson, I.M. Anderson, D.C. Johnson
Direct Thermoelectric Characterization of Bismuth Telluride Nanovflres, Synthesized Via Catalytic Growth and Post-Annealing. Advanced Energy Materials 25 (2), 2013, 239-244
C. Schumacher, K. G. Reinsberg, R. Rostek, L. Akinsinde, S. Baessler, S. Zastrow, G. Rampelberg, P. Woias, C. Datevernier, J.A.C. Broekaert, J. Bachmann, K. Nielsch
Doppelresist-Prozess zur Herstellung eines Mikro-Thermogenerators im Cross-plane Design mit reflowgelöteten Kontakten - Two-layer process for a micro thermoelectric cross-plane generator with reflow soldered contacts, Proc. Mikro System Technik Kongress 2013, Oct. 14-16, 2013, Darmstadt, 115-118
R. Roth, R. Rostek, K. Cobry, P. Woias
Energieautarke Sensorik im Automobil, Technisches Messen 80 (3), 2013, 92-97
Kuehne, M. Schreiter, X. Li, T. Hehn, M. Thewes, D. Wagner, Y. Manoli, G. Scholl, A. Frey
Energy Harvesting mit einer Figur-8 Spule - in Richtung Energieautonome MRI Messung, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2013, October 10-16, 2013, Aachen, Germany
J. Höfflin, E. Fischer, J. Hennig und J. G. Korvink
Energy Harvesting towards autonomous MRI detection, ISMRM-ESMRMB Annual Meeting 2013, April 20-26, 2013, Salt Lake City. UT, USA, in Proc./nf/. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 21, 2013, 0728
J. Höfflin, E. Fischer, J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink
Fabrication of highly porous platinum by cyclic electrodeposition of PtCu alloys: How do process parameters affect morphology? Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160, 2013, D111-D118
A. Kloke, C. Köhler, A. Drzyzga, R. Gerwig. K. Schumann, M. Ade, R. Zengerle. S. Kerzenmacher
Fabrication of highly porous platinum electrodes for micro-scale applications by pulsed electrodeposition and dealloying, Journal of Power Sources 242, 2013, 255-263
C. Köhler, A. Kloke, A. Drzyzga, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
High Surface Nickel-based Air Electrode for Rechargeable Alkaline Meta-Air Batteries. 224th ECS Meeting, Oct. 27 - Nov. 1, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA, in: ECS Transactions 58 (36) 69-74
F. Büker, D. Hertkorn, C. Müller, H. Reinecke
Impedance Matching for Broadband Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476, 2013, 012083
F. Hagedorn, J. Leicht, D.A. Sanchez, T. Hehn, and Y. Manoli
Influence of a SiN Drift Barrier on the Charge Decay in Parylene-C Electret Layers, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London. UK; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476, 2013, 012084
S. Genter, O. Paul
Nanoparticle decorated graphene based hybrid materials for energy harvesting applications. Third International Conference on Multifunctional. Hybrid and Nanomaterials, March 3-7, 2013, Sorrento, Italy
C. V. Pham, M. Eck, M. Krüger
Neue Materialien und Konzepte für Biobrennstoffzellen, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2013, Oct. 14-16, 2013, Aachen, Germany, 626-629
S. Kerzenmacher, J. Danzer, E. Kipf, A. Kloke, C. Köhler, S. Sand, R. Zengerle
Nonresonant electromagnetic energy harvester for car-key application, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Senes 476, 2013, 012096
X. Li, T. Hehn, M. Thewes, I. Kuehne, A. Frey, G. Scholl, Y. Manoli
Novel crosslinkers for the generation of surface attached polymer films based on diazo carbonyl compounds, Proc. German Korean Polymer Symposium 2013, Hamburg, Deutschland. 26. - 29. August 2013, 56
G. Osterwlnter, R. Navarro-Crespo, J. Rühe
Optimizations of Pulsed Plated p and n-type Bi2Te3-Based Ternary Compounds by Annealing in Different Ambient Atmospheres, Advanced Energy Materials 3 (1), 2013, 95-104
C. Schumacher, C.K.G. Reinsberg, R. Rostek, L. Akinsinde, S. Baessler, S. Zastrow, G. Rampelberg, P. Woias. C. Detavemier, J.A.C. Broekaert, J. Bachmann, K. Nielsch
Overcoming bottlenecks of enzymatic biofuel cell cathodes; Crude fungal culture supernatant can help to extend lifetime and reduce cost. 2013 ChemSusChem 7, 2013, 1209-1215
S. Sané, C. Jolivalt, G. Mittler, P. Nielsen, S. Rubenwolf, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting for Smart Sensor Systems. Conference on Smart Sensors, Actuators and MEMS VI, May 17. 2013, San Diego, CA, USA, in: Proc. SPIE 8763, 2013. 87631T
M. Kasemann, K. Rühle, K. Gad, S. Glunz
Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting under Low Lighting Conditions, Proc. SENSOR 2013, May 14-16, 2013, Nuremberg. Germany, 483-485
M. Kasemann, L. Reindl, K. Rühle
Physical Insight into Electromagnetic Kinetic Energy Transducers and Appropriate Energy Conditioning for Enhanced Micro Energy Harvesting, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476, 2013, 012023
J. Leicht, T. Hehn, D. Maurath, C. Moranz, Y. Manoli
Piezoelectric materials for nonlinear energy harvesting generators, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Senes 476, 2013, 012035
S. Neiss, F. Goldschmidtboeing, M. Kroener, P. Woias
The Influence of Emitter and Edges on the Low-level Injection Dependence of AI203-passivated lifetime samples. Proc. 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2013, Paris, France, 1627-1631
K. Gad, K. Rühle, A. Richter, M. Kasemann
Thermoelectric Characterization of Bismuth Telluride Nanowires, Synthesized Via Catalytic Growth and Post-Annealing, Advanced Materials 25 (2), 2013, 239-244
B. Hamdou, J. Kimling, A. Dorn, E. Pippel, R. Rostek, P. Woias, K. Nielsch
Thermoelectric Characterization of Electrochemically Deposited Bi2Te3 Films Accounting for the Presence of Conductive Seed Layers, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (9), 2013, D408-D416
R. Rostek, J. Kottmeier, M. Kratschmer, G. Blackburn, F. Goldschmidtböing, M. Kröner, and P. Woias
Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System for Demonstrating Autonomous Operation of a Wireless Sensor Node Enabled by a Multipurpose Interface. PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476. 2013, 012022
J. Leicht, P. Heilmann, T. Hehn, X. Li, D. Maurath, C. Moranz, M. Thewes, G. Scholl, Y. Manoli
Thermoelectric Properties Investigation of Single nanowires by utilizing a Thermoelectric Nanowire Characterization Platform, Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS), Suzhou, China. April 07-10, 2013, 738-741
Z. Wang, J. Ruhhammer, S. Adhikari, R. Rostek, D. Moser, O. Paul, D. Kojda, R. Mitdank, S.F. Fischer, W. Toellner, K. Nielsch, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Thickness variation of electrochemically deposited strontium titanate films for photoeleclrochemical energy conversion, J. Appl. Phys. 114 (2), 2013, 027020
D. Hertkorn, H. Elsenheimer, R. Bruch, F. Paul, C. Müller, T. Hanemann, H. Reinecke
Thiol functionalized reduced graphene oxide as a base material for novel graphene-nanoparticle hybrid composites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 231, 2013. 146-154
C. V. Pham, M. Eck, M. Krüger
Two-layer process for a micro thermoelectric cross-plane generator with electroplating and reflow soldering. Digest of Technical Papers, IEEE Transducers 2013 & Eurosensors XXVII, Barcelona, Spain, June 16-20, 2013, 486-489
R. Roth, R. Rostek, G. Lenk, M. Kratschmer, K. Cobry, and P. Woias
Variable reluctance harvester for applications in railroad monitoring, PowerMEMS 2013, December 3-6, 2013, London, UK, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 476, 2013, 012092
M. Kroener, S. K. T. Ravindran. P. Woias
An air-breathing cathode based on buckypaper electrodes with reversibly adsorbed laccase, Proc. 2nd EU-ISMET meeting, Alcala, Spain, September 3-5, 2014, 166
E. Kipf, T. Messinger, S. Sand, S. Kerzenmacher
Analysis of a bimetallic micro heat engine for energy harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures 23, 2014, 035011
S. K. T. Ravindran, M. Kroener, A. Shabanian, F. Goldschmidtboeing, P. Woias
Analytical model for nonlinear piezoelectric energy harvesting devices. Smart Materials and Structures 3, 2014, 105031
S. Neiss, F. Goldschmidtboeing, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Carbon Nanowalls for oxygen reduction reaction in Bio Fuel Cells. PowerMEMS 2014, December 3-6, 2013, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557, 2014, 12008
K. Lehmann, O. Yurchenko, G. Urban
CMOS-integrierte Energy Harvesting Schnittstellenschaltungen, Tagungsunterlagen des Elektronik Power Management Congress 2014, München, July 2-3, 2014, ISBN 978-3-645-50135-4, 5 Seiten
J. Leicht, F. Hagedorn, T. Hehn, N. Lotze, D. Maurath, C. Moranz, D. Sanchez, Y. Manoli
Comparative EPR investigation of CdSe quantum dot-reduced graphene oxide hybrid nano-composites. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 2014, 132102
C. Pham, M. Krüger, M. Eck, S. Weber, E. Erdem
Design and Characterization of Micro Thermoelectric Cross-Plane Generators With Electroplated Bi2Te3, SbxTey, and Reflow Soldering, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 23 (4), 2014, 961-971
R. Roth, R. Rostek, K. Cobry, C. Köhler, M. Groh, and P. Woias
Enzymatic fuel cells solely supplied with unpurified cellobiose dehydrogenase and laccase in microorganism's culture supernatants, ChemElectroChem 1, 2014, 1886-1894
S. Sané, C. Heilemann, P. Salavei, S. Rubenwolf. C. Jolivalt. C. Madzak, R. Zengerle. P. J. Nielsen, S. Kerzenmacher
Improved Efficiency for Bulk Heterojunction Hybrid Solar Cells by utilizing CdSe Quantum Dot - Graphene Nanocomposites, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, 2014, 12251-12260
M. Eck, C. V. Pham, S. Züfle, M. Neukom, M. Sessler, D. Scheunemann, E. Erdem, S. Weber, H. Borchert, B. Ruhstaller, M. Krüger
Influence of Various Conducting and Inorganic Dielectric Drift Barriers on the Charge Decay in Parylene-C Eiectret Layers, PowerMEMS 2014, December 3-6, 2013, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557, 2014, 012102
S. Genter. O. Paul
Investigating the effects of parasitic components on wireless RF energy harvesting, Proc. 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), February 11-14, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 1-6
A. Nimo, J. Albesa, L. M. Reindl
Laccase from Trametes versicolor can help to improve the performance of microbial fuel cells and to efficiently degrade micropollutants from wastevrater, Proc. 2nd EU-ISMET meeting, Alcala, Spain, September 3-5, 2014, 60
S. Sand, A. König, R. Gminski, S. Kerzenmacher
Low temperature sintering of PZT, PowerMEMS 2014, December 3-6, 2013, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557, 2014. 012132/1-5
A. Medesi, T. Greiner, M. Benkler, C. Megnin, T. Hanemann
Modeling of the Electrical Properties of Bidirectional Alkaline Air Electrodes, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161 (6), 2014, 1019-1022
F. Büker, C. Müller. T. Hanemann, D. Hertkorn, H. Reinecke
Modified Graphene as Electrocatalyst towards Oxygen Reduction Reaction for Fuel Cells, PowerMEMS 2014, December 3-6, 2013, Awaji Island, Hyogo, Japan, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557, 2014, 012009
D. Qazzazie, M. Beckert, R. Mülhaupt, O. Yurchenko, G. Urban
Monitoring of indoor light conditions for photovoltaic energy harvesting, Proc. 11th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), February 11-14, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
M. Kasemann, J. Kokert, S. Torres, K. RühIe, L. Reindl
Optical power transmission can help to build receive coils without coaxial cables, ISMRM-ESMRMB Annual Meeting 2014, May 10-16, 2014, Milan, Italy, in: Proc. Inti. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 22, 2014,1277
J. Höfflin, E. Fischer, O. G. Gruschke, J. Hennig, J. G. Korvink
Performance Loss of a R-Based Implantable Glucose Fuel Cell in Simulated Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluids, Chem. Electro. Chem. 1, 2014, 1895-1900
C. Köhler, M. Frei, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Polymer-based route to ferroelectric lead strontium titanate thin films. Applied Polymer Science 131 (24), 2014, 40901
M. Benkler, J. Hobmeier, U. Gleissner, A. Medesi, D. Hertkorn, T. Hanemann
Polymer-Nanocrystal Hybrid Solar Cells, chapter 6 in C. Brabec, U. Scherf, V. Dyakonov (eds.). Organic Photovoltaics: Materials, Device Physics, and Manufacturing, Wiley VCH Weinheim, Germany, ISBN 978-3-527-33225-0, 2nd ed. 2014. pp. 171-207
M. Eck, M. Krüger
Thermal energy harvesting using an electrostatic generator, Proc. IEEE MEMS 2013, Jan. 20-24, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan, 801-804
S. K. T. Ravindran, P. Nilkund, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Tunable nonlinear piezoelectric vibration harvester, PowerMEMS 2014, December 3-6. 2013, Awaji Island, Hyogo. Japan, in: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 557, 2014, 012113
S. Neiss, F. Goldschmidtboeing, M. Kroener, P. Woias
Using crude culture supernatant of Escherichia coli to supply copperefflux oxidase at a biofuel cell cathode. Proc. 14th ISE topical meeting, Nanjing, China, March 29 - April 1, 2014, 42
S. Sané, J. Eipper, K. Richter, N. J. Matschke, J. Gescher, S. Kerzenmacher
Using planktonic microorganisms to supply the unpurified multi-copper oxidases laccase and copper efflux oxidases at a biofuel cell cathode, Bioresource Technology 158, 2014, 231-238
S. Sané, K. Richter, S. Rubenwolf, N. J. Malschke, C. Jolivalt, C. Madzak, R. Zengerle, J. Gescher, S. Kerzenmacher
Wireless Anti-Theft Alarm System for Automobiles Based on Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting Powered Glass Break Detection, Proc. GMM-Workshop 2014 “Energy self-sufficient Sensors“, Magdeburg, Feb. 24-25, 2014,1-4
J. Leicht, P. Heilmann, T. Hehn, X. Li. D. Maurath, C. Moranz, M. Thewes, G. Scholl, Y. Manoli
A nitrogen-doped graphene electrocatalyst for selective oxygen reduction in presence of glucose and D-gluconic acid in pH-neutral media, Electrochimica Acta 186, 2015, 579-590
D. Qazzazie, M. Beckert, R. Mülhaupt, O. Yurchenko, G. Urban
A novel co-casting process for piezoelectric multilayer ceramics with silver inner electrodes, Eurosensors 2015, Sep 6-9, 2015, Freiburg, Germany, in: Proceedia Engineering 120, 2015, 124-129
A. J. Medesi, H. Meier, C. Megnin, T. Hanemann
A novel microNwave reflector-antenna as a resonant vvireless passive mechanical sensor, IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF) 2015, April 12-16, 2015, Denver. CO, USA
T. Aftab, A. Yousaf, T. Ostertag, L. Reindl
A parallel plate dielectric resonator as a wireless passive strain sensor, Proc. IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS) 2015, April 13-15, 2015, Zadar, Croatia
T. Aftab, A. Yousaf, J. Hoppe, S. Stoecklin, T. Ostertag, L. Reindl
A review of electroplating for V-VI thermoelectric films: from synthesis to device integration. Journal of Materials Research 30 (17), 2015, 2518-2543
R. Rostek, N. Stein, C. Boulanger
Analysis of Passive RF-DC Power Rectification and Harvesting Wireless RF Energy for Micro-watt Sensors, AIMS Energy 3 (2), 2015,184-200
A. NImo, T. Beckedahl, T. Ostertag, L. M. Reindl
Design and fabrication of miniaturized PEM fuel cell combined microreactor with self-regulated hydrogen mechanism; Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660, 2015, 012055
A. Balakrishnan, M. Frei, S. Kerzenmacher, H. Reinecke, C. Mueller
Drahtlose Energieversorgung für rotierende Disks. Proc. MikroSysfemTechnik-Kongress 2015, October 26-28, 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany
J. Höfflin, S. M. Torres Delgado, F. Suarez Sandoval, J. G. Korvink, D. Mager
Ein multiresonant abgestimmter Helmholtz detektor für MRT und 2D NMR von flüssigen Proben mit 100 nl Volumen. Proc. MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2015, October 26-28, 2015, Karlsruhe, Germany
J. Höfflin, N. Spengler, V. Badilita, N. MacKinnon and J. G. Korvink
Electret-based Out-Of-Plane Micro Energy Harvester with Parylene-C Serving as the Electret and Spring Material, Eurosensors 2015, Sep 6-9, 2015, Freiburg, Germany, in: Proceedia Engineering 120, 2015. 341-344
S. Genter, T. Langhof, O. Paul
Electrifying the disk: A modular rotating platform for wireless power and data transmission for Lab on a Disk applications, Lab on a Chip 15 (12), 2015, 2584-2587
J. Höfflin, S. M. Torres Delgado, F. Suarez Sandoval, J. G. Korvink, D. Mager
Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester Interface IC with Conduction-Angle-Controlled Maximum-Power-Point Tracking and Harvesting Efficiencies of up to 90%, Proc. International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2015, Feb. 22-26, 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. 368-369
J. Leicht, M. Amayreh, C. Moranz, D. Maurath, T. Hehn, Y. Manoli
Energy Harvesting Applications and Efficient Power Processing, in: B. Hoefflinger (ed.), CHIPS 2020 Vol. 2 - New Vistas in Nanoelectronics. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-22092-5, 2015. pp. 275-300
T. Hehn, D. Hoffmann. M. Kuril, J. Leicht N. Lotze. C. Moranz, D. Rossbach, K. Ylli, Y. Manoli
Evaluating Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells at Low Light Intensities Using Intensity-Dependent Analysis of IV Parameters. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5(3), 2015, 926-931
K. Rühle, M. Juhl, M. Abbott. M. Kasemann
High quality tunneling oxides for passivated contacts and heterojunctions for high efficiency silicon solar cells. IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference 2015, June 14-19, 2015, New Orleans, LO, USA
K. M. Gad, D. Vössing, P. Balamou, D. Hiller, B. Stegemann, H. Angermann, M. Kasemann
Impact of Edge Recombination in Small Area Solar Cells with Emitter Windows. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (4), 2015, 1067-1073
K. Rühle, M. Juhl. M. Abbott, L. Reindl, M. Kasemann
Improved Si/SiOx interface passivation by ultra-thin tunneling oxide layers prepared by rapid thermal oxidation. Appl. Surf. Sei. 353, 2015, 1269-1276
K. M. Gad, D. Vösslng, P. Balamou, D. Hiller, B. Stegemann, H. Angermann, M. Kasemann
Improving the performance of a biofuel cell cathode with laccase-containing culture supernatant from Pycnoporus sanguineus, Bioresource Technology 175, 2015, 445-453
O. Fokina, J. Eipper, L. Winandy, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Fischer
Modified Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Fuel Cells, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 9. 2015, 886-895
D. Qazzazie, M. Beckert, R. Mülhaupt, O. Yurchenko, G. Urban
Morphology and Oxygen Vacancy Investigation of Strontium Titanate based Photo Electrochemical Cells, Journal of Materials Science 50, 2015, 40-48
D. Hertkorn, M. Benkler, U. Gleissner, F. Büker, C. Megnin, C. Müller, T. Hanemann, H. Reinecke
Neues Co-casting Verfahren zur Herstellung piezoelektrischer Mehrlagen-Bauteile mit Silber-Innenelektroden, Proc. MikroSystemTechnik-Kongress 2015, October 26-28. 2015. Karlsruhe, Germany. 380-383
A. J. Medesi, C. Megnin, T. Hanemann
Novel Fabrication Process for Micro Thermoelectric Generators (µTEGs). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 660 (1). 2015, 012084
U. Pelz, U. J. Jaklin, R. Rostek. M. Kröner, P. Woias
Novel spring-mass matching layer fabrication, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium (lUS) 2015, Oct. 21-24, 2015. Taipei, Taiwan, 1-4
M. Gorostiaga, M. C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
Poisoning of highly porous platinum electrodes by amino acids and tissue.fluid constituents, Chem. Electro. Chem. 2, 2015,1785-1793
C. Köhler, M. Frei, R. Zengerle, S. Kerzenmacher
Sub-threshold CMOS transistors are largely immune to magnetic field effects when operated above 11 Tesla, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B, Magnetic Resonance Engineering 45 (2), 2015, 97-105
J. Höfflin, C. Sander, P. Gieschke, A. Greiner and J. G. Korvink
200ns Settling Time Fully Integrated Low Power LDO Regulator with Comparators as Transient Enhancement, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2016, May 22-25, 2016, Montreal, Canada. 494-497
M. Amayreh, J. Leicht, Y. Manoli
A 4µW to 1mW Parallel-SSHI Rectifier for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Periodic and Shock Excitations with Inductor Sharing, Cold Startup and up to 681% Power Extraction Improvement, Proc. International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2016, Jan. 31 - Feb. 4, 2016, San Francisco, CA, USA, 366-367
D. Sanchez, J. Leicht, E. Jodka, E. Fazel, Y. Manoli
A 96.7 % Efficient Boost Converter with a Stand-by Current of 420 nA for Energy Harvesting Applications, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2016, Montreal, Canada, May 22-25, 2016, 654-657
D. Schillinger, Y. Hu, M. Amayreh, C. Moranz, Y. Manoli
A Numerical Study of Resonant SAW Strain Sensors using Model Order Reduction. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2016, September 18-21, Tours, France
T. Aftab, S. Shakil, J. Hempel, A. Yousuf, L. Reindl
Effect of the aromatic precursor flow rate on the morphology and properties of carbon nanostructures, RSC Advances 6 (39), 2016, 32779
K. Lehmann, O. Yurchenko, G. Urban
Fabrication Process for Micro Thermoelectric Generators (µTEGs), Journal of Electronic Materials 45 (3), 2016, 1502-1507
U. Pelz, J. Jaklin, R. Rostek, F. Thoma, M. Kröner, and P. Woias
Heterojunction Solar Cell with Titanium Dioxide Nanolayer with an Efficiency of 10.1 %, IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference 2016, June 5-10, 2016, Portland, OR, USA
D. Vössing, K. M. Gad, M. Graf, M. Kasemann
High temperature, high frequency, passive wireless sensing using a multimode strontium titanate resonator, SAW Sensor & Actuator Symposium 2016, October 18-21, 2016, Dresden
T. Aftab, P. Bastian, A. Yousuf, T. Ostertag, L. Reindl
High-Resolution, Far-Field and Passive Temperature Sensing up to 700°C Using an Isolated ZST Microwave Dielectric Resonator. IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (3) 2016, 715-722
J.-M. Boccard, T. Aftab, J. Hoppe, A. Yousaf, R. Huetter and L. Reindl
Optimal Electric Load Prediction from the KLM Model for Ultrasound Energy Receivers, IEEE Int. Ultrasonics Symposium (lUS) 2016, Sept. 18-21, 2016, Tours, France
M. Gorostiaga, M. C. Wapler, U. Wallrabe
Selective natural induction of laccases in Pleurotus sajor-caju, suitable for application at a biofuel cell cathode at neutral pH, Bioresource Technology 218, 2016, 455-462
O. Fokina, J. Eipper, S. Kerzenmacher, R. Fischer
Ultra-thin silicon oxide layers on crystalline silicon wafers: Comparison of advanced oxida tion techniques with respect to chemically abrupt Si02/Si interfaces with low defect densities. Applied Surface Science, 2016
B. Stegemann, K. M. Gad, P. Balamou, D. Sixtensson, D. Vösslng, M. Kasemann, H. Anger mann
Ultrathin Titanium Dioxide Nanolayers by Atomic Layer Deposition for Surface Passivation of Crystalline Silicon, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (3), 2016, 649-653
K. M. Gad, D. Vösslng, A. Richter, B. Rayner, L. M. Reindl, S. E. Mohney, M. Kasemann