SFB 666:
Integral Sheet Metal Design with Higher Order Bifurcations - Development, Production, Evaluation
Subject Area
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
from 2005 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 13000367
In the Collaborative Research Centre methods, processes and machinery facilities are to be developed in order to optimise the function and the load of bifurcated structures with an integral sheet metal design. The main focus of research is to generate new methods for the development of multi-purpose products, using innovative manufacturing approaches. This research project provides helpful information concerning requirements, design, product manufacturing and product assessment. It also includes a version of the product developed via virtual technology.
The project is structured in three different groups: product development, product manufacturing and product assessment. Methods from the areas of mathematics, mechanical engineering and material sciences are used in close cooperation in order to reach one common objective. In the first phase of product development, new algorithmic methods are utilised, under constant mathematical optimisation and application of graph theories. The optimal boundary conditions for a given product are to be digitally calculated, using the models developed for that purpose.
In order to implement the solutions found for the production of real products, production processes which allow the manufacturing of bifurcated structures in integral sheet metal design are to be established. New flow-splitting processes combined with milling and joining enable the realisation of product classes with completely new features. In the first phase the main objective is to produce profiles made of bifurcated sheet metal in a continuous production process.
The product features are evaluated using experimental and numerical methods. First the emphasis is placed on mechanical criteria, such as strength and stability. Later, thermodynamic functions and fluid mechanical functions should be integrated.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Transformation of market requirements into product properties
(Project Heads
Gramlich, Sebastian
Kirchner, Eckhard A.
A02 - Mathematical models and algorithms for an automated product development of branched sheet metal products
(Project Heads
Pfetsch, Marc Emanuel
Ulbrich, Stefan
A03 - Optimale Verzweigungsstrukturen unter Fertigungsrestriktionen
(Project Head
Martin, Alexander
A04 - Development of modeling functions for bifurcated sheet metal products
(Project Head
Anderl, Reiner
A05 - Information model for simultaneous engineering of non-linear parametric sheet metal products with bifurcated structures
(Project Head
Anderl, Reiner
A06 - Simulation-based optimization methods for the deep drawing of branched structures
(Project Head
Ulbrich, Stefan
B01 - Enhancing process limits of bend-splitting
(Project Head
Groche, Peter
B02 - Grundlagen des Spaltbiegens
(Project Head
Groche, Peter
B03 - Machining of coil material using HSC technology
(Project Head
Abele, Eberhard
B04 - Production of branched profiles through integrated forming, cutting and joining operations
(Project Heads
Abele, Eberhard
Groche, Peter
B05 - Deep Drawing of Bifurcated Sheet Metals
(Project Head
Groche, Peter
B06 - Technologien der Randschichtmodifikation von Spaltprofilen
(Project Heads
Heilmaier, Martin
Müller, Clemens
C01 - Microstructures and mechanical properties of bifurcated sheet metal structures
(Project Heads
Müller, Clemens
Xu, Bai-Xiang
C02 - Integration of new mathematical methods in the determination of the structural durability of integral sheet components
(Project Heads
Hanselka, Holger
Kohler, Michael
Melz, Tobias
C03 - Computer aided part optimization with numerical process chain analysis
(Project Heads
Groche, Peter
Hanselka, Holger
Kaufmann, Heinz
Ulbrich, Stefan
C04 - Transformation von technologischen Erkenntnissen in Produkteigenschaften und systematisches Ableiten von Innovationspotenzialen
(Project Head
Birkhofer, Herbert
C05 - Evaluation of the subsequent formability of split profiles
(Project Head
Müller, Clemens
D01 - Development, evaluation and optimization of motion guides with linear flow-split running surfaces
(Project Heads
Hanselka, Holger
Kloberdanz, Hermann
Lipp, Klaus
D02 - Systematic Generation of Surface Structures
(Project Head
Schäfer, Stefan
MGK - Integriertes Graduiertenkolleg
(Project Head
Bruder, Enrico
T01 - Beherrschen von Toleranzfeldern beim Spalt- und Walzprofilieren
(Project Head
Groche, Peter
T02 - HSC - Bandkantenbearbeitung in der Rohr- und Pipelineindustrie
(Project Head
Abele, Eberhard
T03 - Abschätzung zyklischer Kennwerte für Aluminium (Sprüh- und Knetlegierungen) mittels künstlich neuronaler Netze unter Einbindung metallographischer und fertigungstechnischer Kenngrößen
(Project Head
Hanselka, Holger
T04 - Evaluation of the structural durability considering the process-induced influences and variable amplitude loading
(Project Heads
Hanselka, Holger
Melz, Tobias
T05 - HSC-Milling strategies for the machining of rail material in the track construction industry
(Project Head
Abele, Eberhard
T07 - Stringer Sheet Forming for Car Body Construction
(Project Head
Groche, Peter
Z - Central Tasks
(Project Head
Groche, Peter