SFB 658:
Elementary Processes in Molecular Switches at Surfaces
Subject Area
from 2005 to 2017
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 12489635
The increasing miniaturisation and integration in electronic devices and sensors opens the perspective to use molecules as building blocks for functional molecular nanostructures. For applications like molecular electronics it will be essential to control the switching between different molecular states, which in nature is often realised by photoinduced conformational changes. Controlled switching of molecular function requires the synthesis and design of appropriate molecular nanosystems and a basic understanding of structural and electronic properties including the interaction with the environment. In addition, there is a demand for active control by external stimuli like electromagnetic fields, forces and currents. The interaction of molecules with surfaces opens new perspectives: It allows to assemble molecules with defined orientations and to vary the lateral couplings in a systematic manner. The contact of molecules to solid state interfaces is also essential to connect the molecular system with the outside world, in particular for electric transport.
The Collaborative Research Centre investigates molecular switching processes driven by external excitations in well defined molecular systems at solid surfaces. We focus on reversible conformational changes of individual molecules and ensembles leading to measurable changes of functional (e.g. optical, electronic or magnetic) properties of the system. Our focus on elementary processes includes investigation of all individual steps, physical parameters and interactions, which induce and influence the process of molecular switching. Research in the Collaborative Research Centre is based on various complementary methods from synthesis of molecular systems, characterisation of structural and electronic properties by quantitative surfaces sciences techniques and theoretical modelling. The long-term goals are to develop novel functionalities, like cooperative switching processes, and criteria for applications in molecular functional devices.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Fundamental switching mechanisms of molecules on metal surfaces investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy
(Project Head
Franke, Katharina
A02 - Conformational changes of single molecules on semiconductor surfaces induced by inelastic electron tunneling processes
(Project Head
Fölsch, Stefan
A03 - Electron transport through single molecules and graphene
(Project Head
Rabe, Jürgen P.
A04 - Excitation and structural transformation of single adsorbed molecules induced by localized optical fields
(Project Head
Elsässer, Thomas
A05 - Complex switching units and molecular architectures, studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
(Project Heads
Grill, Leonhard
Wolf, Martin
A06 - Molecular switches on carbon surfaces
(Project Heads
Reich, Stephanie
Setaro, Ph.D., Antonio
B01 - Molecular switching processes at surfaces: Optical-induced charge transfer and molecular orientation
(Project Head
Tegeder, Petra
B02 - Charge transfer dynamics and switching efficiency in photochromic molecular ensembles at surfaces
(Project Heads
Gahl, Cornelius
Weinelt, Martin
B03 - Magnetism and lateral ordering phenomena of switchable molecules at surfaces
(Project Head
Kuch, Wolfgang
B04 - Optische und magnetooptische Untersuchung von molekularen Magneten und photoinduzierten Dipolen auf Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Fumagalli, Paul
Rüdt, Christoph Benedikt
B05 - Surface-adsorbed switchable ensembles of metal complexes
(Project Head
Grohmann, Andreas
B06 - Photoswitchable units for fundamental processes on surfaces
(Project Head
Rück-Braun, Karola
B07 - Functional imin- and diazo-switching units
(Project Head
Haag, Rainer
B08 - Switching architectures for controlling charge transport
(Project Head
Hecht, Stefan
B09 - Molecular switching in self-assembled monolayers at liquid-solid interfaces
(Project Heads
Campen, Ph.D., Richard Kramer
Wolf, Martin
B10 - Structure, excitonic coupling and cooperative dynamics of switches on surfaces: Real-time and in situ x-ray structure investigations
(Project Head
Kowarik, Stefan M.
C01 - Ab initio Theorie des Ladungstransports durch einzelne Moleküle
(Project Heads
Gross, Eberhard K. U.
Kurth, Stefan
C02 - Quantum theory for light- and electron-driven molecular switches at surfaces: structure and dynamics
(Project Heads
Klamroth, Tillmann
Saalfrank, Peter
C03 - Ab initio Untersuchungen zur Funktionalität molekularer Schalter auf Oberflächen
(Project Heads
Reuter, Karsten
Scheffler, Matthias
C04 - Conformational changes and magnetic switching in deposited molecular structures
(Project Heads
Brouwer, Piet W.
von Oppen, Felix
C05 - Theory of excitation transfer in functionalized carbon nanotubes
(Project Heads
Knorr, Andreas
Malic, Ermin
C06 - Excitations of molecular switches on surfaces: Insight from first-principles
(Project Head
Draxl, Claudia
MGK - Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Kuch, Wolfgang
Reich, Stephanie
V - Zentrale Aufgaben
(Project Heads
von Oppen, Felix
Weinelt, Martin
Z - Photoelectron spectroscopy for the chemical analysis of molecular switches at surfaces
(Project Heads
Kuch, Wolfgang
Rück-Braun, Karola
Weinelt, Martin