Validation of the Implicit Positive And Negative Affect Test (IPANAT), psychometric properties, measurement of affect regulation
Fachliche Zuordnung
Allgemeine, Kognitive und Mathematische Psychologie
Förderung von 2009 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 123801035
Recently, we developed an economical and easy-to-apply instrument for the assessment of implicit affects, the Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT; see Kuhl, 2005). In pilot studies, the positive and negative affect scales of this test showed good reliability and validity as indicated by the pattern of correlations with related constmcts (Quirin, Kazen, & Kuhi, submitted). The IPANAT was initially developed to assess unspecific dimensions of positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA). However, available data suggest that subcomponents of PA and NA can be distinguished, depending on the number and meaning ofthe mood adjectives included. The present research aims at the development of reliable and valid imphcit scales ofthe discrete emotions happiness, sadness, fear, and anger, and an extensive validation of these scales. Validation of these scales includes the assessment of (1) implicit cognitive measures of affect-related representations (e.g., provided by the implicit association test for the assessment of anxiety) and (2) physiological measures (ECG, EDA) as a reaction to emotional movie clips. We will investigate criterion-based validity by testing the role of IPANAT scores in mediating (1) the influenceof subtle affect inductions on analytical and holistic processing as well as (2) the influence of mortality salience on cultural worldview defense and self-esteem.