Animals face highly complex and dynamic olfactory stimuli in their natural environments, which require fast and reliable olfactory processing. Parallel processing is a common principle of sensory systems supporting this task, for example as known from visual and auditory systems, but its functional role in olfaction remained unclear. The presence of parallel olfactory subsystems represents a striking commonality across animal species. Examples are the main olfactory system, vomeronasal system, septal organ and Grueneberg organ in mammals and different subsystems present in amphibians, fish and insects, suggesting that parallel systems have a highly adaptive value. We use the honeybee Apis mellifera to study an insect species where two distinct olfactory subsystems of about equal size have been found within the main olfactory system: the lateral (l- ALT) and the medial (m-ALT) pathways of antennal lobe output neurons. In addition, the honeybee offers a large body of knowledge and a wealth of paradigms to study olfactory anatomy, physiology and behaviour, including learning and memory with close to cognitive capacities. We elaborated important new anatomical features of this dual olfactory pathway regarding modulatory systems, sex-specific differences in the subsystem-specific sensory supply, and differences in the synaptic divergence and plasticity of the two subsystems. Most importantly, using optophysiological recordings and real-time dual tract multi-unit electrophysiology we found that both antennal lobe output tracts respond to a largely similar panel of odors, but extract different features of olfactory information, indicating true parallel processing. Furthermore, we found evidence for at least two mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in the l-ALT subsystem following associative odor learning. Temporal analyses of coincident spiking activity of projection neurons within and across the m- and l-ALT revealed evidence for a temporal code suggesting that parallel processing and coincidence coding are combined processing strategies. In-situ patch clamp recordings revealed substantial differences of intrinsic electrical properties between projections neurons and Kenyon cells - suggesting that these intrinsic properties are important for olfactory coding. Triggered by these findings and the behavioural role of the fast temporal structure of natural odourant stimuli, we performed imaging analyses at the level of Kenyon cells in the mushroom bodies, partly by switching to Drosophila using genetically encoded calcium sensors, to further investigate processing temporal information at the Kenyon cell layer. Current analyses focus on intensity and mixture coding as well as the role of various forms of plasticity within the dual olfactory pathway and following odour pre-exposure, learning, and memory. The joint research programme of this tandem over the two funding periods of the SPP significantly advanced our understanding of parallel olfactory processing and temporal coding in this model system supporting the general significance of parallel olfactory subsystems in general.