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GRK 1613:  Risk and East Asia

Subject Area Social Sciences
Term from 2009 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 122408594
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

The Research Training Group "Risk and East Asia" contributed to theorizing contemporary institutional change in globalizing societies by developing an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the governance of social, political and economic risks. The research program defined institutional change as shifts in responsibilities for protections between states and markets, public and private actors, collectivities and individuals, and endeavored to bring the relatively neglected East Asian growth economies into theorizing and research in European social sciences. Four subthemes in the research program allowed the college to capture how large and universal processes of institutional change - marketization, individualization, decentralization and transnationalization - are both relevant and particular in the East Asian region. The structure of the research program achieved a high degree of cross-disciplinary and intra-regional knowledge exchange about risk governance across the individual doctoral projects. The research results from the first phase of the program contributed to a significant refinement of the sub-themes, with a more specific focus on mixes of state/market and public/private governance of risks in market transformation processes, an acknowledgement of the limits of individualization theories when applied to East Asian political economies, and a reconceptualization of decentralization processes in an East Asian context as being an interaction of central and (rather than a devolution to) local authority and governance mechanisms. A more specific focus on transnational ties and institution-building proved challenging for individual doctoral projects, leading to a focus in the second phase on the recruitment and support of postdoctoral scholars for the comparative and transnational research components. An explicitly international recruitment practice and English language course program resulted in a large share of international doctoral and postdoctoral participants. In all cases, the East Asian language competence of participants was given special scrutiny, as well as their prior disciplinary training. The training program aimed to advance social scientific and regional studies competence for research, enabled by the constellation of expertise in social science disciplines (Economics, Political Science, Sociology) and language-based regional studies (China, Korea, Japan) characterizing the Duisburg Institute of East Asian Studies. This unique context among continental European Asian Studies institutions provided strong support for doctoral candidates to enter positions after graduation in both social science institutions and regional studies centers around the world. All doctoral projects were required to undertake field research abroad in an East Aslan country. To insure that doctoral projects could be completed within three-years, an innovative measure in the training program was the development of an empirical research training seminar abroad, scheduled at the beginning of the second year field-research phase, with two centers of excellence in social scientific research in China (Renmin University) and Japan (The University of Tokyo). Doctoral candidates from Duisburg were brought together with their peers at these institutions to evaluate their research designs, and to receive initial guidance from leading Asian scholars. Still unique to doctoral qualification in Germany, many of the second reviewers and committee members for the final doctoral examinations were foreign scholars, a measure which improved recognition of the achievements and the career advancement of the doctoral candidates internationally. Guest researcher and international activities of the college supported the integration of doctoral and postdoctoral members in their respective scientific communities in North America, Europe, and, importantly for foreign scholars of East Asian political economies, in centers of excellence in China and Japan. With the expiration of the second funding period in 2018, the course program and field research seminar abroad have been continued as an established doctoral curriculum in Duisburg, across a range of university-funded, newly funded and individual-scholarship-supported PhD training activities. The high level of international integration of the Duisburg East Asian research is now continued through a number of joint research and training activities and exchanges with leading East Asian researchers.



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