Central goal of this project is the investigation of the influence of the microstructure of Skutterudites and lead telluride-based materials on their properties. The microstructural phenomena under investigation encompass compositional gradients, formation of precipitates on the nanoscale, grain growth and segregation processes and the formation of cluster structures in a percolation network. It is a key aspect of this proposal that the structural changes are correlated to changes in properties and theoretical calculations on the local properties and electronic states of the respective thermoelectric material. In addition, a potential applicability of thermocouples of p-/n-type Skutterudites and p-type LAST/n-type Pb-Bi-Te will be evaluated. A direct comparison of high-quality TEM information, theoretical results and property profiles is directed versus better predictability of thermoelectric properties of nanopowder materials.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes