The present subproject deals with accumulation phenomena in saturated soils during high-cycle load-ing caused by geotechnical construction processes such as the vibratory pile driving in the vicinity of a retaining wall. Depending on the in-situ conditions (soil type, density, degree of saturation, drainage, permeability), various installation processes or methods can lead to the reduction of the effective pressure, soil liquefaction, creep-like behaviour and, as a consequence, to large deformations. The sequence of the installation of construction elements and their effect on the deformation of the neighbouring structures should also be taken into account. The study will consist in the numerical solution of dynamic boundary value problems for cyclic loading with the aim of finding the amplitude fields, the permanent changes in the effective stresses and the resulting deformations. Eventually, it is intended to suggest a method of prediction of deformations as a basis for practical recommendations.
DFG Programme
Research Units