Conductivity of bilayer graphene: Sublattice coherent contributions within Boltzmann and Kubo approaches
Fachliche Zuordnung
Theoretische Physik der kondensierten Materie
Förderung von 2008 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 114666843
The primary goal of the research proposed here is to find an appropriate fit to the conductivity measurements for bilayer graphene. To achieve this aim the model must contain two main components which seem to be crucial for the conductivity description of the real graphene samples. These two components are: (i) Different types of disorder such as short range scatterers describing imperfections and Coulombic scatterers attributed to the charged impurities. (ii) Sublattice coherence, or pseudospin precession. (The sublattice degree of freedom can be seen as a pseudospin for carriers in graphene.) The pseudospin precession is important for the graphene's transport properties because of the entanglement between quasiparticle momentum and sublattice degree of freedom which can be read out immediately from the effective Hamiltonian for carriers. A model containing both abovementioned components has not been studied yet, I expect, however, that such a model should provide satisfactory explanations for the peculiarities observed in the conductivity measurements for bilayer graphene.
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