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Cell wall properties and bioadhesion in different genotypes of the aeroterrestrial green algal genus Klebsormidium from alpine soils of the Austrian Alps

Subject Area Ecology and Biodiversity of Plants and Ecosystems
Term from 2009 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 114462072
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

Terrestrial green microalgae are typical components of biological soil crusts (BSC) in alpine regions of the Alps. Here they form in the uppermost millimetres an intimate association with soil particles, thereby exerting important ecological roles in primary production, nutrient cycling, water retention and stabilization of soils. The cell wall and mucilage properties of representative BSC green algae as a mechanical protection against terrestrial stress scenarios was studied. Confocal laser microscopy in combination with a set of fluorescence dyes to visualise cell biologically important structures under desiccation stress was successfully carried out with "Klebsormidium crenulatu" collected from a soil crust in Obergurgl (Tyrol) at 2,400m. In liquid culture K. crenulatum formed strong filaments up to several hundred μm in length. The outer surface of the cells appeared rough, while separated cross walls had a smooth appearance, they were convexly bent out due to the turgor pressure. When K. crenulatum filaments were desiccated marked changes characterized by a collapsed outer surface of the filament could be observed. The collapse of the filaments appeared over a long distance, the cross wall positions did not become visible on the surface of a desiccated K. crenulatum filament. Most striking was the appearance of cross walls in desiccated samples, which were strongly undulated, suggesting a high degree of mechanical flexibility. The diameters of the cells were in this case reduced to about 60 % of the dimension seen in cells obtained from liquid culture. In contrast, the outer cell walls were occasionally indented, but never with such an undulated appearance. This was the case in all desiccated samples regardless of the relative air humidity they have been exposed to. The chloroplasts of desiccated samples contained an elevated number of plastoglobules, and all key organelles were maintained. The composition and nanoscale mechanical characteristics of the adhesive from the BSC green alga “Coccomyxa” sp. was studied using Raman spectroscopy, chemical staining, and atomic force microscopy (AFM) in collaboration with Dr. Anika Mostaert, University College Dublin, Ireland. Raman spectroscopy confirmed the adhesive proteins to be predominantly in ß-sheet conformations and composed of a number of hydrophobic amino acid residues. Chemical staining with Congo red and thioflavin-T dyes further confirmed the presence of amyloid-like structures. Probing the adhesives with AFM revealed highly ordered and repetitive mechanical responses indicative of highly ordered structures within the adhesive. The mechanical data show how amyloid provides cohesive strength to the adhesives, and this intrinsic mechanical property of an amyloid-based adhesive explains the ecological success of attachment of this terrestrial microalga to BSCs.



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