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Tetrazyklin- induzierbare, Proliferations- regulierende Gene zur Etablierung und Funktionsanalyse langzeitig wachsender hämatopoietischer Progenitorzelllinien

Subject Area Immunology
Term from 2009 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 112926979
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

First, we have refined methods to generate highly diverse, doxycycline (dox)-controlled full length cDNA expression libraries in retroviral vectors which are specifically suited to transduce hematopoietic cells from pHSC and other progenitors to B lymphoid cells at different stages of their development to plasmablasts and plasma cells. Dox-control allows not only to monitor changes in phenotypes and functions of the transduced cells, but also to distinguish cDNA expression-dependent reversible from irreversible changes in these phenotypes and functions. In the future, such cDNA libraries from human B-cell leukemias will help to identify new oncogenes, thus, targets of therapy. To test transformation of B-lineage cells by the overexpression of one of these cDNA genes to ligand-uncontrolled, malignant states we have developed “ in vitro” and “in vivo” tests. It was a surprise, that transplantation of cDNA-transduced B-lineage cells detects at least five to ten times higher numbers of transformation-inducing oncogenes than do the “in vitro” proliferation and/or survival assays. This now allows a new classification of transforming oncogenes, which should be informative in the identification of such cDNA genes from human B-cell leukemias. Our highly diverse cDNA libraries contain a considerable number of oncogenes cooperating with a first (e.g. c-myc) oncogene in transforming B-lineage cells to malignancy. As a surprise, we have identified the overexpression of a truncated as well as the wildtype form of exoscf-1, one of the ten components of the exosome complex, hence, of a house keeping function, as a transforming gene. Many of these genes promise to open new, unexplored avenues of molecular-biological research of the ways that a cell can take to become premalignant.



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