Integrated MOdelling of Satellite and Airborne Gravity data of Active plate margins
Fachliche Zuordnung
Geodäsie, Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung, Geoinformatik, Kartographie
Förderung von 2009 bis 2014
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 111515486
We aim to interpret the 3D density and dynamic structure of active convergent plate boundaries of the South and Central American subduction zones as well as the Crete regions using satellite (GOCE), airborne (HALO) and terrestrial gravity data. The density, dynamic and flexural rigidity models based on GOCE gravity, gravity gradients and invariants will add new dimension to the interpretation of lithospheric structure, localization of strain accumulation along plate interface and delineation of regions of high seismic moment release. These objectives will be achieved using (1) robust data processing which makes GOCE gravity and gravity gradients suitable for geophysical modelling and (2) well constrained geodynamic modelling of the interaction between the subducting and overriding plates. The 3D static and dynamic modelling will be realized using IGMAS+ and ABAQUS FE software. The influence of geothermic condition and structural segmentation of plates on the magnitude of slab-related earthquakes is not well understood. An attempt will be made to figure out the controlling factors for earthquake occurrences and geodynamic processes. Moreover, the influence of the trench parallel crustal thickness variations on the style of subduction and earthquake distributions will be analysed based on gravity anomalies. The study areas have been the subject of research interest for various projects (IPOC - Integrated Plate Observatory Chile; SFB 526 - Rheology of the Earth; HALO and GOCE/ESA missions) and as a result both geological and geophysical constraints are well documented. We already have synergy with those projects as well as with projects within SPP involved in lithospheric and mantle modelling (CASE, IDEM, VILMA) and GOCE data processing (IMPLY).