Transcription factors of the NAC family play an important role for the regulation of senescence, however, the molecular mechanisms through which they control senescence are only vaguely known. The current proposal addresses the functional analysis of the regulation of senescence by the Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factor ANAC047. Like the recently reported NAC transcription factor JUB1, expression of ANAC047 is rapidly stimulated by treatment with H2O2; however, in contrast to JUB1 it positively regulates senescence. ANAC047 is induced during both, developmental and N starvation-induced senescence and thus represents a particularly interesting candidate for further functional studies within the frame of the FOR. Recently, we discovered two likely downstream targets of ANAC047, i.e. ACC OXIDASE 5 (ACO5), which encodes a key enzyme of ethylene biosynthesis, and GOX3, which encodes a senescence-induced glycolate oxidase. The proposed work includes the functional analysis of the ANAC047 - ACO5/GOX3 regulatory cascade for senescence as well as the further decoding of the gene regulatory network of ANAC047. Additional work aims at modifying N starvation-induced senescence in Brassica napus by taking into account knowledge gained on senescence regulatory transcription factors during the first funding period of the FOR. The proposal includes a wider bio-computational interrogation or the gene regulatory networks of N-controlled senescence in plants, in collaboration with partners in the FOR.Keywords: Arabidopsis, rapeseed, NAC transcription factors, senescence.
DFG Programme
Research Units