Situation related recognition of application relevant dispositions from speech (C02)

Subject Area Image and Language Processing, Computer Graphics and Visualisation, Human Computer Interaction, Ubiquitous and Wearable Computing
Term from 2009 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 54371073

Project Description

Subproject C2 evaluates acoustics from speech for the generation of an informed disposition recognition from speech using spectral, prosodic and paralinguistic features. In combination with a feedback-loop linked to the knowledge base, a recognition of intentions and interactional styles is established which can be applied for an adaptive, goal-oriented dialogue management. Further, these approaches will be adapted and optimised for mobile applications and devices. Moreover, in the project a detection of involvement will be implemented for both single and multi-user scenarios. The obtained information on disposition, intention, and involvement will be iteratively propagated to the knowledge base for further symbolic processing.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios
Subproject of TRR 62:  Companion-Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems
Applicant Institution Universität Ulm
Co-Applicant Institution Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Project Head Professor Dr. Andreas Wendemuth