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Palaeoenvironmental, palaeogeographic, and palaeoclimatic signals of a condensed horizon: The Upper Callovian-Oxfordian Dhosa Oolite of the Kachchh Basin, western India

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2008 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 110141185
Final Report Year 2013

Final Report Abstract

The aim of the project was to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental, palaeogeographic, and palaeoclimatic conditions in the Kachchh Basin during the Late Callovian and Oxfordian. This time interval is of special interest due to the proposal of a glacial phase by Dromart et al. (2003), and because of the highly condensed nature of the strata. The major results of the present project are the following: A detailed biostratigraphic framework for the Oxfordian of the Kachchh Basin based on the collection of more than 800 ammonites. Most of the zones and few subzones of the Oxfordian standard zonal scheme of Europe have been recognised. On Kachchh Mainland most of the Upper Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian is represented by a hiatus. - A comprehensive taxonomic study of the Oxfordian ammonite fauna. So far, 50 taxa have been revised. - A detailed model explaining the formation of the highly condensed Dhosa Oolite mb. It includes two phases of subaerial exposure of large parts of the basin floor, which could be dated as late Early and Late Oxfordian. - The reconstructed sea-level curve for the Kachchh Basin does not support the existence of a pronounced sea-level minimum at the Callovian-Oxfordian boundary connected with an ice age as proposed by earlier workers. - Detailed studies on the petrography of the Oxfordian rocks and associated geochemical analyses have been used to infer an original calcareous origin of the allochthonous, ferruginous ooids and to corroborate/modify palaeoenvironmental reconstructions based on sedimentological data. - Stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) analyses of belemnites, brachiopods, and oysters from the Kachchh Basin were used to reconstruct the temperature development in the area from the Late Callovian to Kimmeridgian. The results show comparatively warm conditions around the Middle to Late Jurassic transition and therefore do not support the existence of an ice age as earlier proposed. - The reconstructed Oxfordian temperature curve could be connected with strong upwelling currents dominating the northern Malagasy Gulf during the Late Jurassic as had been previously suggested by general circulation models. - A high-resolution stable isotope analysis of an oyster was used to reconstruct average seasonal temperatures over a consecutive time interval of ten years. The results of this study point to a comparatively low palaeo-seasonality of 1- 3°C, which can be explained by the subtropical latitude of the Kachchh Basin.



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