The virtual seed (vSEED): Combined mathematical, engineering and post-genomics comparative biology to model the systems biology of seed dormancy, after-ripening and germination.
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2009 bis 2013
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 105799170
The aim of the vSEED project is to provide a dynamic mathematical description of seed dormancy, after-ripening and germination focussing on the key seed compartments the radicle and endosperm. This interdisciplinary project will analyse the comparative biology of the closely related Brassicaceae species Arabidopsis thaliana and Lepidium sativum, using engineering, imaging, modelling and post-genomics approaches to develop a virtual germinating seed. We propose that germination is an ideal exemplary subject for the integration of new technologies and for developing molecular plant biomechanics in conjunction with dynamic mathematical modelling.The research programme will be achieved through five inter-related work packages:WP1: Identification and mathematical modelling of key transcriptome networks associated with radicle and endosperm function.WP2: Analysis of cell wall biology during embryo growth and endosperm weakening.WP3: Provision of tissue/seed scale biomechanical modelling through the use of novel engineering and imaging approaches.WP4: Multi-scale modelling, integrating cross-species analysis, from transcriptomic networks though tissue biomechanical models to physiological seed behaviour (including abiotic stresses).WP5: Resource development and model validation through use of unique, and development of novel, genetic resources.
Internationaler Bezug
Großbritannien, Niederlande