Integrating genetics and high throughput genomics to indentify genes underlying tomato quantitative trait loci (QTL) for metabolites that influence fruit quality (TomQML)

Applicant Professor Alisdair Fernie, Ph.D.
Subject Area Plant Physiology
Term from 2009 to 2013
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 105799092

Project Description

The principal objective is to understand the molecular mechanisms controlling the formation of primary and secondary metabolites responsible for tomato fruit quality traits. In the current project we will combine state of the art high throughput genomics technology with quantitative genetics for rapid identification of genes underlying tomato metabolite QTL. The knowledge generated will be used to-harness natural Variation for the benefit of the European consumer. The technical objectives are:1. Resolve previously identified metabolite QTL to determine minimal genomic regions harbouring the traits of interest.2. Integration of transcriptomic and metabolomic data at sub-IL and QTL-NIL resolution for candidate gene selection, facilitating the Identification of genes underlying phenotypes.3. Map candidate genes and niap-based cloning of QTLs to identify the potential molecular basis of metabolite changes4. Functional analysis of candidate genes by VIGS, TILLING and RNAi to elucidate their mode of action and ability to influence traits.5. Survey allelic diversity of key ripening genes across wild species to identify and harness natural variation suitable for modern molecular breeding applications.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection France, Israel, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA
Participating Persons Professor Dr. Gerco Angenent; Professor Paul D. Fraser, Ph.D.; Professor James Giovannoni, Ph.D.; Dr. Ian Puddephat; Privatdozent Dr. Christophe Rothan; Dr. Arthur A. Schaffer; Professor Dr. Graham B. Seymour