Professor Dr. Hans Heinrich Bahlburg
Universität Münster
Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie
Corrensstraße 24
48149 Münster
As Applicant
Completed projects
Provenance analysis and plate tectonic setting of Devonian-Early Carboniferous turbidite successions prior to their incorporation into the Late Carboniferous-Permian active margin regime in southern Chile
(Research Grants)
Simulation von Entwicklung und Landfall impaktgenerierter Tsunamis am Beispiel des Chicxulub-Impaktes zur Zeit der Kreide-Tertiär Grenze in Yucatán, Mexiko
(Research Grants)
Sinian low-latitude glacial deposits on the Yangtze platform, South China: Sedimentological and geochemical evidence for Late Proterozoic climate change and a test of the Snowball Earth hypothesis
(Research Grants)
Das Altpaläozoikum in Altiplano und Ostkordillere Südperus - Kooperationsabsprachen und vorbereitende Geländearbeiten
(Research Grants)
Sedimentologische Analyse der Ablagerungen des Asien-Tsunami vom 26.12.2004 an Küsten in mittleren und fernen Distanzen: Abbild der Strömungsprozesse während des Landfalls
(Research Grants)
The Late Tertiary-Quaternary onshore tsunami record of nothern Chile and southern Peru: towards the recognition of diagnostic features of onshore tsunami deposits (short title: Chile-Peru tsunami deposits)
(Research Grants)
Sedimentologische Analyse der Ablagerungen des Java-Tsunami vom 26.07.2006: Parameter der Strömungsprozesse während des Auflaufens und Rückstroms im Vergleich zum Sumatra-Tsunami vom Dezember 2004
(Research Grants)
The geodynamic evolution of the early Paleozoic Gondwana margin in southern Peru and northern Bolivia - the provenance record of the Ordovician and Devonian siliciclastic strata
(Research Grants)
Sedimentologie der Sedimente des Chile-Tsunami vom 27. Februar 2010. Analyse und Vergleich mit ähnlichen Ablagerungen der 2004 Sumatra, 2006 Java und anderer rezenter Tsunami
(Research Grants)
The Archean to Paleoproterozoic transition as recovered in the FAR DEEP cores: LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology of detrital zircons and accompanying provenance analysis of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Sedimentology of coastal and lagoon deposits in the Seychelles islands - evidence of the 2004 Indian ocean tsunami and other high energy wave events
(Research Grants)
The onshore tsunami record in southern Chile - historical and beyond: Sedimentology, geochemistry, stratigraphy and regional correlation
(Research Grants)
Rift systems at continental margins: A case study of facies evolution and provenance of the sedimentary-volcanic facies evolution of the Permotriassic Mitu Group (Central Andes, Peru)
(Research Grants)
Sedimentological post-tsunami survey of the deposits formed by the September 16, 2015 Illapel tsunami in central Chile
(Research Grants)
Provenance of the Neogene to Holocene sediments drilled by IODP Expedition 341 in the Gulf of Alaska. A single grain geochemical and geochronological study of the glacially influenced denudation history of the evolving St. Elias Orogen using heavy minerals
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
The evolution of the European Crust – U-Pb, Pb, Hf, and O isotope systematics of detrital zircon, rutile and K-feldspar from the sediments of major European rivers
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Cosmic dust (micrometeorites) in mesoproterozoic sandstones, Finland
(Research Grants)
An Integrated Sedimentological and Multi-proxy Geochemical Investigation of the Neoproterozoic Climatic Paradox
(Research Grants)