Professor Dr. Albrecht Wendel
No current work address.
As Applicant
Completed projects
Endogene Gewebszerstörung - Mechanismen der Autodestruktion -
(Research Units)
Modulation of apoptotic cell death by selenium supplementation (Modulation des apoptotischen Zelltods durch Selen-Supplementierung)
(Priority Programmes)
Endogene Modulatoren apoptotischer Signaltransduktion in der Leber
(Research Units)
Specific immunotherapeutic targeting of malignant hepatocytes enabled by transient and controlled ATP depletion
(Research Grants)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
GRK 702: Biomedical Drug Research
(Research Training Groups)
FOR 324: Endogene Gewebszerstörung - Mechanismen der Autodestruktion
(Research Units)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Caspase-unabhängiger Zelltod und die Phagozytenreaktion
(Research Units)