Project Details
Dr. Marianne Dörr
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Post Office Box 2620
72016 Tübingen
As Applicant
Completed projects
Zentrum für Nachhaltigkeit linguistischer Daten (Research data and software)
Ausbau des zentralen kriminologischen Informationsangebot KrimDok (Acquisition and Provision)
VD 18: Digitization and Cataloguing of Imprints of the 18th century from the holdings of Tuebingen University Library (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Antrag auf Auslauffinanzierung für Zeitschriften aus dem SSG Theologie (Acquisition and Provision)
VD 18: Digitization and Cataloguing of imprints of the 18th century from the holdings of Tuebingen University Library 24 (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Open Access Publishing 2018 - 2019 / University of Tübingen (Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch)
VD 18: Digitization and Cataloguing of imprints of the 18th century from the holdings of Tuebingen University Library 24 (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Current projects
DataPLANT – Data in PLANT research (NFDI technical and methodological consortia)
BERD@NFDI - NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data (NFDI technical and methodological consortia)
Current projects
As Ehemalige Antragstellerin
Current projects
Names, persons and groups of persons of the Middle Ages (Research data and software) to 1/2024
Scientific Information Service "Theology" (Acquisition and Provision) to 1/2024
Scientific Information Service Criminology (Acquisition and Provision) to 1/2024
Open Access Publicationfunding / 2023 - 2025 / University of Tübingen (Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch) to 1/2024
Japanese Visual Media Graph 2: Building a research-oriented and accessible service (Research data and software) to 1/2024
Completed projects
Retrospective Indexing and Digitization of theological Journals (DigiTheo_5) (Cataloguing and Digitisation) to 1/2024
Current projects
- As Cooperation Partner
As Co-Investigator
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing 2016 - 2017 / University of Tübingen (Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch)
Completed projects