Professor Dr. Wolfgang Balzer
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 02: Biologie / Chemie
Leobener Straße
28359 Bremen
As Applicant
Completed projects
Trace metals and natural radio nuclides in the upwelling region of Southwest Africa (Walvis Ridge) (M48/4)
(Priority Programmes)
Oceanography, marine biology, Chemistry and geology of the eastern boundary current region of the South Atlantic - Coordination M48
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
The Cuban-European climate connection: Ocean/atmosphere variability in the North Atlantic reconstructed from isotopes and trace elements in massive corals from Cuba
(Research Grants)
The Cuban-European climate connection: Ocean/atmosphere variability in the North Atlantic reconstructed from isotopes and trace elements in massive corals from Cuba
(Research Grants)