Project Details
Professor Dr. Klaus-Holger Knorr
Universität Münster
Institut für Landschaftsökologie
Heisenbergstraße 2
48149 Münster
- As Applicant
- Current projects
- Probabilistic Modeling of Long-term Peatland Carbon Dynamics (Research Grants)
- Redox induced mobilisation of DOC from riparian wetlands (ReDOCs) (Research Grants)
- E=OC^2 – Energy resolves Organic Carbon Complexity in anoxic waters (Research Grants)
- Microbial controls of fen peatland carbon turnover (MicroFen) (Research Grants)
- Completed projects
- Current projects
- As Leader
- Completed projects
- Laser-based analyzer for detection of 12C/13C and H/D in methane (Major Research Instrumentation)
- Completed projects
- As Cooperation Partner
- As Co-Investigator
- Current projects
- Deadwood in the final decay class: Shifts in functions, processes and active microbial communities (Woodstock II) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
- Thawing Effects on Soil Organic Carbon in Permafrost Peatlands (TESOCPe) (Research Grants)
- Current projects