Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Kissinger
Universität Ulm
Fakultät Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Psychologie
Institut für Elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungen
Albert-Einstein-Allee 45
89081 Ulm
As Applicant
Current projects
Active Millimeter-Wave On-Wafer Measurement Probe (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Sub-THz scalable Sensor-SoC (Research Grants)
Fiber-Wireless-Fiber Fully Integrated D-Band System (FiWiFi) (Research Grants)
Flexible Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit Sensor Platform II [EPIC-Sense II] (Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
On-Wafer Measurement System for the Analysis of Integrated Broadband Circuits (Major Research Instrumentation)
On-Wafer Measurement System for the Analysis of Integrated Submillimeter-Wave Circuits (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 2203: Micro- and nano-scale sensor technologies for the lung (Research Training Groups)
Completed projects