Project Details
Dr. Andrea Wettmann
Sächsisches Staatsarchiv
Archivstraße 14
01097 Dresden
As Applicant
Completed projects
Archivische Findmittel und Quellen: Retrokonversion von Findmitteln des Sächsischen Staatsarchivs (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Archivische Findmittel und Quellen. (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Building a German Archives Portal (Research data and software)
Digitalization of the catalogues of the Saxon State Archives (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Digitization of microforms from analog archival material of the Saxon State Archives (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Digitalization of the catalogues of the Saxon State Archives (Cataloguing and Digitisation)
Completed projects
- As Participating Person