Professor Dr. Christopher Juhlin
Uppsala Universitet
Institutionen för geovetenskaper
Villavägen 16
752 36 Uppsala
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-1 drillhole
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
As Cooperation Partner
Current projects
COSC 2 – Constraints on age and setting of Proterozoic igneous and early Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks below and within the Caledonian nappe pile
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
The marine sector of the North German Basin and the Tornquist Zone: Structural evolution and fluid flow
(Research Grants)
Early Phanerozoic outer shelf succession of Baltica beneath the Caledonian nappes: a first evaluation of the sedimentary record from the COSC 2 core hole, Sweden
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Three-component borehole magnetics in the COSC-2 drill hole
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-2 drillhole
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)