Professor Dr.-Ing. Igor Krivtsun
E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute
11, Bozhenko str.
Kyiv 03680
As International Co-Applicant
Current projects
Self-consistent modelling of Laser- Activated -TIG (LATIG) welding of Aluminium or Copper
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
Investigating of the influence of non-stationary processes in arc plasma on the depth penetration in high frequency TIG welding
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Entwicklung eines selbstkonsistenten physikalisch-mathematischen Modells des Energie-, Massen und Ladungstransfers im System Tropfen-Anodenschicht-Lichtbogensäule beim Metall-Schutzgasschweißen
(Research Grants)
Selbstkonsistentes Modell für das Laser-WIG/Plasma-Hybridschweißen im Wärmeleitungmodus
(Research Grants)
Development of a physical-mathematical model of the gas metal arc welding process for pulsed mode by using multicomponent filler materials and molecular gases
(Research Grants)