Dr. Harald Hausen
Universitetet i Bergen
Institutt for geovitenskap
P.O.box 7803
5020 Bergen
As Applicant
Completed projects
Molecular and structural characterization of photoreceptor cells in Annelida in order to utilise the photosensitive system as comparative character for inferring metazoan interrelationships
(Priority Programmes)
The ancestry of deuterostome photoreceptors - molecular and structural investigations in echinoids and enteropneusts
(Research Grants)
Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Phylogenie sedentärer Polychaeten: Ultrastrukturelle und immunhistochemische Bearbeitung vonSinnesorganen, Borsten und Kopfanhängen
(Research Grants)
Molecular and structural characterization of photoreceptor cells in Lophotrochozoa in order to utilise the photosensitive system as comparative character for inferring metazoan interrelationships. II. Eyes and photoreceptors of Mollusca and Platyhelminthes
(Priority Programmes)
The ancestry of deuterostome photoreceptors - molecular and structural investigations in echinoids and enteropneusts
(Priority Programmes)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Molecular and structural characterization of photoreceptor cells in Annelida in order to utilise the photosensitive system as comparative character for inferring metazoan interrelationships
(Priority Programmes)
Towards the vertebrate eye - Exploring photoreceptors of basal deuterostomes
(Research Grants)
As Host
Completed projects
Developmental and gene expression patterns during neurogenesis in basal branching Annelida
(Research Fellowships)