Professor Dr.-Ing. Malte Kob
Hochschule für Musik Detmold
Neustadt 22
32756 Detmold
As Applicant
Completed projects
Experimentelle Strömungsuntersuchung zum Verständnis der Rauschentstehung im menschlichen Vokaltrakt an einem pulsierend durchströmten Modellkanal mit naturgetreuer Stimmlippenfunktion
(Research Grants)
A finite-element model of human phonation with fluid-structure interaction
(Research Grants)
Technologies of Singing: Research into the Dispositif Singing - Body - Media in the Early Years of Recording
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Modifications of the Vocal Tract and Determination of Associated Resonance Properties During Singing Via Real-Time Volumetric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(Research Grants)