Project Details
Professor Dr. Manuel A. Friese
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf
Zentrum für Molekulare Neurobiologie
Institut für Neuroimmunologie und Multiple Sklerose (INIMS)
Falkenried 94
20251 Hamburg
ORCID-ID 0000-0001-6380-2420
As Applicant
Current projects
Decoding IL-17A-mediated influences on stroke recovery (Research Units)
The miR-92a–Cpeb3 network in inflammation-induced neurodegeneration (Research Grants)
Profiling neurodegeneration of sensory systems in multiple sclerosis (Research Grants)
Coordination Funds (Research Units)
Neuronal proteostasis during neuroinflammation (Research Units)
Regulators of inflammation-induced ferroptosis in neurons (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Charakterisierung der CD8+-T-Zellen in der Pathogenese der Multiplen Sklerose (Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups)
Proteinopathy in inflammatory neurodegeneration (Research Grants)
Targeting the neurovascular niche in COVID-19 (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Leader
Completed projects
5-laser flow cytometer (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
- As Spokesperson
As Project Head
Current projects
Controlling T cell response by cAMP signaling (Collaborative Research Centres)
Purinergic modulation in inflammation-induced neurodegeneration (Collaborative Research Centres)
Neuronal response to emerging viral infections (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
KFO 296: Feto-maternal immune cross talk: Consequences for maternal and offspring's health (Clinical Research Units)
Current projects