Project Details
Professor Dr. Oliver M. Schlüter
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen
Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
von-Siebold-Straße 5
37075 Göttingen
As Applicant
Current projects
Completed projects
Analysis of AMPA-Receptor Trafficking During Longterm Changes in Synaptic Plasticity (Research Fellowships)
Analysis of signaling scaffolds in NMDA receptor dependent long-term synaptic plasticity (Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Signaling mechanisms of synaptic state transitions in relation to long-term synaptic plasticity (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
Interplay of excitatory silent synapses, inhibitory synapses and synapse pruning in critical period plasticity (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects