Project Details
Professor Dr. Wolfgang König
Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik (WIAS)
Leibniz-Institut im Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
Mohrenstraße 39
10117 Berlin
As Applicant
Current projects
Coordination Funds (Priority Programmes)
Spatial Coagulation and Gelation (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Mathematik (Heisenberg Fellowships)
Kooperationsfond (Research Units)
Random mass flow through random potential (Research Grants)
Singular SPDEs: Approximation and Statistical Properties (Research Units)
The statistical mechanics of the interlacement point process (Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
SPP 2265: Random geometric systems (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
FOR 718: Analysis and Stochastics in Complex Physical Systems (Research Units)
Current projects
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2046: MATH+: Berlin Mathematics Research Center (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
GRK 2544: Stochastic Analysis in Interaction (International Research Training Groups)
Completed projects
GRK 597: Analysis, Geometry and their Connection with the Natural Sciences (Research Training Groups)
GRK 1845: Stochastic Analysis with Applications in Biology, Finance and Physics (Research Training Groups)
Current projects
As Project Head
Current projects
Random interface models, scaling limits and large deviations (CRC/Transregios)
Dormant populations in heterogeneous random environments (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects
Stochastic spatial coagulation particle processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
Current projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Probabilistic interpretation of the Gross-Pitaevskii theory (Research Grants)
Intermittency phenomena in random media (Research Units)
Completed projects