Professor Dr. Volker Schomerus
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
As Applicant
Completed projects
Nichtperturbative Stringdualität und D-branes in Calabi-Yau-Kompaktifizierungen
(Priority Programmes)
Theoretische Physik
(Heisenberg Fellowships)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 1670: Mathematics Inspired by String Theory and QFT
(Research Training Groups)
As Project Head
Current projects
Quantized Chern-Simons observables as discrete integrable systems
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider models and supersymmetric gauge theories
(Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
Time-dependent Backgrounds in String Theory
(Collaborative Research Centres)
QCD and String Theory
(Collaborative Research Centres)