Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Betsch
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Mechanik (IFM)
76128 Karlsruhe
As Applicant
Current projects
Unsymmetric enhanced assumed strain elements for solid and structural mechanics
(Research Grants)
Simulation approach to the inverse dynamics of underactuated systems
(Research Grants)
Thermodynamically consistent discretization methods for coupled thermomechanical problems
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
Mechanische Integratoren für diskrete mechanische Systeme mit holonomen und nichtholonomen Zwangsbedingungen
(Research Grants)
Nichtlineare Schalenelemente für die Dynamik flexibler Mehrkörpersysteme
(Research Grants)
Structure-preserving optimal control of multibody systems
(Research Grants)
Numerical methods for the optimal control of constrained mechanical systems
(Research Grants)
Mixed methods for the structure-preserving integration in nonlinear structural and elasto-dynamics
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Galerkin basierte Zeitintegratoren für die nichtlineare Elastodynamik
(Research Grants)
Objektive Balkenelemente für die Dynamik elastischer Mehrkörpersysteme
(Research Grants)
Energie- und drehimpulskonsistente Diskretisierungsverfahren für reibungsbehaftete dynamische Kontaktvorgänge.
(Research Grants)
Stabile Zeitintegratoren für die nichtlineare Thermoviskoelastodynamik
(Research Grants)
Methods and algorithms for contact mechanics.
(Research Grants)
Structure preserving time integration schemes for thermomechanical systems
(Research Grants)