Project Details
Professor Dr. Frank Heppner
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Charité Campus Mitte (CCM)
Institut für Neuropathologie
Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin
As Applicant
Completed projects
Der Beitrag von Mikrogliazellen an der Pathogenese von Prionen-Erkrankungen (Research Fellowships)
Effects of Microglia on Hippocampal Neurogenesis (Research Grants)
Beclin1 and autophagie in Alzheimers disease (Research Grants)
Completed projects
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
TRR 43: The Brain as a Target of Inflammatory Processes (CRC/Transregios)
Completed projects
As Participating Researcher
Current projects
EXC 2049: NeuroCure (Clusters of Excellence (ExStra))
Completed projects
EXC 257: NeuroCure - Towards a Better Outcome of Neurological Disorders (Clusters of Excellence)
GSC 1091: Berlin School of Integrative Oncology (BSIO) (Graduate Schools)
Current projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Dissecting mechanisms of immune actions in Alzheimer's disease (CRC/Transregios)
Central tasks / Administrative office of the SFB TRR 43 (CRC/Transregios)
Histomorphological evaluation and in-situ analysis of regulatory and effector cells (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
The role of mast cell activation in neuroinflammation (Priority Programmes)
Completed projects