Project Details
Professor Dr. Andreas Janshoff
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Physikalische Chemie
Tammannstraße 6
37077 Göttingen
ORCID-ID 0000-0002-0773-2963
As Applicant
Completed projects
Interaction of Janus Particles with Membranes and Cells from the Human Blood Compartment (Priority Programmes)
Force transmission in epithelia - the impact of next neighbors (Priority Programmes)
Dynamics and mechanics of wound healing (Research Grants)
Completed projects
As Leader
Completed projects
AFM mit TIRF-Mikroskop-Zusatz (Major Research Instrumentation)
Optische Pinzette (Major Research Instrumentation)
Schnelles Rasterkraftmikroskop mit Fluoreszenzmikroskop (Major Research Instrumentation)
Inverted confocal microscope for life science (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
- As Participating Researcher
As Project Head
Completed projects
Untersuchung der Struktur und Konformation supramolekularer organischer und biologischer Systeme mit Hilfe der Kraftmikroskopie (Collaborative Research Centres)
Mechanics and dynamics of biological adhesion (Collaborative Research Centres)
Dynamics and mechanics of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (Collaborative Research Centres)
Self-organization and mechanics of actomyosin networks attached to artificial and cellular plasma membranes (Collaborative Research Centres)
A quantitative assessment of the role of lateral tension, curvature, and external forces in membrane fusion (Collaborative Research Centres)
Mapping the protein and lipid organization in the plasma membrane of neurons using rapid rupture event imaging (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
- As Participating Person