Professorin Dr. Doris Schmitt-Landsiedel
No current work address.
As Applicant
Completed projects
Analysis and optimization of parametric yield for low-power circuits
(Priority Programmes)
Niederohmige, elektromigrationsfeste Silberstrukturen für die Mikroelektronik
(Research Units)
Der Tunneltransistor in matrixförmigen Schaltungen und Sensoren
(Research Units)
Zentrale Dienste
(Research Units)
Senkung der Verlustleistung in energierückgewinnender Logik durch abschaltbare Spannungsversorgung
(Research Grants)
Kompensation von On-Chip Parameterschwankungen durch lokale Spannungsanpassung aufgrund von in-situ Verzögerungsmessungen in integrierten CMOS Schaltungen
(Research Grants)
Analog circuits with time varying parameters caused by device aging and gate currents: modelling of impact on circuit behaviour; assessment and development of countermeasures.
(Research Grants)
3D Integration of Nonvolatile Nanomagnetic Logic
(Research Grants)
Design of Circuits and Systems for Nonvolatile Nanomagnetic Logic
(Research Grants)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
FOR 395: Selected Materials and Devices for Silicon Ultra Large Scale Integration
(Research Units)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Generation of Distributed Monitors and Run-time Verification of Invasive Applications