Project Details
Professor Dr. Björn Brembs
Universität Regensburg
Fakultät für Biologie und Vorklinische Medizin
Institut für Zoologie
Universitätsstraße 31
93053 Regensburg
As Applicant
Current projects
What are the neurobiological mechanisms mediating operant self-learning? (Research Grants)
Regulating habits (Research Grants)
Completed projects
The neural basis of operant conditioning in Aplysia (Research Grants)
The neurobiology of spontaneous behavior and its modulation by reafferent stimuli in Drosophila (Heisenberg Fellowships)
The neurobiology of operant behavior (Research Grants)
What is the function of FoxP in operant self-learning? (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Ehemaliger Antragsteller
Completed projects
Genetic dissection of octopamine action in Drosophila motivation, reward and motor control (Research Units) to 12/2012
Completed projects
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Ants as a model for economic decision-making: consumer psychology in a biological system (Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups)
Completed projects