Professor Dr. Klaus Butterbach-Bahl
Aarhus Universitet
Institut for Agroøkologi
Blichers Allé 20
8830 Tjele
As Applicant
Current projects
What is the role of exogenous NO for plants, microbes, and their interactions in soil?
(Research Grants)
Completed projects
Regionalisierung von N- und C-Spurengasemissionen aus Tropenwäldern
(Research Grants)
Modellierung der CH4 und N2O Spurengasemissionen aus Reisanbaugebieten in China
(Research Grants)
Process Oriented Simulation of Competition of Heterotrophic Microorganisms and Plants in Beech-Dominated Deciduous Forests for Nitrogen and Water
(Research Units)
Quantification and biogeochemical modeling of C and N turnover processes and biosphere-atmosphere exchange of C and N compounds
(Research Units)
MAGIM project coordination, coordination of MAGIM spatial experiments and development of a Geo Information System (GIS) for the Xilin river catchment
(Research Units)
Land use and water management effects on soil N2O emissions in the Hai He river basin, China
(Research Grants)
Uncertainty of predicted hydro-biogeochemical fluxes and trace gas emissions on the landscape scale under climate and land use change
(Research Grants)
Plot scale modeling and upscaling of greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching
(Research Units)
N2O from the Swiss midlands: regional sources and hot spots
(Research Grants)
Minimizing nitrogen environmental impacts in intensive greenhouse vegetable production systems in Shandong, China (NIVEP)
(Research Grants)
Measuring and modelling of plant effects on denitrification using innovative techniques
(Research Units)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
FOR 536: Matter Fluxes in Grasslands of Inner Mongolia as Iinfluenced by Stocking Rate (MAGIM)
(Research Units)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
N trace gas emissions from tropical savanna ecosystems and responses to global changes
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Mitigation Assessments for Rice produced in Southeast Asia: Digital Platform for Quantification and Planning exemplified for Vietnam
(Research Grants)