Project Details
Professor Dr. Alfred Weber
Technische Universität Clausthal
Fakultät für Mathematik/Informatik und Maschinenbau
Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik
Leibnizstraße 19
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld
- As Applicant
- Current projects
- Charge-induced dry concentration of lithium-containing components in fine slag powders (Priority Programmes)
- Completed projects
- Hochtemperatur-Aufladung von Aerosolpartikeln (Research Grants)
- Einfluss des Partikelkontaktes auf die katalytische Kohlenstoffoxidation (Research Grants)
- Contact phenomena during high velocity collisions of nanoparticles with surfaces (Priority Programmes)
- Dynamics of separation characteristics of sieving and flow classification processes (Priority Programmes)
- Nanobubble-induced centrifugal flotation of nanoparticles (Priority Programmes)
- Current projects
- As Leader
- Completed projects
- On-line größenfraktionierte Elementanalyse von ultrafeinen Nanopartikeln (Major Research Instrumentation)
- Completed projects
- As Project Head
- Current projects
- Deoxidation of gasborne powders (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Current projects
- As Participating Person
- Completed projects
- Catalytic properties of nanosized aerosol particles (Research Grants)
- Completed projects