Professor Dr. Bo Barker Jørgensen
Aarhus University
Department of Bioscience
Ny Munkegade 116
8000 Århus C
As Applicant
Completed projects
Biogeochemische Stoffflüsse in hydrothermal beeinflußten Gebieten und in Auftriebsgebieten
(Priority Programmes)
The effect of pressure and temperature on microbial turnover rates in deep-sea sediments
(Priority Programmes)
Biogeochemical element cycles and Holocenic paleoclimate in the western Black Sea (M51/4)
(Priority Programmes)
Biogeochemische Prozesse und Elementflüsse an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenze von tidalen Sedimenten
(Research Units)
Sulfidbildung in der anaeroben Methanoxidationszone
(Priority Programmes)
Biogeochemical element cycles in sediments of the Black Sea (M51/4)
(Priority Programmes)
An integrated study of seepage through the seabed of the Nile deep-sea fan
(Research Grants)
Koordinatorantrag M72
(Priority Programmes)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Biogeochemical Processes
(DFG Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Hydrothermale Stofflüsse und biologische Produktion in der Ägäis
(Priority Programmes)
Experimental investigation of boundary conditions at a permeable interface
(Research Grants)
Biogeochemical cycles and Holocene climatic variability in the upwelling system offshore Namibia
(Priority Programmes)
Development and Application of New Quantitative Molecular Ecological Techniques to Study the Abundance and Activity of Microorganisms in the Marine Deep Subsurface
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Development and Application of New Quantitative Molecular Ecological Techniques to Study the Abundance and Activity of Microorganisms in the Marine Deep Subsurface
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
An integrated study of seepage through the seabed of the Nile deep-sea fan
(Research Grants)
Cultivation and quantification of microorganisms in Baltic Sea deep sediments in response to glacial and interglacial cycles (IODP Exp. 347)
(Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
As Host
Completed projects
Controls on iron and sulfate reduction in Arctic fjord sediments under climate change
(Research Fellowships)