Professorin Dr. Maren Voß
Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW)
Seestraße 15
18119 Rostock
As Applicant
Completed projects
SOLAS, Stickstofffixierung im tropischen Nordatlantik (M55)
(Priority Programmes)
Quantifizierung der Stickstoffsenken in der Ostsee unter Berücksichtigung von Umweltvariablen.
(Research Grants)
Nitrate source identification and quantification in the euphotic zone of the Baltic Proper using nitrogen and oxygen stable isotopes
(Research Grants)
Nitrogen fixation in the monsoon impacted Mekong River plume
(Research Grants)
Metabolism of Nitrogen in the Amazon River plume and Western Tropical North Atlantic (MeNARP)
(Research Grants)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 2000: The German Baltic Sea Coast as Terrestrial-Marine Interface of Water and Matter Fluxes (Baltic Transcoast)
(Research Training Groups)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Pelagic processes and nitrogen cycle in coastal waters off southern central Vietnam: mesocosm experiments, field work and modelling
(Research Grants)
Unravelling the importance of the Laptev Sea system in the Arctic biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen
(Research Grants)