Dr. Richard Seifert (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Mineralogische, geochemische und biologische Untersuchungen an Hydrothermalsystemen des Mittelatlantischen Rückens zwischen 14°45`N und 15°05`N (Forschungsantrag M 60/3)
(Priority Programmes)
Tectono-magmatic evolution and fluid geochemistry and biology in hydrothermal vent fields of the Mic-Atlantic between 4° and 11° S (M64/1)
(Priority Programmes)
Longstern study of hydrothermalism and biology at the Logatchev field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 15°N (revisit 2005) M64/2
(Priority Programmes)
Biogeochemistry and microbial consortia at gas seeps of the deep Black Sea (M72/1)
(Priority Programmes)
Biosignatures in precipitates and altered rocks at hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: organic geochemistry, microbiology and petrography
(Priority Programmes)
Gas chemistry and carbon cycling at hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: time- and space-referenced biogeochemical and isotopic investigations
(Priority Programmes)
Formation mechanisms of low-magnesium calcite and associated barite at cold seeps in today's aragonite sea
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Emission und Dynamik natürlich gebildeter halogenierter Kohlenstoffverbindungen an deutschen Küsten
(Research Grants)
Koordinatorantrag M72
(Priority Programmes)