Privatdozentin Dr. Catherine McCammon
Universität Bayreuth
Bayerisches Geoinstitut (BGI)
Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth
As Applicant
Completed projects
Structure, properties and high-pressure and high-temperature behaviour of iron oxides with implications for the structure and dynamics of the Earth`s lower mantle and core
(Research Grants)
High-pressure high temperature 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in laser-heated diamond anvil cells: Applications for the mineralogy of Earths´s lower mantle and core
(Priority Programmes)
Iron-bearing minerals in Earth's lower mantle and core-mantle boundary: Development and application of a synchrotron Mössbauer source
(Research Grants)
The effect of pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacity on the stability of subducted carbonates and implications for the deep carbon cycle
(Research Grants)
How pressure influences the magnetic properties of titanomagnetite and iron with implications for magnetic anomalies and core fields
(Priority Programmes)
Fe spin transition in the Earth's mantle: insight from X-ray Raman scattering and X-ray absorption spectroscopy
(Research Grants)
Elastic properties of carbonates at high pressures and temperatures
(Research Units)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Ca-Si-Fe-Perowskite mit Sauerstoff-Defekten: Strukturen, Stabilität, Eigenschaften
(Research Grants)
Experimental investigation of the redox conditions at which carbonate minerals and melts transform to graphite or diamond in Earths mantle
(Research Grants)
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Structural, electronic and magnetic properties of oxides at high pressures and temperatures: new polymorphs, new insights and new possible applications
(Research Grants)
Origin and composition of hydrothermal fluids related to the formation of granite-related Sn-W deposits in SW England.
(Research Grants)
Crystallization conditions of carbonatites and associated alkaline silicate rocks
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Pyrite formation at ambient temperature – resolving the interplay between microbes, iron minerals, sulfur supplies and associated organics
(Research Grants)